NOVA 38th in National Cyber Power Rankings!

NOVA was recognized as the 38th top school in the nation during the National Cyber League (NCL) Spring 2019 season competition, beating every other college/university in Virginia. 5,026 students from 419 schools competed in the competition. These rankings represent the ability of students from these schools to perform real-world cybersecurity tasks on the Cyber Skyline platform. Students had to identify hackers from forensic data, pentest & audit vulnerable websites, recover from ransomware attacks, and more. Schools are ranked based on their top team performance, their top student’s individual performance, and the aggregate individual performance of their students.

Here are the specific national stats:

  • NOVA ranked 38thin the overall competition
  • NOVA ranked 38thin the team competition
  • NOVA ranked 3rdin the number of participates
  • NOVA ranked 164thin the individuals competitions

In the Eastern division of the competition:

  • NOVA ranked 18thin the overall competition
  • NOVA ranked 16thin the team competition
  • NOVA ranked 2ndin the number of participates
  • NOVA ranked 65thin the individuals competitions

Out of the Centers of Academic Excellence colleges/universities:

  • NOVA ranked 20thin the overall competition
  • NOVA ranked 21stin the team competition
  • NOVA ranked 2ndin the number of participates
  • NOVA ranked 52ndin the individuals competitions

NOVA’s students couldn’t have done it without the stellar aid of AllCyber’s Director of Training, Bishnu Karki, who is the go-to person for NOVA students competing in Cyber Competitions.

Offical link to ranks and statistics cited: