CCI alumni in Brazil

CCI Alumni: Making a Difference in their Home Communities

This summer, the Community College Initiative (CCI) Program will release a series of videos that showcases the impact of CCI alumni projects and contributions in their home communities. Over the past several months, a small team of filmmakers from StoryCenter have been making their way around the world to film […]

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International Volunteer Day 2017

In honor of International Volunteer Day (IVD) 2017, the CCI Program is celebrating this year’s theme of #VolunteersActFirst. IVD 2017’s theme #VolunteersActFirst. Here. Everywhere. recognizes the contributions of volunteers as first responders in times of crisis. #VolunteersActFirst The impact of volunteers as first responders is especially relevant to this year’s […]

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Maria Eima with her host family during Thanksgiving.

Celebrating Thanksgiving as an International Student

Last week, CCI international exchange participants celebrated Thanksgiving. Some joined their local host families for dinner and others took the short break from school to learn more about their host country by traveling to new states. For most CCI students, this was their first Thanksgiving celebration and was the one […]

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International Education Week 2017

Last week, CCI international exchange students participated in and hosted a series of events at their host community colleges to celebrate International Education Week (IEW) 2017. International Education Week is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education and is an opportunity to […]

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