More Sessions Begin Today!

Below are three things to do to help a session get off to a good start.

  1. Access a recording of a New2NOL presentation (passcode – M22R^iqA), presented by a NOVA Online Success Coach, for information to include navigating a course in Canvas, best practices for successful completion of a course, and NOVA supports and resources.
  2. Review each course syllabus. Note due dates, important college-wide dates, and contact information for each professor.
  3. Access the Virtual Student Union (VSU) and consider participating in an upcoming event.

Tips for Beginning a Course

  1. Access a recording of a New2NOL presentation (passcode – M22R^iqA), presented by a NOVA Online Success Coach, for information to include navigating a course in Canvas, best practices for successful completion of a course, and NOVA supports and resources.
  2. Review each course syllabus. Note due dates, important college-wide dates, and contact information for each professor.
  3. Become familiar with NOVA resources and services to support student success.

More Sessions Began This Week!

Below are three things to do to help a session get off to a good start.

  1. Access a recording of a New2NOL presentation (passcode – M22R^iqA), presented by a NOVA Online Success Coach, for information to include navigating a course in Canvas, best practices for successful completion of a course, and NOVA supports and resources.
  2. Review each course syllabus. Note due dates, important college-wide dates, and contact information for each professor.
  3. Access the Virtual Student Union (VSU) and consider participating in an upcoming event.

Happy First Day of the Fall Semester!

The fall semester has begun.  Below are a few tips to help your semester get off to a good start.

  1. Review each course syllabus. Note due dates as well as contact information for the professor and preferred method of contact.
  2. Create a schedule for studying and completing assignments.
  3. Check the academic calendar. Identify and take note of key dates for a session.
  4. Access the Canvas and EdTech Resources for Students course in Canvas to make sure you are aware of and utilizing features of Canvas.
  5. Connect with NOVA – Access the Virtual Student Union (VSU) to participate in welcome week events!


Evening Registration Labs

Do you still need to register for fall 2023 classes? Are you thinking of adding another class to your schedule? Now is the time!

Registration assistance is available in the evenings at NOVA’s five comprehensive campuses.

  • Alexandria Campus
    • Location: AA 155
    • Thursday August 17, 2023
      • 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Annandale Campus
    • Location: CA 113
    • Tuesday August 15, 2023
      • 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Loudoun Campus
    • Location: LR 209
    • Thursday August 17, 2023
      • 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Manassas Campus
    • Location: MP 112
    • Wednesday August 16, 2023
      • 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Woodbridge Campus
    • Location: Woodbridge Village, Building G, Room 102
    • Monday August 14, 2023
      • 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Super Saturday

NOVA’s “Super Saturday” will offer one-stop access to class registration at all NOVA campuses in person and virtually on Saturday, August 19, 2023. Get assistance with building your class schedule, enrolling in courses, financial aid, and more before classes start this fall.

Get to Know NOVA

Did you know, in addition to the NOVA Online Division, NOVA has six unique campuses?  If you are a new student and curious about what a campus is like or has to offer, consider participating in a Discover NOVA event.  The events being held now, throughout the end of July and early August, at different campuses include the following:

  • Presentations and breakout sessions featuring topics to help students make the transition to college.
  • Opportunities to interact with NOVA faculty, staff, and students.
  • Two students from each Discover NOVA event will be randomly selected to receive a $250 NOVA Scholarship.

Learn more about the events, scholarship, and how to register at the Discover NOVA website.

Remember to Take Time for Reflection

Another summer session has ended and the final summer session has begun.   If you have not taken time to reflect on the progress you are making towards achieving your goals consider taking a few minutes now to do so.  The following are a few questions to help you:

  1. What went or is going well for you this term?
  2. What did not or is not going well?
  3. Why?

Take time to consider what changes you may want to make as you move forward with working towards achievement of your academic and professional goals.

Below are links to resources you may find helpful.

Assistance with Fall Math Classes

Take a moment to answer the following questions:

  • Are you planning to take MTH 154, MTH 161, MTH 167, MTH 245, MTH 261, or MTH 263 this fall?
  • Would you like some help in preparing for your fall math class?

If you answered yes to both questions, consider participating in workshops being offered from late July through mid-August by NOVA’s Math Department.  The following are some highlights of the workshops:

  • Free!!!
  • Participation in the workshops is voluntary and does not affect enrollment in a fall class.
  • Depending on course – offered for one-week or two-weeks.
  • Depending on course – offered on a campus, via Zoom, or in an asynchronous format.
  • Taught by Math Support Specialists.

View the Ramp Up Math Workshops website to learn more and access a link to register for the workshops.