Summer Wellness Series: Wrap Up

Live healthyWe made it! Within the past few months of our Summer Wellness Series we covered many different ways that each of us as individuals can reflect on our overall personal wellness in several areas including: Physical, Intellectual, Social, Financial , Spiritual/Emotional  and Environmental.

So now what? How can you move forward with all of this knowledge you have gained? Create some personal goals!

Here are some reflection to help you do this:

Reflect on your own level of personal wellness. Hopefully you were able to do this as we walked through the series but take some time to think about:

  • How do you integrate personal wellness into your life?
  • What challenges or personal obstacles are you faced with everyday along with being a college student?
  • How can your surroundings influence your health in a positive or negative way?
  • How will choices you make today impact your future? Keep in mind that your social and mental/emotional health is just as important as your physical health.

Now, use some the this reflection to develop personal goals:

  • Create some long-term goals that you want to achieve over the next year or more.  (Example: Remove meat from my diet).
  • Break these down into smaller tasks that can become more manageable targets you can hit in the short term.   (Example: Plan to remove meat from my diet one day a week for a month). 
  • Develop a way that works for you to be accountable (Example: Use food tracker to record progress).

We hope that this will help you jump start you health and wellness goal-setting!

Thank you to all who have participated. Feel free to continue connecting and sharing information on our Virtual Student Union.