Are you prepared?

Being prepared at home is just as important as being prepared at NOVA. In a major disaster, it might be several days before vital services are restored. Tornados, fires, severe storms, power outages, and acts of terrorism are just some of the potential emergencies we may encounter. Imagine that you have no electricity, no gas, no water and no telephone service. Imagine that all the businesses are closed and you are without any kind of emergency services. Because in this area of the country we are exposed to a wide variety of hazards, both natural and man made, there are some excellent guides available on what you can do to prepare yourself and your family (including pets) for an emergency. Remember, in many cases you may not have much warning so you need to prepare now to be ready.

To assist in developing your own plans the NOVA Office of Emergency Management & Planning recommends the following web sites:

For additional information about being prepared at NOVA please visit: .