Community Service Spotlight: NOVACares

volunteers_neededThis month we want to highlight some wonderful opportunities through our own NOVA campus community that are coming up in April to give back with community service.

NOVACares is one of our offices at the college that provide resources and services to students at NOVA around different wellness topics such as mental health, homelessness, domestic violence, sexual assault and many others.

On behalf of Sexual Assault Awareness month in April , NOVA Sexual Assault Services will be sponsoring events on several of the campuses to educate students and raise awareness about these important issues. Some of these include The Red Flag Campaign, Denim Day, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes and Take Back the Night.  Please contact Angela Acosta at for more information.

Please help support their outreach efforts and volunteer your time!

Community Service Spotlight: Better World Books

7658051014_64f5e2cf11_hFor February, we want to highlight the Better World Books organization. Even though they may look like just another website that buy and sell used books, they are much more than that! Better World Books has an environmental as well as social mission.

They make a commitment to sustainability!  By finding and creating new ways for books to be recycled, Better World Books prevents the cycle of adding more unneeded waste to our landfills.

They have a strong focus on literacy!  Every book that is bought and sold through Better World Books helps fund literacy non-profits around the world. They have donated over 4 million books to under served communities.

How can you help?

You can support literacy programs by donating your own used books you might have! All you need is a box or envelope and Better World Books provide a free shipping label. This helps make it easier for participants to donate AND supports their sustainability mission by offsetting your carbon footprint!

Visit the site to learn more at :

Community Service Spotlight of the Month

kanga 3In our efforts to encourage and create a more civilly engaged community, each month we will be highlighting community service opportunities available and accessible for any student, no matter your geographic location!

Here is a unique service opportunity that benefits our global community!

Recently, parts of south Australia experienced some pretty harsh brush fires that injured several species of wildlife including koalas and various marsupials. The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)  is looking for volunteers to help these animals recover.

After releasing photos of Koalas with burn injuries to their paws, the organization has already received several pairs of cotton mittens made to help in the healing of these koalas. Now, The IFAW is asking for assistance in making pouches for orphaned marsupials such as baby joeys and opossums. This is where you come in! If you are handy with a needle and thread, you can make your very own pouch to send to these animals in need! Find the directions on how to make these pouches and where to mail them to in the below link. Not the most arts and crafty person? No worries, you can still donate to help the cause (details in below link as well.)

Koalas Whose Paws Were Injured In Fires Have Plenty Of Mittens Now — But Kangaroos Need Help

More Than Just a Holiday: Celebrating MLK Jr.

This Monday, January 19th we remember and celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Although we might be off from work and school to observe this day, it is important to reflect on the importance of this holiday in history of the United States, and the impact Dr. King had on this community our country’s civil rights movement. How can we honor the ideals of this great contributor to history?

Here some ways you can take some time to observe this holiday:

If you are in the Northern Virginia area, join the movement in giving back for the 6th Annual NOVA SERVES: MLK Day of Service. The service event will take place on Monday, January 19, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Alexandria Campus.

For more details visit
How much do you know about Dr. Martian Luther King Jr. and his contributions to the African-American community as well as our country? Take a few moments to check out this great documentary:
Do you have any other suggestion how how to observe this MLK Jr. Holiday? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments!


NOVA Idol 2015 Audition Information


Are you the next singing sensation to be named the champion of NOVA Idol?  Northern Virginia Community College is seeking its most talented singers to compete in the College’s annual singing competition.

Winners receive a cash prize!  In addition, NOVA Idol finalists each get free vocal and performance coaching.

The auditions for NOVA Idol 2015 begin on Monday, November 3 at the Alexandria Campus and conclude on Tuesday, November 11 at the Woodbridge Campus.  Auditions will take place on each campus from 4-8 p.m.  The complete audition schedule is below.

Interested participants will be asked to sing without accompaniment for no longer than two minutes.  Please apply online ( to assist with the audition process.  For more information contact Dr. Brenda Lewis-Holmes (

For more information visit!

NOVA Idol 2015 Audition Information


Monday, Nov. 3, 2014
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Tyler 121



Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014

4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

CA 302



Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2014

4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Colgan Theater



Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014

4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Faculty Lounge, 304



Monday, Nov. 10, 2014
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Fitness Center, LR 111

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014

4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.



Scholarships for DREAMers

NOVA is in the process of partnering with The Dream.US, an organization that promotes access to higher education for Dreamers.  Dream ActThrough this partnership, ten NOVA Dream.US scholars will be selected by Scholarship America each year, and hosted at NOVA with substantial scholarships and cohort programming.  Pathway to the Baccalaureate’s Monica Gomez, who is an expert in supporting this population, will coordinate the campus and cohort activities and serve as academic advisor for these NOVA scholars.  The scholarship deadline is October 26, so we need to get the word out quickly.

NOVA Online Leadership Common Experience: Week 5 cont..

Social Media Netiquette

Computer Cloud  real image

Earlier this week we stressed the importance of understanding proper “Netiquette” and creating a positive online presence when you are an online student. Have you thought about how you can continue to keep that positive positive presence  outside of that online classroom? That’s right, were talking about Social Media! Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and many other sources that you can use to virtually be “social” with other people.


With so many people using these forms of media, we want to share with you some helpful tips and reminders to maintain that positive presence in the digital social world. Learn more about Social Media Netiquette now.



NOVA Online Leadership Common Experience: Week 5

Netiquette in the Online Classroom

Netiquette title page

As we reach week 5 of our Leadership Common Experience, we want to discuss the very important topic of understanding online etiquette or what it is commonly referred to as Netiquette. As a virtual student, do you know how to properly and professionally address an instructor through email?  Have you struggled with how to write a clear and concise response for your class discussion posts? When almost 100% of your communication with your faculty member(s) and fellow students will be through text format, it is key to know how to make a good “virtual” impression. The below resources provide some great tips and tools to help maintain a positive online presence in the classroom as an online student.

“How To Be a Good Online Learner” -This resource reviews the do’s and don’ts of overall communication virtually and as an online student.

“The Etiquette around Discussion Forums” -Discussion posts are required for a majority of classes offered through NOVA Online. When you compare an online course to one on a campus, this would be equal to your class attendance and participation. This is how an instructor and other students see your thoughts and insight on the course material. With this in mind, this article will give you some great tips on how to contribute to the class professionally and effectively.

What are some challenges that you face when it comes to communicating with staff, faculty and other peers as an online student?

Are there any other Netiquette tips that we missed? Please share them in the comments!

Leadership Common Experience: Week 3

The Importance of Faculty Rapport

Check out the below entry from one of our NOVA Online instructors on his thoughts about the importance of building rapport with faculty.

dog_pun_2Just before I started teaching my first online course I was worried about how well I’d be able to reach my students, both as a teacher and as a human being. Would Pun Dog be able to get the kind of help he needed in as clear a way as would happen were his instructor guiding him through his struggles with math in-person? And, more, could the teacher put him at ease by giving him a friendly tone through potentially cold screens full of text, unaccompanied by a friendly smile? Taken together, I worried that I couldn’t develop the sort of rapport I’d enjoyed with students I taught in the classroom.

As an online student you may have the same concerns, so I’m thrilled to say that all of my fears turned out to be unfounded. In fact, after that first course I went to a baseball game with one former student and met another for coffee when I was visiting NYC. Students shared photos of their children, we wrote back and forth about shared interests, etc.

All of this made for a fun class, but I’m certain it also lead to greater student success; when everyone has a sense of connection, even in a virtual classroom, there tends to be more of a sense of support, of presence, of caring, and so on, all of which serve to put everyone at ease and trust that their instructor is here to make you succeed. So having a strong student/teacher rapport is possible in an online environment, and also very beneficial.

Now, a lot of this is on the instructor, but I have found that my students, too, help create a harmonious relationship between them and myself. If you are proactive in creating a bond with your instructor, you just may find a better experience in your classes. Here are some ways you might try:

  • If you are asked to respond to your peers in discussion forums, go beyond the minimum reply and really push yourself to be expressive and helpful… this always opens my eyes and warms me towards the student. Similarly consider responding to those who comment on your work, including your instructor. Having a true back-and-forth doesn’t just have to happen in person.
  • Ask questions, be it in the question forum or via email. We want to know when you need help and, not being able to read body language/facial expressions, being able to do so can be difficult online. And asking us also makes us feel connected to you.
  • Use your sense of humor (when appropriate, of course), share some of your outside interests, etc.; it is possible to have fun and express ourselves online, and it’s a great way to get your peers and instructor to feel they have a genuine connection with you.
  • If this course is in an area that you are considering pursuing as a career, ask your instructor for her/his insider knowledge, tips, resources, and so on. Teachers are nothing if not passionate about their subjects and desirous of helping students develop into the professionals they want to become.

So there you have it… rapport with your online instructor is a vital component of a good experience, and you have the power to help bring it about. Trust me, it makes these classes so much more rewarding.

-Will Hatheway

NOVA Online Adjunct Instructor of English


What questions do you have about creating relationships with your NOVA Online instructors?

Leadership Common Experience: Week 2

Understanding Self in the College Environment









Within week two of our Leadership Common Experience, we want to build on last week’s theme of success in an online education environment. We discussed important things to keep in mind when you are in the classroom and also how to stay engaged with other students and the college outside of the classroom.

An important aspect to also explore that can be an integral part of your college success is understanding yourself, your strengths, weakness, likes, dislikes, habits, how these qualities can effect your success perusing your education. What are ways you can be proactive and prevent these potential  stressors and obstacles from effecting your overall educational goals?

A great way to begin doing this is self-reflection.  Think about a typical day, the responsibilities you have and how much time  and energy is spent on each. How does your online education fit into this?  Will it drastically change your day to day routine? Are there other areas in which you spend your time that you can improve?

Here is a great article about Toxic Habits that Drain your Energy. Time and Energy work hand-in hand within your overall quality of life and this article gives some great everyday examples on how we can often lose this time and energy around things we can’t control.

How do you see your online education fitting into your personal day-today routine?

What are some other ways that we might mismanage our time and energy?