All Politics is Local

Voting in elections is one of my favorite ways to play a part in history. It’s a right that I know others have fought for me to have. (Constitutional Trivia: The 15th Amendment enables non-whites and low-income citizens the right to vote. The 19th Amendment enables women to vote. The 26th Amendment allows citizens 18 and over to vote.)

This past Tuesday, just over 50% of the eligible voters in my district (Braddock, Fairfax County, Virginia) cast a vote. While this turnout is better than most districts, it saddens me that many choose to sit it out.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.                                       – Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

Until the US Constitution was amended, (17th amendment), we did not directly vote for our US Senator. This year, 864 citizens in my district offered their preference. My vote mattered. So does yours.