April 30th is National PrepareAthon! Day

PrepareAthon! is a grassroots campaign for action to increase community preparedness and resilience. It is an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and communities to prepare for specific hazards that may impact their community. This is also a great opportunity to prepare yourself at NOVA too! The goal of this campaign is to increase the number of individuals who:

  • Understand which disasters could happen in your community and at NOVA
  • Know what to do to be safe and mitigate damage
  • Take action to increase your preparedness – reading NOVA’s Emergency Action Plan is a good first place to start
  • Participate in community and NOVA resilience planning and drills

Throughout this month, NOVA’s Office of Emergency Management and Safety challenges you to participate in this year’s PrepareAthon! by not only preparing here at NOVA, but also at your home and within your community. Please visit http://www.community.fema.gov/ to learn about activities within each of the ten topics below. You can also visit http://www.nvcc.edu/emergency for specific NOVA plans and procedures.