Work Smarter, Not Harder

This week, we will do a series on how to study effectively. Often, when we think of studying, we conjure up thoughts of spending hours upon hours sitting at a desk focusing on one subject until our eyes fall out. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Everyone has their own studying habits, but it’s always fun to mix things up. Trying that new study tip might be the thing to help you through your exams and papers.

It’s okay to take a break from studying. Taking a five to ten minute break can help you re-energize and focus on your study goals. In the article “10 Highly Effectively Study Habits,” John M. Grohol remarks that “rewards start by chunking study time into manageable components.” Taking a small study break each hour (or half an hour, or 45 minutes) can help stave off any boredom you might feel.

Here are some ideas for your study break from Bill Fleming, our Outreach and Marketing Librarian:

“When you get worn out and bleary eyed, get some fresh air and crank some tunes in those headphones for a while to get yourself pumped again!”

Samara Carter, our periodicals and ILL Library Specialist, also takes small breaks when studying and recommends hot mint tea–especially peppermint–as a way to remain calm during exam week.

As a way to de-stress and take a break, stop by the library next Wednesday at 10 a.m. and next Thursday at 1 p.m. to grab a treat.