All posts by bderamus

Do you know what to do when severe weather hits?

Here we are again…  the beginning of the severe weather season.  As the meteorologists contemplate whether or not Northern Virginia is going to get hit by severe storms or even another derecho, we encourage you to make certain that you are prepared for whatever happens.  Familiarize yourself with NOVA’s Severe Weather Shelter Areas.  These areas are marked by green Severe Weather Shelter Area signs indicating that the space is designated as a safe area inside a building and away from windows.  You may be instructed to go to one of these areas in the event that there is a Tornado Warning issued or some other severe weather that requires you to get to a safe room.

Some tips for severe weather include:

  •  If a tornado WARNING is received, seek shelter immediately in a severe weather shelter area or go to an area that is in an interior hallway or room; at the lowest level in the building; and/or an area free of windows or glass.
  • Protect your body from flying debris with furniture and/or sturdy equipment.
  • Use your arms to protect your head and neck.

FEMA has several resources for aiding you to be prepared for severe weather at work, school, and/or home.  You can find out more on severe weather, tornadoes, and flooding at their website.

In the event that there is widespread damage or power outages, like after last summer’s derecho, please check NOVA’s homepage for status updates in case the College is closed or delayed.  You can also find more detailed information related to where any potential closings or delays will be announced by visiting OEMP’s website.

Are You Ready for Severe Weather?

In light of the severe weather that hit the Midwest this past week, OEMP wants to encourage everyone to follow FEMA’s advice and, “Make a Plan.”  By going to FEMA’s website, you can find advice for all types of natural disasters from earthquakes to tornadoes.  We also encourage you to locate the Severe Weather Shelter locations closest to your office or classroom in the event that you are instructed to Shelter in Place.

What Better Time Than Now to Start Thinking About Hurricane Season!

It is that time of year to start thinking about getting your home and office prepared for severe weather.  From May 25 – 31, Virginia residents can shop tax-free for certain preparedness items (that cost up to $60 or generators that cost less than $1000).  You can take a look at the Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s website for more information and a link to the specific items that fall under this tax-exempt status.

May 1st Evacuation Power Hour Registration Is Now Open

Do you know what to do if you are told to evacuate your office or classroom while at NOVA?  Join the Office of Emergency Management and Planning (OEMP) for its upcoming May Power Hour.  This one hour bring-your-own-lunch training will teach you what to do and how others on campus might react in an emergency evacuation situation which could involve fire, hazmat chemicals, police incident, and severe weather.   As with all Power Hour sessions, this training is open to all faculty, staff, and students.

  • Topic:  On May 1st, OEMP staff will train faculty, staff, and students about Evacuations.  Come learn what you and others should do when you are told to evacuate your office or classroom due to a police incident, inclement weather, fire, or other emergency.
  • Time:  Noon to 1:00 pm.
  • Locations for the May 1st Power Hour are as follows:

Alexandria – AA 418

Medical Education – 352

  • Registration:  The training is open to all but we ask that you please register in advance as sessions may be cancelled due to low enrollment.  Faculty and staff can register through the NOVA Academy.  Once logged in, click on the Learning Center, click on Course Catalog, type OEMP into the Search Text box, and then click Search.   Select NOVA – OEMP:  Evacuation, click on the campus you would like to attend, and then click register.  Students can register by sending an email to  If you have any questions, you may also contact the office at 703-764-5043.