Best Practices

Best Practices: These are a few best practices shared by your fellow instructors on the things that make remote teaching better.

    • Keep lectures under 30 minutes.
    • Save Zoom class meetings for discussion of the chapter and other activities to reinforce or discuss how to complete assignments.
    • Use the waiting room for student groups to really talk amongst themselves.
    • Complete tech training is a must!
    • Send detailed “to-do” emails each week to students that included specific timings on lectures, office hours and zoom availability.
    • Make sure that all Canvas material is clearly labeled each week.
    • Ensure most to all students have the appropriate technology & access to resources.
    • Demonstrate a collaborative culture.  People tend to be more engaged when they feel like they are part of a team.
    • Maintain as much flexibility as possible, while adhering to academic schedules and rigor.
    • Develop more interactive assignments on Canvas to stimulate student engagement, i.e. video case studies, presentations via Zoom, and group assignments.
    • Do not let yourself get overwhelmed; take breaks from the computer, and set boundaries to avoid burn out.
    • Planning, preparing, and organization is the key to success.
    • Team work and reinforcing concepts for learning through the different resources such as YouTube videos, & Ted Talks are great.
    • Keep in regular contact with your students, emails, ZOOM, Announcements, and calls when necessary.
    • Be upfront with expectations and adjust if you need to accommodate the students as much as possible.