

Semester 1
ACC 219 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting 3
ACC 221 Intermediate Accounting I 3
ACC 231 Cost Accounting I 3
ACC 261 Principles of Federal Taxation I 3
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
Total 15
Semester 2
ACC 222 Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACC 230 Advanced Accounting 3
ACC 241 Auditing I 3
ACC 262 Principles of Federal Taxation II 3
Total 12
Total credits for the Career Studies Certificate = 27

All first-time students must take a one-credit Student Development (SDV) course prior to enrolling in their 16th credit at NOVA. First-time-to-college students ages 17-24 must complete an SDV course within their first year at NOVA.

Since the CPA exam is a computer-based test, students should be proficient with computers, including the ability to work with Windows, Word, and Excel.