Take Your Apps in a Flash!


Ever wish you could take all of your favorite apps with you from one computer to another? Maybe you’re out of town or don’t own a personal computer.  Now you can always have your desktop in reach with free software from PortableApps.com.

The PortableApps platform has over 300 free apps that you can take with you wherever you go by storing them locally or on a portable device like a flash drive. Once you download the PortableApps interface, You will quickly and easily be able to add apps, pictures portable apps interfaceand documents to the platform. Then, you can take them with you wherever you go! PortableApps has a library of open software including Chrome, Skype, Audacity, Mozilla, KeePass, McAfee, Fotografix and more for you to choose from.

Loading the PortableApps interface on different computer is as simple as downloading the PortableApp platform from the Cloud or external hard drive. You can even update or add apps from any computer with the app store embedded into the platform.  The userface is entirely customizable, from the organizational layout to colors and fonts; you can make the platform work just for you!

For more information check out DotTechs review!