Category Archives: Natural Disasters

Get Ready to ShakeOut!!!

Faculty, Staff and Students:
Get Ready to:  SHAKE OUT
 Northern Virginia Community College will participate in the…..
 “The Great Southest Shake Out” regional earthquake drill on Thursday, Oct. 18th, 2012 at 10:18am
What do I do?
An announcement will be made at 10:18 am using the intercom telephone system to start the drill.  Once the announcement is made, you should DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON!  You can simulate dropping, covering, and holding on!  At approximately 10:23, another announcement will be made that the “earthquake” is over and you should immediately evacuate the building!  Evacuate your building and report to your assembly point.  Persons with disabilities should seek assistance in evacuations.  At 10:35, you can return to your building as the drill concludes (no announcement will be made at the conclusion).
The Timeline is as follows:
10:18      Announcement made that the drill is starting.  “This is the start of the Regional Earthquake drill, please drop, cover, and hold on!”
10:23     Announcement made that the earthquake is over.  “The earthquake is over, please evacuate your buildings.”
10:35     Return to your building, no announcement will be made.  All persons should re-enter the building and continue classes.
Further information you can visit the website at  Also, you can view the OEMP Earthquake Training at Earthquake Presentation -Final- 10.2.12 THM V.1