Tax Filing Assistance for Students


IRS-certified volunteers will help ensure you receive the maximum tax refund and help determine if you are eligible
for Earned Income Tax Credit. Workshops are Facilitated Self Assistance (FSA) sites. You will use computer to file taxes and will be able to type your own information into the software, with the step-by-step instructions from a certified volunteers.

OPEN TO ALL NOVA STUDENTS & THEIR FAMILIES with an annual household income under $66,000

Available at ALL NOVA Campuses
Please visit the link below register!

Free and confidential Credit Counseling is available with a BB&T representative at the end of your tax filing appointment.
Please indicate your interest on your registration form!

Student SpotLight: How to ball On a Budget

This week’s Student Spotlight is written by Marly Narcisse. Marly is working towards a degree in Engineering and has a knack for learning other languages. She is currently taking German through NOVA Online. For most students, College is expensive. We get it. Marly is here to share
with us some tips on how to manage our finances.   


Growing up my mother was not very financially responsible, and when I moved to the USA my family was not financially responsible. I decided that this wouldn’t be me, so I experimented with many ways before I found out the one that works for me. Below are the top five things I do keep my finances in check.

  1. Get A Spending Notebook

In this book I write down all my wants and needs. I also write down savings and financial goals. I have a job, but I also have bills. For better accuracy I write down everything that I must pay for each pay check and I cross them off as I go. I also keep track of how often I need the basics (toothbrush, shampoo, etc.) so I can plan accordingly.

2. Budget

Budget. I consider budgeting as the maximum amount of money I am willing to pay for things. I have a car, so I need gas. I tell myself based on my commute, how much gas do I need? It turns out, I could get by with $100 a month. I allocate $100 for gas every month using a gift card. Unless it’s necessary I will not go beyond my commute. Everything I need is on the way. I also do that for everything else, clothes, books, etc. I like to avoid surprises. My wallet doesn’t like them very much. 

3. Create Different Savings Accounts

I have three different savings accounts based on my priorities. I have an emergency account. I was told to have at least 3-4 months bills put away, so I am working towards that. I also want to invest money for residual income and I want to go places, it doesn’t matter where. I allocate some money each month for it according to importance. Suppose I save $100, 50% would go to emergency, 30 to travel and 20 to investment.

4. Spend Less

I only buy things I need. When I go to the store, usually Bed Bath and Beyond because I use their 20% off coupons, A LOT, I make sure I get things I really need. I’ll ask myself three times if I really need something before I hit the register, and I’ll put the No’s on the side. When I reach the register, I’ll ask myself, “do I need it?” one more time before I make final my purchase.

5. Save All Extra Cash

I get money for my birthday, work bonus or for whatever other reason. I used this money strictly for savings and I follow the same breakdown as before 50 for emergency, 30 for travel and 20 for investment.

These tips work for me. I live within my means and I can still afford to do things I want to do without feeling guilty. At the same time, I have a cushion for the future. If you have any additional tips or have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank You

Student Spotlight: Three Ways I Stay Mentally Healthy

Check out this week’s Student Spotlight from Jordan Boyd. Jordan is a double major in Business and Art History. As the 16 week semester starts to gear up, Jordan shares with us how she stays mentally healthy.

Three Ways I Stay Mentally Healthy

School is stressful. I don’t think there’s a person alive who has gotten through school with a 0% amount of stress. It’s so strong that it has an effect on your physical stature. Hunched shoulders, a stiff neck and headaches are just a few symptoms I’ve had to prove it. People have recommended trying new activities like running, taking walks and stress balls. I’ve tried them all but I’ve noticed that they only take away the physical pressure. We seem to help relax the outcome instead of the main source: the mind. School and other activities have taken its toll on me, but they’ve become less stressful due to a few techniques. Here are three easy (and free) ways I use to calm my own mind.

  1. MEDITATION~ Your mind has all the answers. Sitting down in silence and relaxing can leave you feeling calm and ready to continue on. There are days it helps clear my mind and other days it helps with breathing techniques for me to calm down. It definitely takes time to master, but every minute throughout the process is significant. So take a seat, think it through and you’ll be on your way.
  2. MAKING AND GOING OVER DREAMS AND GOALS~ There’s a reason why you’re doing what you’re doing. My list can probably go on for days, but it gets me excited thinking about the many different things I want to do. Reminding yourself every day or every time you feel down can be that burst of energy you need to get back in the zone.
  3. KNOWING YOU’RE DOING FINE~ “It always works out”. That’s my mantra for every day. I say it in the morning, in the middle of the day and when I go to bed. It makes all the hard work, struggles and stress worth it.

My message to you is to keep your mind clear and healthy. Don’t focus on the bad stuff. Surround yourself with things that make you happy. A yoga class. A bag of candy. A good playlist. Maybe you can try looking back on your accomplishments and feel proud of yourself. You’re unique, so what you choose might be different from mine, but I promise you that if you take the time, you’ll find what helps you. Don’t let the stress get to you because what you’re going through is only temporary. You got this!

Bookstore Purchase Process via Financial Aid for Spring 2019

Students who wish to purchase books and supplies at a NOVA Bookstore using excess financial aid must complete the Bookstore Authorization e-Form each year on their NOVAConnect “To Do List.” The bookstore purchase period begins on Saturday, 12/29/18 for online purchases and on Wednesday, 1/2/19 for purchases made on campus, and it closes on Monday, 1/28/19. A second bookstore purchase will be available from 3/2/19 – 3/24/19 for students who still have excess aid that has not disbursed.

Before attempting to use your financial aid at a campus bookstore, be sure to review the checklist below.

Are you enrolled in classes?

Do you have an approved financial aid award large enough to cover tuition, fees and books?

Do you have a valid NOVACard?

Is your account free of holds?

If the answer to any of the above is “no”, please review you NOVAConnect “To Do List” and visit a campus financial aid office or contact the 24 Hour Student Support Center at 1-855-323-3199 if you have any questions.

New Student Orientation – Alexandria Campus

Spring 2019

New Student Orientation for Adult Learners

businesspeople with tablet computer

Date: Thursday, January 10, 2019

Time: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Alexandria Campus, Bisdorf room AA158

The program includes an orientation to the College, information for academic planning (including career/transfer), an overview of campus resources, and information about student success.

Consider attending this Orientation program if you are a degree-seeking student who is:

  • First-time to college and age 25+;

•             Transferring into NOVA from another college; or

•             Returning to college-level studies after a leave of absence

Questions?  Contact 703-933-5073 or

Students who are GPS/First Year Students (first time to college & 17-24 years old) or in the Pathways program (from high school) must attend a different orientation.  Go to for more details.

If you need accessibility accommodations for this program, please contact 


Government Shut Down may affect your FA Eligibility

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

The financial aid application process is currently underway for the 2019-2020 academic year. However, the ease of applying for aid could be in jeopardy because of the partial government shut down that is underway. When applying for aid, applicants need to submit copies of tax returns. These can be obtained on the IRS’s website. But, online requests are not currently being generated. According to the Department of Education, copies of tax returns and written statements of non-filing are being accepted for verification purposes in lieu of IRS tax return transcripts and verification of non-filing forms. Read more about how the partial shutdown of the IRS could affect your eligibility on the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators website.

Marketing Your Resume to Employers

Hiring managers get flooded with resumes for job openings. How can you ensure your resume will be looked at? Take some advice from hiring managers:

  • Do the basics.
  • Proofread for spelling, grammar, and tone. (Ask friends to proofread, too.)
  • Use a simple, easy-to-read typeface.
  • Follow instructions in the job posting. If the employer asks for information—such as references or writing samples—provide it.
  • If you’re applying by e-mail, your cover letter should be contained in the e-mail. If you’re applying online and there’s no space indicated for a cover letter, put your cover letter in the comments section.
  • Don’t let the informality of e-mail and text correspondence seep into your communications—whether e-mailed, online, or written—with potential employers.
  • Organize your resume for the employer—Organize your resume information in a logical fashion. Keep descriptions clear and to the point. As possible, tailor your resume to the job and employer, emphasizing skills, experiences, abilities, and qualifications that match the job description.
  • Customize your response—Address the hiring manager directly, if possible, and include the name of the company and the position for which it is hiring in your cover letter/e-mail response.
  • Make it easy for the hiring manager—Use your name and the word “resume” in the e-mail subject line so it’s easy to identify.
  • Focus on the skills and abilities you can bring to the employer, not what you want from the job—In your cover letter, answer the questions: What can you do to make the hiring manager’s life easier? What can you do to help the company? This is your opportunity to market yourself and stand out from the other candidates. Your resume should support that.
  • Be professional—Use a professional-sounding e-mail address or voice mail/answering machine message.

Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

Calling all NOVA Gamers!

NOVA has developed a new varsity collegiate esports program to compete against other colleges nationwide!

We have built a new high-end esports arena on the Annandale Campus for the athletes to practice and compete in. The current varsity games include League of Legends and Overwatch. Aside from the varsity program, we will be having intramural esports with League of Legends and Overwatch as well as many other popular games such as Rocket League, Hearthstone, Rainbow Six, and a few others! For more information join our discord at as well as our social media @NVCCEsports. Tryouts for our varsity program are right around the corner on December 19th, so sign up for a time slot fast at For any other information or questions feel free to contact us through discord or email  

Student Worker Needed

Have you been awarded Federal Work Study Aid? If you are using Financial Aid to pay for your courses and are interested in being a student worker next semester, NOVA Online’s Student Services Department is hiring!

More information can be found at: and