Student Organization Book Display: SGA!

This semester, the Annandale Campus Library is working with student organizations to create book displays, showcasing topics relevant to our own campus community. Last month, Dreamers Empowered offered book recommendations on issues surrounding undocumented immigrants. This month’s display comes from the Annandale Student Government Association!

Annandale Student Government Association

Photo: 4 SGA members stand with library books

What we do:
“The Student Government Association (SGA) is a permanent standing entity which acts as the liaison between the student body and the campus administration. Our mission is to promote awareness of campus issues, foster a sense of health and well-being, and recognize student excellence by maintaining an open dialogue between students, faculty, and administration. Our vision is to empower the NOVA students to make the most of their college experience.”

Why we want you to read these books:
“The books we chose show leadership, strength, and what our Student Government strives to be. We are a community college student government that tries to make the campus better for all NOVA students. We show leadership in all our work and many of our books  show different sides of leadership, critical thinking, working with others, and cultural understanding.”

A few of the books we chose:

Redesigning America’s Community Colleges – Thomas R. Bailey

Start with Why – Simon Sinek

The Art of War – Sun Tzu

The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg

My Beloved World – Sonia Sotomayor


To check out more recommendations, come visit the SGA’s book display in the Annandale Library, CG 3rd floor!

To learn more about the Annandale SGA, please contact

To create your own book display, please contact

Happy reading!