“En abril, aguas mil” and Other Spanish Idioms

Learning idioms is a great way to build vocabulary, use a variety of grammar tenses and the subjunctive mood in short phrases, and expand your knowledge of the target culture while comparing it to your own.

Do you know these?

  1. El hambre es la mejor salsa.
  2. Nunca digas de esa agua no beberé (ni este cura no es mi padre).
  3. Del dicho al hecho hay un gran trecho.
  4. Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.

Interested to know their origin and meaning? The Centro Virtual Cervantes has information about the usage, origin and equivalents in other languages of these idioms and many more: https://cvc.cervantes.es/lengua/refranero/listado.aspx

(Pictured above: List of Spanish idioms compiled by a SPA 206 student with help from his Bolivian mother. A class favorite was “Al que le quede el guante que se lo chante.” We had to look up “chantar” in www.rae.es., which is typically used in Bolivia and other South American countries.)