NOVA Group at GWU

MLK Day Of Service 2016

The PSP was a great success! And if the eventful week wasn’t enough, after returning on Sunday evening, our determined CCI students got up early the following day to show their support for the Martin Luther King Day of Service. The following are a few examples of our student’s exemplary service! The following are a few examples of the CCI students’ noble work:

NOVA Group at GWUThe 2015-2016, NOVA Annandale and Alexandria campuses participated in the George Washington University’s MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 18th. Throughout the day, the students worked alongside students from GW and members of the community. They were able to share their experiences and culture, while volunteering their time to help sick children. Additionally, they learned more about Dr. King and his legacy.

The event started with a welcome from GW’s President, Steven Knapp, and a keynote address by Stacey Stewart, the U.S. president of United Way Worldwide. Following the opening addresses, the participants were dismissed by project groups for lunch. After lunch we went to our service project, which was to assemble craft packets for children in the hospital. The sponsoring organization is called Caitlin’s Smiles. We assembled packets for children to make bookmarks and friendship bracelets. From there we moved onto a workshop entitled “Realizing King’s Dream with the Principles of Kwanzaa” given by Sam P.K. Collins. Mr. Collins is a grassroots journalist and founder of AllEyesonDC, a news organization that focuses on issues that affect people of African descent in the D.C. metropolitan region through words and film. During the workshop the students learned about the origins and principles of Kwanzaa and Mr. Collins talk about the need for African self-determination and economic empowerment within the black community, a philosophy that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. embraced toward the end of his life. The workshop was very interactive and the students were very engaged in the conversation and shared their own experiences and views. After the workshop, Sifiso Ngobeni, journalism and media student from South Africa, exchanged contact information and set up a meeting for some time in the next week. Mr. Collins was very impressed with Sifiso and excited to hear that he is studying journalism.

The students were featured in the GW Blog.

MDC at Feeding South FloridaThe participants of the Miami Dade College – Wolfson campus took part in a large MLK Speaking event that is the biggest in the county. It addressed leadership, celebrating and embracing different cultures as well as volunteerism in the community. The following link has more information:

BHCC with Fox News AnchorThe CCI students of BHCC went to several different locations to conduct their day of service for MLK. The Early Childhood Education students went with their internship site – Jumpstart, and other students went individually to other site. Several participated with Boston Cares MLK Day of Service held at the Boston Latin School. They made literacy games and reading journals that were donated to three elementary schools across the city. The event involved 650 volunteers total and was attended by the Superintendent of BPS, Dr. Tommy Chang, as well as Mayor Walsh.

One student, spent his day volunteering at the Women’s Lunch Place, washing dishes and serving lunch.

And lastly, several others volunteered as ushers for the tribute to MLK Jr. at the Boston Children Chorus.

SCC at 51 Ranch in Yavapai CountyThe entire CCI 2015-16 cohort at Scottsdale Community College volunteered to rebuild a wildlife water tank at the 51 Ranch in Yavapai County, Arizona. The group partnered with Arizona Game & Fish Department, and the Mule Deer Foundation to make this one-day project happen. The 50,000 gallon water tank and rain catchment was originally built in the 1970s. Rotting wood from age and forest fires needed to be replaced as well as a new wildlife water drinker installed. Students helped to replace posts, attach catchment sheeting, and replace the old drinker. This catchment and drinker will serve to help deer, elk, bobcat, bear, mountain lions, as well as cattle during long dry summer months. The Mule Deer Foundation provided a nice presentation about the importance of public-private partnerships in the conservation of native species in Arizona. Water resources like this are critical to creating sustainable habitats.

The CCI students of Houston Community College volunteered for the 22nd Annual MLK Grande-Parade in Houston. As a collaborative group effort, all fourteen were active and contributed over five hours of community service that day. Students had fun, learned about the importance of Martin Luther King, and why we celebrate this day in the USA.

Thank you 2015-16 CCI participants for your dedication to service learning in the United States!

Posted in Events, Participants, Volunteering.