(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.cdf.text *) (*** Wolfram CDF File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/cdf *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 8.0' *) (*************************************************************************) (* *) (* The Mathematica License under which this file was created prohibits *) (* restricting third parties in receipt of this file from republishing *) (* or redistributing it by any means, including but not limited to *) (* rights management or terms of use, without the express consent of *) (* Wolfram Research, Inc. *) (* *) (*************************************************************************) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 835, 17] NotebookDataLength[ 55539, 1203] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 55000, 1170] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 55414, 1186] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 55371, 1183] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree", "Title", CellChangeTimes->{{3.5457550953305087`*^9, 3.5457551112654204`*^9}, { 3.558272773044202*^9, 3.5582727910878305`*^9}}, Background->RGBColor[1, 0.85, 0.85]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ "How are even-powered functions related? odd-powered functions? \n\n", StyleBox["Example 1:", FontWeight->"Bold", FontVariations->{"Underline"->True}], " In the interactive frame below, choose the \ \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]quadratic (or even power)\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] \ parent function from the drop-down menu. Use the \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]p\ \[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] slider to change the degree. \n\na.\tHow are the \ graphs of even-powered functions similar? different?\nb.\tIdentify the \ following for even-powered functions:\n\ti.\tShape of f:\n\tii. \tf is \ decreasing on the interval_______.\n\tiii.\tf is increasing on the \ interval_______.\n\tiv.\tf is constant at x = _____.\n\tv.\tDomain of f:\n\t\ vi.\tRange of f:\n\tvii.\tSymmetry of f:\n\tviii.\tf passes through the \ following coordinate points:\nc.\tRepeat questions (a) and (b) for the \ \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]cubic (or odd power)\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] parent \ function." }], "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.5582728232806845`*^9, 3.5582729325056663`*^9}, { 3.5582729855145593`*^9, 3.5582730148710055`*^9}, {3.558273117895185*^9, 3.55827312709*^9}, {3.5971882655162697`*^9, 3.597188294826311*^9}, { 3.5971883336913652`*^9, 3.5971884471965246`*^9}, {3.5971885700766964`*^9, 3.5971886106917534`*^9}, {3.597188654881815*^9, 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If[$CellContext`w$$ == 1, "", ")"], "|"}]], Which[$CellContext`k$$ > 0, Row[{" + ", $CellContext`k$$}], $CellContext`k$$ == 0, " ", $CellContext`k$$ < 0, $CellContext`k$$]}], "?"], "\n", $CellContext`do, If[$CellContext`RangeF$$, Row[{" ", Style["R", Italic], " = ", Which[$CellContext`a$$ > 0, Row[{"[", $CellContext`k$$, ", ", Infinity, ")"}], Or[$CellContext`a$$ == 0, $CellContext`w$$ == 0], Row[{"{", $CellContext`k$$, "}"}], $CellContext`a$$ < 0, Row[{"(", -Infinity, ", ", $CellContext`k$$, "]"}]], " "}], ""]}], 25]], $CellContext`parent$$ == 7, Plot[ If[$CellContext`GraphF$$, If[ EvenQ[$CellContext`n$$], $CellContext`a$$ ($CellContext`w$$ \ ($CellContext`x - $CellContext`h$$))^(1/$CellContext`n$$) + $CellContext`k$$, Piecewise[{{( Sign[$CellContext`w$$] $CellContext`a$$) ( Abs[$CellContext`w$$] ($CellContext`x - \ $CellContext`h$$))^( 1/$CellContext`n$$) + $CellContext`k$$, $CellContext`x - \ $CellContext`h$$ >= 0}, {((-Sign[$CellContext`w$$]) $CellContext`a$$) ( Abs[$CellContext`w$$] (-$CellContext`x + \ $CellContext`h$$))^( 1/$CellContext`n$$) + $CellContext`k$$, $CellContext`x - \ $CellContext`h$$ < 0}}]], 10], {$CellContext`x, -6, 6}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Thick}, AxesStyle -> Thick, BaseStyle -> {14}, PlotRange -> {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}}, Ticks -> {$CellContext`tickset$, $CellContext`tickset$}, GridLines -> {$CellContext`tickset$, $CellContext`tickset$}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, ImageSize -> {400, 400}, PlotLabel -> Style[ Row[{$CellContext`fx, If[$CellContext`FunctionF$$, Row[{ If[ Or[$CellContext`a$$ == 0, $CellContext`w$$ == 0], "0", Row[{ If[$CellContext`a$$ == 1, "", $CellContext`a$$], Row[{ If[$CellContext`w$$ == 1, "", Row[{$CellContext`w$$, "("}]], $CellContext`x - $CellContext`h$$, If[$CellContext`w$$ == 1, "", ")"]}]^( 1/$CellContext`n$$)}]], Which[$CellContext`k$$ > 0, Row[{" + ", $CellContext`k$$}], $CellContext`k$$ == 0, " ", $CellContext`k$$ < 0, $CellContext`k$$]}], "?"], "\n", If[$CellContext`DomainF$$, If[ EvenQ[$CellContext`n$$], Row[{" ", Style["D", Italic], " = ", Which[$CellContext`w$$ > 0, Row[{"[", $CellContext`h$$, ", ", Infinity, ")"}], $CellContext`w$$ == 0, "\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]", $CellContext`w$$ < 0, Row[{"(" - Infinity, ", ", $CellContext`h$$, "]"}]]}], " ", Row[{ Style["D", Italic], " = \[DoubleStruckCapitalR] "}]], ""], If[$CellContext`RangeF$$, If[ EvenQ[$CellContext`n$$], Row[{" ", Style["R", Italic], " = ", Which[$CellContext`a$$ > 0, Row[{"[", $CellContext`k$$, ", ", Infinity, ")"}], Or[$CellContext`a$$ == 0, $CellContext`w$$ == 0], Row[{"{", $CellContext`k$$, "}"}], $CellContext`a$$ < 0, Row[{"(", -Infinity, ", ", $CellContext`k$$, "]"}]], " "}], " ", Row[{ Style["R", Italic], " = \[DoubleStruckCapitalR] "}]], ""]}], 25]]]], "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`parent$$, 5, "parent function"}, { 1 -> "constant", 2 -> "identity", 3 -> "linear", 4 -> "quadratic (or even power)", 5 -> "cubic (or odd power)", 6 -> "absolute value", 7 -> "square root (or \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(n\), \(th\)]\) root)"}, ControlPlacement -> Top}, {{$CellContext`c$$, 2}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 1}, OpenerView[{"constant", Manipulate`Place[1]}, Dynamic[ If[$CellContext`parent$$ == 1, True, False]], Enabled -> False], {{$CellContext`m$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 2}, {{$CellContext`b$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 3}, {{$CellContext`resetlinear$$, False, "reset"}, {False, True}, ControlPlacement -> 4}, OpenerView[{"linear", Column[{ Manipulate`Place[2], Manipulate`Place[3], Manipulate`Place[4]}]}, Dynamic[ If[$CellContext`parent$$ == 3, True, False]], Enabled -> False], {{$CellContext`a$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 5}, {{$CellContext`h$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 6}, {{$CellContext`k$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 7}, {{$CellContext`w$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 8}, {{$CellContext`p$$, 2}, 2, 10, 2, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 9}, {{$CellContext`resetquadratic$$, False, "reset"}, {False, True}, ControlPlacement -> 10}, OpenerView[{"quadratic (or even power)", Column[{ Item[ Style[ "f(x)=a[w(x-h)\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(]\), \(p\)]\)+k", Italic, 11], Alignment -> Center], Manipulate`Place[5], Manipulate`Place[6], Manipulate`Place[7], Manipulate`Place[8], Manipulate`Place[9], Manipulate`Place[10]}]}, Dynamic[ If[$CellContext`parent$$ == 4, True, False]], Enabled -> False], {{$CellContext`a$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 11}, {{$CellContext`h$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 12}, {{$CellContext`k$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 13}, {{$CellContext`w$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 14}, {{$CellContext`po$$, 3, $CellContext`p$$}, 1, 11, 2, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 15}, {{$CellContext`resetcubic$$, False, "reset"}, {False, True}, ControlPlacement -> 16}, OpenerView[{"cubic (or odd power)", Column[{ Item[ Style[ "f(x)=a[w(x-h)\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(]\), \(p\)]\)+k", Italic, 11], Alignment -> Center], Manipulate`Place[11], Manipulate`Place[12], Manipulate`Place[13], Manipulate`Place[14], Manipulate`Place[15], Manipulate`Place[16]}]}, Dynamic[ If[$CellContext`parent$$ == 5, True, False]], Enabled -> False], {{$CellContext`a$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 17}, {{$CellContext`h$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 18}, {{$CellContext`k$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 19}, {{$CellContext`w$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 20}, {{$CellContext`resetabsolute$$, False, "reset"}, {False, True}, ControlPlacement -> 21}, OpenerView[{"absolute value", Column[{ Item[ Style["f(x)=a|w(x-h)|+k", Italic, 11], Alignment -> Center], Manipulate`Place[17], Manipulate`Place[18], Manipulate`Place[19], Manipulate`Place[20], Manipulate`Place[21]}]}, Dynamic[ If[$CellContext`parent$$ == 6, True, False]], Enabled -> False], {{$CellContext`a$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 22}, {{$CellContext`h$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 23}, {{$CellContext`k$$, 0}, -5, 5, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 24}, {{$CellContext`w$$, 1}, -3, 3, 0.1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 25}, {{$CellContext`n$$, 2}, 2, 8, 2, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, ControlPlacement -> 26}, {{$CellContext`resetroot$$, False, "reset"}, {False, True}, ControlPlacement -> 27}, OpenerView[{ "square root (or \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(n\), \(th\)]\) root)", Column[{ Item[ Style[ "f(x)=a\!\(\*RadicalBox[\(w \((x - h)\)\), \(n\)]\)+k", Italic, 11], Alignment -> Center], Manipulate`Place[22], Manipulate`Place[23], Manipulate`Place[24], Manipulate`Place[25], Manipulate`Place[26], Manipulate`Place[27]}]}, Dynamic[ If[$CellContext`parent$$ == 7, True, False]], Enabled -> False], {{$CellContext`FunctionF$$, True, "function"}, { False, True}}, {{$CellContext`GraphF$$, True, "graph"}, { False, True}}, {{$CellContext`DomainF$$, False, "domain"}, { False, True}}, {{$CellContext`RangeF$$, False, "range"}, { False, True}}}, "Options" :> { ControlPlacement -> Left, AutorunSequencing -> {2}, TrackedSymbols :> {$CellContext`parent$$, $CellContext`c$$, \ $CellContext`m$$, $CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`h$$, \ $CellContext`k$$, $CellContext`w$$, $CellContext`p$$, $CellContext`po$$, \ $CellContext`n$$, $CellContext`FunctionF$$, $CellContext`GraphF$$, \ $CellContext`DomainF$$, $CellContext`RangeF$$, $CellContext`resetlinear$$, \ $CellContext`resetquadratic$$, $CellContext`resetcubic$$, \ $CellContext`resetabsolute$$, $CellContext`resetroot$$}}, "DefaultOptions" :> {ControllerLinking -> True}], ImageSizeCache->{615., {245., 252.}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, SynchronousInitialization->True, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellID->502838831] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]Catalog of Some Elementary Functions\ \[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/CatalogOfSomeElementaryFunctions/ contributed by German Vargas is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA.\ \>", "Text", CellGroupingRules->{"GroupTogetherGrouping", 0}, CellChangeTimes->{ 3.649086280038359*^9, {3.6490863227988048`*^9, 3.649086336364581*^9}}, TextAlignment->Right], Cell["End Behavior of Polynomial Functions", "Section", CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping", Inherited}, CellChangeTimes->{{3.5582732119849467`*^9, 3.558273222974965*^9}}, FontSize->24, Background->RGBColor[1, 0.9, 0.8]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Example 8:", FontWeight->"Bold", FontVariations->{"Underline"->True}], " Consider the function f(x) in the graph below. What happens to the \ y-values of f when x increases/decreases without bound? Use the slider to \ zoom out. Fill in the blanks:\n\nAs ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["x", TraditionalForm]]], "\[LongRightArrow]\[Infinity], f(x) \[LongRightArrow]______.\nAs ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["x", TraditionalForm]]], "\[LongRightArrow] -\[Infinity], f(x) \[LongRightArrow]______. \n\n\ Therefore, as |x| \[LongRightArrow]\[Infinity], f(x) \[LongRightArrow]______.\ \n\nDo the y-values of f follow any pattern when x increases/decreases \ without bound? How does f compare to the general monomial function of the \ same degree? Fill in the blank:\n\nAs |x| \[RightArrow] \[Infinity], f(x) \ behaves like the function_____________." }], "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.545755125850254*^9, 3.5457552220297556`*^9}, { 3.597250942952325*^9, 3.597250944832327*^9}, {3.597250986202385*^9, 3.5972510057374125`*^9}, {3.597251298522846*^9, 3.5972513205028768`*^9}, { 3.597251359117931*^9, 3.597251399137987*^9}, {3.597255544820793*^9, 3.597255568170826*^9}, {3.5972557361310616`*^9, 3.5972558392212057`*^9}, { 3.597255878631261*^9, 3.5972558968012857`*^9}, {3.597255965381382*^9, 3.5972559902664165`*^9}, {3.5972560509265018`*^9, 3.597256062231518*^9}, { 3.661000125423519*^9, 3.661000126230054*^9}}, FontSize->22, Background->RGBColor[0.88, 1, 0.88]], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{$CellContext`a$$ = 0, $CellContext`b$$ = -1, $CellContext`c$$ = 1, $CellContext`d$$ = 1, $CellContext`e$$ = 1, $CellContext`f$$ = -1, $CellContext`n$$ = 1, Typeset`show$$ = True, Typeset`bookmarkList$$ = {}, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$ = "Menu", Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$ = 1, Typeset`name$$ = "\"untitled\"", Typeset`specs$$ = {{{ Hold[$CellContext`n$$], 5, "range"}, 1, 120, 1}, { Hold["coefficients of:"], Manipulate`Dump`ThisIsNotAControl}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`a$$], 0, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(5\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`b$$], 0, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(4\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`c$$], 0, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(3\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`d$$], 1, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(2\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`e$$], 1, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(1\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`f$$], 41, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(0\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1}}, Typeset`size$$ = {350., {131., 136.}}, Typeset`update$$ = 0, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$ = True, $CellContext`n$165624$$ = 0, $CellContext`a$165625$$ = 0, $CellContext`b$165626$$ = 0, $CellContext`c$165627$$ = 0, $CellContext`d$165628$$ = 0, $CellContext`e$165629$$ = 0, $CellContext`f$165630$$ = 0}, DynamicBox[Manipulate`ManipulateBoxes[ 1, StandardForm, "Variables" :> {$CellContext`a$$ = 0, $CellContext`b$$ = 0, $CellContext`c$$ = 0, $CellContext`d$$ = 1, $CellContext`e$$ = 1, $CellContext`f$$ = 41, $CellContext`n$$ = 5}, "ControllerVariables" :> { Hold[$CellContext`n$$, $CellContext`n$165624$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`a$165625$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`b$165626$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`c$$, $CellContext`c$165627$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`d$$, $CellContext`d$165628$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`e$$, $CellContext`e$165629$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`f$$, $CellContext`f$165630$$, 0]}, "OtherVariables" :> { Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkList$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$, Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$, Typeset`name$$, Typeset`specs$$, Typeset`size$$, Typeset`update$$, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$}, "Body" :> With[{$CellContext`func$ = $CellContext`a$$ $CellContext`x^5 + \ $CellContext`b$$ $CellContext`x^4 + $CellContext`c$$ $CellContext`x^3 + \ $CellContext`d$$ $CellContext`x^2 + $CellContext`e$$ $CellContext`x + \ $CellContext`f$$}, Plot[$CellContext`func$, {$CellContext`x, -$CellContext`n$$, \ $CellContext`n$$}, PlotRange -> All, PlotLabel -> $CellContext`func$, ImageSize -> 350, ImagePadding -> {{10, 10}, {10, 35}}]], "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`n$$, 5, "range"}, 1, 120, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny}, Delimiter, "coefficients of:", {{$CellContext`a$$, 0, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(5\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny}, {{$CellContext`b$$, 0, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(4\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny}, {{$CellContext`c$$, 0, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(3\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny}, {{$CellContext`d$$, 1, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(2\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny}, {{$CellContext`e$$, 1, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(1\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny}, {{$CellContext`f$$, 41, "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(0\)]\)"}, -100, 100, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Tiny, Exclusions -> 0}}, "Options" :> {ControlPlacement -> Left}, "DefaultOptions" :> {ControllerLinking -> True}], ImageSizeCache->{569., {161., 168.}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, SynchronousInitialization->True, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellID->73546283] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Example 9:", FontWeight->"Bold", FontVariations->{"Underline"->True}], " Consider the degree-5 function ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " below (in blue). The general function ", StyleBox["y = 20", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["x", "5"], TraditionalForm]], FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], " is graphed in red. What do you notice as you zoom out? Use the range \ slider. Fill in the blanks:\n\nAs ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["x", TraditionalForm]]], "\[LongRightArrow]\[Infinity], ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " \[LongRightArrow]______.\nAs ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["x", TraditionalForm]]], "\[LongRightArrow] -\[Infinity], ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " \[LongRightArrow]______. \n\nDo the y-values of ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " follow any pattern when x increases/decreases without bound? How does ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " compare to the graph of ", StyleBox["y = 20", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["x", "5"], TraditionalForm]], FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], "? Fill in the blank:\n\nAs |x| \[RightArrow] \[Infinity], ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " behaves like the function_____________." }], "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.545755125850254*^9, 3.5457552220297556`*^9}, { 3.56917116387004*^9, 3.569171181925065*^9}, {3.569171243520151*^9, 3.5691713416902885`*^9}, {3.5798060320096836`*^9, 3.5798061015616617`*^9}, { 3.597255355285528*^9, 3.5972553808255634`*^9}, {3.597255453055665*^9, 3.5972555314957743`*^9}, {3.59725560695088*^9, 3.597255607445881*^9}, { 3.5972560098314447`*^9, 3.5972560270514684`*^9}, {3.5972560766365376`*^9, 3.5972561064215794`*^9}, {3.6490031461192865`*^9, 3.649003153306697*^9}, { 3.64908645541539*^9, 3.6490864676750913`*^9}, {3.6490866018657665`*^9, 3.649086604034891*^9}, {3.661000139382786*^9, 3.661000140278381*^9}}, FontSize->22, Background->RGBColor[0.88, 1, 0.88]], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{$CellContext`a$$ = 20, $CellContext`b$$ = -7, $CellContext`c$$ = 26, $CellContext`d$$ = 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}, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Example 10:", FontWeight->"Bold", FontVariations->{"Underline"->True}], " Consider the degree-4 function ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " below (in blue). The general function ", StyleBox["y = 2", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["x", "4"], TraditionalForm]], FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], " is graphed in red. What do you notice as you zoom out? Use the range \ slider. Fill in the blanks:\n\nAs ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["x", TraditionalForm]]], "\[LongRightArrow]\[Infinity], ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " \[LongRightArrow]______.\nAs ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["x", TraditionalForm]]], "\[LongRightArrow] -\[Infinity], ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " \[LongRightArrow]______. \n\nDo the y-values of ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " follow any pattern when x increases/decreases without bound? How does ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " compare to the graph of ", StyleBox["y = 2", FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["x", "4"], TraditionalForm]], FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], "? Fill in the blank:\n\nAs |x| \[RightArrow] \[Infinity], ", StyleBox["f(x)", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " behaves like the function_____________." }], "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.545755125850254*^9, 3.5457552220297556`*^9}, { 3.56917116387004*^9, 3.569171181925065*^9}, {3.569171243520151*^9, 3.5691713416902885`*^9}, {3.5798060320096836`*^9, 3.5798061015616617`*^9}, { 3.597255355285528*^9, 3.5972553808255634`*^9}, {3.597255453055665*^9, 3.5972555314957743`*^9}, {3.59725560695088*^9, 3.597255607445881*^9}, { 3.5972560098314447`*^9, 3.5972560270514684`*^9}, {3.5972560766365376`*^9, 3.5972561064215794`*^9}, {3.5972561990617094`*^9, 3.5972562070817204`*^9}, { 3.6490864742174654`*^9, 3.6490864893373303`*^9}, {3.6490865718630505`*^9, 3.649086581793618*^9}, {3.661000144683305*^9, 3.661000144920462*^9}}, FontSize->22, Background->RGBColor[0.88, 1, 0.88]], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{$CellContext`a$$ = 0, $CellContext`b$$ = 2, $CellContext`c$$ = 100, $CellContext`d$$ 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Some functions and \ variables altered from the original.\ \>", "Text", CellGroupingRules->{"GroupTogetherGrouping", 0}, CellChangeTimes->{{3.649086675507979*^9, 3.649086697513237*^9}, { 3.66297257007812*^9, 3.6629725789199276`*^9}}, TextAlignment->Right] }, WindowSize->{1600, 800}, WindowMargins->{{-9, Automatic}, {Automatic, -9}}, FrontEndVersion->"10.3 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (October 9, 2015)", StyleDefinitions->FrontEnd`FileName[{"Book"}, "Textbook.nb", CharacterEncoding -> "WindowsANSI"] ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1257, 32, 213, 3, 99, "Title"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1495, 39, 1670, 28, 484, "Section"], Cell[3168, 69, 29271, 588, 514, "Output", CellID->502838831] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[32466, 661, 444, 9, 59, "Text", CellGroupingRules->{"GroupTogetherGrouping", 0}], Cell[32913, 672, 226, 4, 67, "Section", CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping", Inherited}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[33164, 680, 1509, 28, 354, "Section"], Cell[34676, 710, 4543, 86, 346, "Output", CellID->73546283] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[39256, 801, 2132, 55, 322, "Section"], Cell[41391, 858, 4722, 89, 346, "Output", CellID->538064199] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[46150, 952, 2136, 55, 322, "Section"], Cell[48289, 1009, 4781, 90, 346, "Output", CellID->657724307] }, Open ]], Cell[53085, 1102, 1386, 54, 98, "Section"], Cell[54474, 1158, 522, 10, 58, "Text", CellGroupingRules->{"GroupTogetherGrouping", 0}] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *) (* NotebookSignature mupurYEh09lrIDKp28udCIu1 *)