ONO Exchange Exhibition

We are pleased to announce the final exhibit of this spring semester. Photography students have been working hard to assemble the second US/Japan exchange photo exhibit, ONO, a collaboration between Osaka University of Arts, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, and NOVA students. The exhibit will showcase the photographs of NOVA students and those of the Japanese students and professors who participated in the exchange exhibits.

The reception for the exhibit is on Wednesday, May 8th, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the AFA gallery. We would like to invite you to join us for the exhibition and the reception. We hope to see you there to celebrate the end of the semester!

ONO2024 exhibition poster


The Photography and Media program is pleased to announce the 2024 Photography and Media Juried Student Show at the Alexandria Campus (AFA Gallery). The exhibition runs from Monday, April 15, through Thursday, May 2.

Join us as we celebrate student accomplishments and announce award winners and grant recipients at the opening reception on Wednesday, April 17, at 6 p.m. Come meet our talented photography and media students and view their impressive work!

On View in AFA Gallery!

Not Too Little Not Too Late
Featured work from 2020 & 2021 Photography + Media Juried Shows
AFA Gallery at Alexandria Campus
Sep20 – Oct 14, 2021

Each year students in Photography + Media classes may submit works in photography, video, and multimedia for a spring exhibit juried by someone from outside the NVCC community. The work must have been produced during the preceding year though not necessarily for a class.

And each year, from that juried show, some students are selected to receive Juror’s Awards and a Faculty Award. The awards are for excellence in overall work, not prizes for a particular image. The Faculty Award winner’s work is used in promotional materials for the next year’s Juried Student Show.

Normally the works, in print or multimedia, are displayed in our AFA Gallery. In the spring of 2020 and 2021, this was not possible. While virtual exhibits can be very good, they do not have quite the same presence as works in print or larger displays, so we are very pleased to present the works by the Juror’s and Faculty Award recipients in those two years now, neither too late nor too little.