This week at NOVA Online

Open registration for fall classes is currently underway. Check the schedule of classes in NOVA Connect and follow this tutorial to help you search for online classes through NOVA Online. Make sure you change the date to reflect the term you are looking to register for (summer ’15 or fall ’15).

Have you ever been assigned a paper or project and don’t know where to start? Are you curious what library resources are available to you without going to a campus library? Join the NOVA Online Librarians for the Beyond Google – Basic Library Skills for Online Learners webinar on Thursday, July 9 from 6:30-7:15. This 45 minute webinar will give you a brief introduction to what library resources are available to you as an online learner. There might be more than you expect! Register here.

Financial Wellness – Understanding how to live within your financial means. Planning for future financial health. Learning to think short and long-term in order to manage your resources is essential for a healthy financial experience including learning to be a good consumer. Use #SummerWellness to share your pictures and stories.

What are your summer plans? Have an internship? Traveling? Taking a class? Day Trip? We want to hear about your adventures. Use #NOVA OnlineAdventure on Twitter to share pictures and stories.

Student Lingo: Overcoming Procrastination

Are you a procrastinator?  Do you put off doing assignments or studying until right before the due date?  If you answered ‘Yes’ to this question, you could find that you have anxiety and lie more often than you desire.  Studies show that procrastinators often have heightened levels of anxiety.  Procrastinators often feel like they are forced to lie because of predicaments they face. One could conclude that a portion of the anxiety procrastinator’s face is linked to the lies they must tell to cover up their habit of procrastination.  All in all, procrastination, anxiety, and lying is all one big web of a headache.  By not procrastinating, a perpetrator does not need to lie about why they were late and, in-turn, feel the anxiety associated with being late.

Everyone inhibits a certain amount of procrastination but to find out if you are a true procrastinator and help you create an action plan on how to overcome your procrastination, this Student Lingo quiz will help you identify what tasks you may be putting off and help you down the fast-track to task completion.

As a NOVA student, you can access videos on a wide variety of topics such as overcoming procrastination via Student Lingo, an online repository of on-demand workshops.  If you need help overcoming procrastination or other barriers between you and success, the NOVA Online Success Coaching Team is here to help you! Feel free to contact the NOVA Online Success Coaching Team at (703) 764-5076 or NOVA for help with any academic struggle you may be facing.

-Kristin, NOVA Online Success Coach

This week at NOVA Online

American patriotic balloons in traditional colors over whitePlan ahead – NOVA Campus Testing Centers will be closed Friday, July 3rd & Saturday, July 4th for the Independence Day Holiday Weekend. ProctorU is available on those dates if the service is available for your course exams.

Are you thinking about an online course through NOVA Online, but not sure if it is right for you? Review our Furthering your education with NOVA Online recording to see if online learning is a right fit for your current educational needs. You could also take the Smarter Measure assessment to see how your personal learning styles will work with online courses.

Have you utilized Student Lingo On-Demand Workshops? Take advantage of a wide variety of recordings available to help you manage your course load, plan for the future, or tackle your math anxiety … Just to name a few! Interested in working with your Personal Success Coach to create an action plan? Contact your coach at or 703.764.5076.

Are you participating in the Summer Wellness Series? Review the past blogs to get more information and share your stories!

What are your summer plans? Have an internship? Traveling? Taking a class? Day Trip? We want to hear about your adventures. Use #NOVA OnlineAdventure on Twitter to share pictures and stories.

Fall 2015: Purchase Textbooks & Course Materials using Financial Aid

Students with financial aid awards for Fall 2015 can purchase books against their excess financial aid – either online or in campus bookstores – from August 10 through September 10, the 16-week (term) census date.  A second book purchase period will be open for students who still have anticipated aid from two weeks before the second 8-week term through that term census date, October 7-29.

If you completed the online Bookstore Authorization form for the summer 2015, it will NOT remain valid for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. The online Bookstore Authorization form for the 2015-2016 aid year will be available on July 10, 2015.  If you previously completed the form for 2014-2015 (including Summer 2015), it must be resubmitted with a valid electronic signature.

Students wishing to purchase books on-line must complete and sign the Bookstore Authorization E-Form, via the Financial Aid Dashboard, prior to completing a  purchase. Students enrolled or planning to enroll in later starting classes who desire to use their financial aid to purchase books must purchase during one of the two purchase periods; no additional accommodations will be made.  The financial aid process must be complete and anticipated aid must be enough to cover tuition, fees and books.  Files can have no negative holds.

iStock_000020688342_MediumFirst Book Purchase Period

–          First day to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: August 10, 2015

–          Last day to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: September 10, 2015

Second Book Purchase Period (for students with remaining anticipated aid)

–          First day to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: October 7, 2015

–          Last day to purchase books/supplies using financial aid: October 29, 2015

You may place your on-line order 24 hours after completing the authorization e-form or on the first business day after completing the e-form, if later. Search the  online bookstore for the textbooks and course materials required for your NOVA Online courses.

How to be Successful in a Summer Course

Summer courses can be extremely beneficial to your academic plan.  Taking courses during a non-traditional semester, such as summer, can help you knock out classes you need for graduation. Other perks of taking courses during the summer are that class sizes can be smaller and sessions are shorter.

But, as the days lengthen and the sun lures you outside, it can be difficult to stay focused on studying.  And, after being outside and finding fun in the sun, you could feel sluggish when it is time to study.  To help you stay focused and be successful in your academic endeavors, try these simple tricks:

  • Be Awake: Eat breakfast each day.  Keep your meals throughout the day light (include lots of fruits and veggies). Avoid heavy meals; they will make you feel drowsy.
  • Take Good Notes: Because summer sessions are often taught in a shorter session, their pace is often more vigorous then a traditional course.  Take lots of notes and review them often to help you remember the material.  Creating your notes in outline format or using colored pens or markers on your notes can help you remember how topics are related and help you remember the facts.
  • Sleep Well: During the summer, the days are longer. More daylight could cause you to not sleep as soundly as usual. To deter this, buy darkening blinds or curtains to help block out light.
  • Stay Positive: You are your biggest critic.  If you have an “I can do it” attitude, you are more likely to succeed.
  • Attendance: Go to class or sign into your online class every day.  Being present and up to date on any changes or announcements in the class is key to your success.

As you take steps to follow through on these recommendations, consider exploring the following ELife Blogs for further tips on healthy eating, note taking and attendance. And, be sure to reach out to your NOVA Online Success Coach with your questions or concerns. The Success Coaching Team can be reached at or (703) 764-5076.

-Kristin, NOVA Online Student Success Coach

Summer Wellness Series: Social Wellness

This week’s summer wellness series focuses on social wellness. This area can include developing healthy relationships, having a strong support network, nurturing pro-active and reactive habits (online and in-person), and boundary development.

When I started thinking about this topic, I immediately thought about my housing community and the stress that it causes me on a daily basis.

How many of us have had/currently have that loud upstairs neighbor that you know exactly when they get up in the morning until when they go to bed at night? I’m currently in this club! I will say, having a loud neighbor makes me more aware and conscientious of the neighbors below me! This Buzz Feed article makes light of the constant struggle of shared walls! Seriously what are they doing up there?


How are the relationships in your community? How do you communication your frustrations about your neighbors – both online and in-person? Do You? Remember when you are communicating via email or online discussion boards to use appropriate netiquette.  Sometimes we feel brave behind our computer screen, but at the end of the day, does it really make us feel any better about our situation? Social wellness is about building and developing healthy relationships within our community and ourselves. We learn to express our concerns in a healthy and appropriate ways. Easier said then done, when lack of sleep and frustration comes into play though!

What picture stood out to you in the Buzz Feed article? What makes you feel better after frustrating situations?

Continue this conversation with us in our Virtual Student Union. Connect with peers on this topic and learn more about resources to maintain your social wellness!

This week at NOVA Online

Open registration for fall classes is currently underway. Check the schedule of classes in NOVA Connect and follow this tutorial to help you search for online classes through NOVA Online. Make sure you change the date to reflect the term you are looking to register for (summer ’15 or fall ’15).

Are you thinking about an online course through NOVA Online, but not sure if it is right for you? Review our Furthering your education with NOVA Online recording to see if online learning is a right fit for your current educational needs. You could also take the Smarter Measure assessment to see how your personal learning styles will work with online courses.

Plan ahead – NOVA Campus Testing Centers will be closed Friday, July 3 & Saturday, July 4 for the Independence Day Holiday Weekend. ProctorU is available on those dates if the service is available for your course exams.

ThinkstockPhotos-81715768Tuesday, June 23rd from 1:00-2:00 pm – Participate in a New Student Orientation Webinar – This one hour webinar is required for new-to-college students aged 17-24. New Student Orientation will focus on academic and career goals, reading degree plans, and registering for classes. All are welcome. Register here.

Have you ever been assigned a paper or project and don’t know where to start? Are you curious what library resources are available to you without going to a campus library? Join the NOVA Online Librarians for the Beyond Google – Basic Library Skills for Online Learners webinar on Thursday, June 25 from 6:30-7:15. This 45 minute webinar will give you a brief introduction to what library resources are available to you as an online learner. There might be more than you expect! Register here.

Social Wellness – This area can include developing healthy relationships. Having a strong support network that can give you guidance when you are stressed or need stress relief. Nurturing pro-active and reactive habits that can aid in the development of healthy communication (online and in-person) and boundary development. Use #SummerWellness to share your pictures and stories.

What are your summer plans? Have an internship? Traveling? Taking a class? Day Trip? We want to hear about your adventures. Use #NOVA OnlineAdventure on Twitter to share pictures and stories.

NOVA Online Student Spotlight: Never Too Old or Too Busy For School

If you need a little inspiration to get back to school and reach your goals, check out today’s NOVA Online Student Spotlight. Are you thinking about an online course through NOVA Online, but not sure if it is right for you? Take the Smarter Measure assessment to see how your personal learning styles will work with online courses. Email NOVA Online Success Coach, Jennifer Reed for a username and password.

ThinkstockPhotos-86510309I am a 46 year old wife, mother of three children (ages 6 years, 8 years, and 26 years old that have special needs), an ordained minister, and I have my own business. I wanted to go back to school to earn my associates degree and it seemed like I couldn’t find the time. But I did not want to give up on my goals and dreams.

Going back to school was exciting and scary for me.  It was exciting because it meant that I would have an opportunity to move my business out of the house and my dreams would become a reality. I’ve always wanted to operate my own business but in order to move to the next level, I needed a degree. It was scary because I haven’t been in a college setting for at least 12 years and I was sure a lot had changed. I wasn’t sure how I would do academically since I am much older than the average college student. At least that is what I thought.

I have chosen to take NOVA Online classes because my schedule is so hectic with my obligations to my church and my job.  I work over 60 hours a week and I attend church at least three times a week. Going back to school seemed impossible. I researched the type of degree I wanted and looked at the courses offered through the NOVA Online program. There were only a few courses I needed that are not offered through NOVA Online. I immediately signed up and began my journey.

The classes are at your own pace but within the given schedule of the course. For example, I had a week to complete an assignment and I could work on it at my own pace within that week. I signed up for two 3-credit courses and one 1-credit course. My first experience was a wonderful one. The Orientation webinar was a big help to assist me with how to use the blackboard and understand the course. It showed me the programs I needed on my computer to ensure they were compatible. I made sure to complete this process before my classes started so I would become familiar with the system.

Even though I wasn’t in a classroom setting the communication between the other students and the instructor was awesome. The assignments were designed to help me think and also share my thoughts and ideas with others. One of the classes was the (SDV100) College Success Skills course. I learned lots of skills to help me with my classes. Even though I know what career I am interested in, the class gave information to help towards my goals and useful study habits. If you want to go back to school and don’t have the time to go to a campus, then you should defiantly consider the NOVA Online program. All the classes for your major may not be offered through the program but they have a large variety to choose from. Even though this is my first semester I am excited to know that my goals and dreams are attainable.

If you are interested in sharing your story on the NOVA Online blog, contact!

Motivational Minute: NOVA Cares

NOVA’s Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) response teams serve as an early behavioral intervention program  and helps to facilitate a “See Something, Say Something” culture at the College. CARE teams are on each campus and within NOVA Online serving all NOVA students, faculty, and staff by proactively providing community resources and support in support of the emotional and physical well-being of the entire NOVA population while maintaining a safe community.

If you have a concern about anyone’s behavior or safety that affects the NOVA community, please complete and submit a NOVACares Form. Reports can be submitted anonymously and your report will help to identify, assess, and respond to members of our college community as appropriate. Reported information is shared only on a need to know basis. Reports that indicate severe risk or imminent danger are directed to the college–wide Threat Assessment Team for review.

Please note that NOVA does not provide mental health services (per VCCS policy), however, NOVA Cares provides faculty, staff, and students with appropriate referrals for mental health intervention and services among many other services, i.e. housing assistance and sexual assault prevention and response, etc.

If you have any questions about NOVA Cares please visit the NOVA Cares webpage or call NOVA Online Success at 703-764-5076. If you are concerned about a student, staff, or faculty member please submit a NOVACares Report.

-Jennifer, NOVA Online Success Coach