Permanent part time gardener needed immediately, up to 20 hours per week seasonal (April to November). We are very flexible with scheduling.
We have extensive, varied and interesting landscaping in our home in Oakton about half of an acre that includes: perennial beds, shrub & tree beds, specimen trees, a few fruit trees and some natural woods. We have lovingly designed our gardens which are now mature and prefer to give them knowledgeable, tender loving, individualized attention and care.
Gardener works under my supervision on various tasks including: plant nutrition, disease control, pruning and trimming, dividing, planting new plants when required, weeding, turf management, and grounds maintenance such as leaf removal and moss control. If the candidate is willing, we also may have small scale garden related tasks such as fixing edging around beds etc. We use a sustainable mitigation approach to the management of the garden. We seek an enthusiastic individual who enjoys plants and likes working out in the elements.
My background includes environmental science degrees, and I have 40+ years hands-on experience as a gardener. I have knowledge to manage my gardens in all aspects, and I do not mind training a student candidate with less experience.
Pay is commensurate with experience and competitive to the industry.