What a great semester, it’s been! Every so often I pop in, with camera in hand, to see what’s going on around in the classrooms and hallways of our Art Department. I’m always thrilled at all of the creativity : )
Just because class is done for the day, doesn’t mean it’s not still time to create, and learn…

Pete Van Riper’s class, has been working on the figure.

Pete Van Riper’s evening class covers Drawing I-IV students. It’s a wonderful mix of beginning to advanced students all learning from one another as well.

We are around mid-semester and artwork is on the walls!

So much talent. Pete’s classes concentrate on the under-structures of the figure, hands and the skeleton as well as still life.
The students are learning a lot and getting to know their materials.

Stacy Slaten’s class is working on Pastel and Charcoal drawings

Her painting class had Regina Meile in for a guest artist talk, critique and general advice session. The students loved it!

The information is already paying off. Students are coming in to work on their projects in between classes. That’s a great thing!
Jessica Gardner’s Ceramic classes are a joy to visit! You never know what you’ll come across!

Stacy Slaten to her painting glass to the zoo to sketch the animals and then turn them into paintings.

Of course self portraits are also an important part of nearly every drawing class : )

Can’t wait to see what the summer students will create! See them soon… Classes begin again soon.
Blog post by Britt Conley, Studio Assistant to the Fine Art Department.