Fab Lab – Upcoming Workshops


Code & Operate a Mini Robotic Car! – March 16
Participants will learn to program and operate a small robotic car.  Activities include use of different sensors (ultrasonic, IR, color), line-following, and driver versus autonomous control.

Laser Cutting & Engraving – March 17 & April 7
Participants will learn how to use a laser system to cut and engrave acrylic and glass.  Participants will be able to keep the items they make, including an engraved drinking glass.  For beginners.

Intro to 3D Design & Printing – March 21
Would you like to learn how to draw and 3D print a design? Do you have no to little experience with CAD (computer aided design) software and 3D printing?  If so, then this is the class for you!

Creating Prototypes & Solving Design Challenges – March 24
Participants will learn to use various machinery (3D printer, plastic forming center, wire bender, etc.) and a CAD (computer aided design) software program to solve design challenges.

Arduino & Raspberry Pi – March 24 & 31
Participants will learn how to build circuits with Arduino and how to build their very own website using Raspberry Pi.  This workshop is intended for beginners with no experience.

Mother’s Day Gift Making – April 29
Use your creativity and some technology to create a Mother’s Day gift at the NOVA Fab Lab!  We will help you design and personalize a gift using one of our 3D printers.  No 3D printing experience necessary.

>> Click here for more details and to register for workshops


Community Open House – March 14
Open to the public with free hands-on activities for all age levels!  Click here to Register

Thursday Demo Nights
Each Thursday we will be giving an overview and demonstration on how a specific piece (or group) of fabrication equipment works.  Register here


Interviewing Skills Workshops in March

NOVA SySTEMic is hosting Interviewing Skills Workshops, led by The Career Engineer® (TCE), for STEM and CTE Majors as well as students enrolled in IT, Business, and Health Care programs. TCE can help increase your career confidence and impact your chance to land your dream job! Students will have the opportunity to participate in interview simulation activities and learn how to successfully get through an interview. Participants receive early entry to the IET Career Fair on April 3, 2020 at the NOVA Annandale Campus.

Where and When?

March 24th
10am Annandale Campus
3pm Loudoun Campus

March 25th
10am Manassas Battleview
3pm MEC Springfield Campus

March 26th
10am Alexandria Campus
3pm Woodbridge Campus

IET Job Fair – April 3

NOVA IET is hosting a Job Fair at the NOVA Annandale Campus on Friday, April 3, from 10-3pm.

The IET Job Fair is for current NOVA students and alumni who are majoring in or are interested in a career  in the IT, Engineering Technologies, or IT related fields. We expect to have companies from every field represented within IT and Engineering Technologies participating in the Job Fair.

Pre-register for the Job Fair here.

Companies participating in the IET Job Fair so far are:
Apex Systems
General Dynamics Information Technology
Arlington County Government
Aegis.net INC
GovSmart, Inc
Red River
Zeneth Technology Partners
GCyber, LLC
B & A

This list is still growing, so check here for updates.

IET Career Exploration Fair – March 18

Explore your future – check out what NOVA’s CTE Programs can do for you! NOVA is hosting their third Career Exploration Fair for high school and college students to explore CTE & STEM Programs and certifications at the NOVA Loudoun Campus. The fair will include an overview of enrollment, programs of study, and student services. Don’t miss it – you may find out what you want to do!

Date and Time:
Wednesday March 18, 2020
NOVA Loudoun Campus
21200 Campus Drive
Sterling, VA 20164
6:00 – 8:00pm

Sign up at career.novastem.us/explore

Questions? Contact STEM Coordinator Tiffanie Rosier at trosier@nvcc.edu