NOVA SkillsUSA Students Reflect On Their National Success

Last month NOVA’s SkillsUSA students had some big outcomes at the National Leadership & Skills Conference in Atlanta.

Heidy Sandoval and Alait Mesfune won silver in Commercial sUAS Drone, Lauren Traversa, Mateo Aguilar, and Nyan Prakash took bronze in Engineering Technology Design, and Claudio Molina also won a bronze medal in Principles of Engineering.

This month, we caught up with the winning students to learn more about their experience at Nationals.

Heidy Sandova and Alait Mesfune: Silver Medal in commercial sUAS Drone

Heidi and Alait were the first students at NOVA to compete in commercial sUAS Drones, and after all their dedication and hard work, came away with a silver medal!

This competition evaluates team skills and job readiness for careers in drone technology within the National Airspace System, recognizing outstanding performance in real-world scenarios.

Sandoval said  “I served as the Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC) and my teammate served as the Visual Observer (VO). As the RPIC, I was responsible for the overall safety, regulatory compliance, and effective operation of the sUAS during its flight.”

“Being the first to at NOVA to compete in Commercial sUAS Drones, we were tasked with finding mentors and resources to help us prepare for this competition. Fortunately for us, we had an amazing team at the NOVA Fab Lab that was able to help us connect with other Drone experts in our area who were able to offer us their help. We spent restless hours learning how to fly our drones through loops, landing on elevated surfaces, knocking down balls with our drones, and countless nights testing ourselves on our FAA Knowledge.  I also made many professional connections that are beginning to incorporate drones in their workspace and I hope to be able to work with them in the future.”

Sandoval also talked about her next steps:

“After placing 2nd place at Nationals, we were offered a Drone course, all expenses covered, for our FAA Part 107 with CrossFlight Sky Solutions. Now, I’m actively working on getting licensed to fly commercially and I will be starting my business with aerial drone photography while I’m in school. From there, I want to get involved with search and rescue using drones.”

Her Drone partner, Alait, added her reflections on the competition and preparation for it:

“The SkillsUSA competition demanded significant dedication and hard work. Venturing into the field of drone piloting was both thrilling and challenging, as our team had to navigate this field independently. Countless hours were spent in the fabrication lab, where we experienced numerous cycles of flying, failing, and persevering—similar to the repetitive labor a tradesperson undertakes to master their craft.”

“As we competed this year, our inexperience led to many mistakes, but the unwavering support of our advisors, Justin, Andy, and Mary, was invaluable. I want to especially thank Dr. Elena Ziu, whose enthusiastic support and introduction to a crucial mentor significantly bolstered our efforts.”

“The competition demanded immense energy, yet the benefits far outweighed any concerns about its value. It afforded me the opportunity to acquire practical skills in a growing field, demonstrate my abilities before industry experts at one of the nation’s premier competitions, and compete for a medal. The support from our advisors, the financial backing from the NOVA Foundation for supplies and travel, and the chance to connect with individuals nationwide were all invaluable aspects of this experience.

Undoubtedly, this competition was profoundly enriching for my personal and professional growth.”

Claudio Molina: Bronze Medal in Principles of Engineering

The Principles of Engineering category assesses a competitor’s grasp of basic technical concepts in applied sciences and their ability to demonstrate and explain these concepts in action. Claudio triumphed with a car transmission design, something practical in real world application that needed teamwork for him to succeed.

“The possibility of even making it through States [the SkillsUSA State Championship in April] wouldn’t have been conceivable without the support of my fellow NOVA students and the guidance of the Fab Lab staff. I think NOVA should continue to encourage students to compete in SkillsUSA as it provides a real-world focus on what they would like to do in their careers and lives,” he said.

Lauren Traversa, Mateo Aguilar, and Nyan Prakash: Bronze medal in Engineering Technology Design

In this category, students design and present an innovative engineering project with a display and live model. The trio designed and built a prototype Automatic Dog Trainer.

“Getting to compete through SkillsUSA was an incredible experience,” Lauren said. “I was able to learn so much in such a short period of time and get the kind of hands-on experience a lot of students don’t get until after they graduate.”

Mateo added “participating in the engineering design competition was a unique experience, unlike any other competition I’ve been involved in. One of the most challenging aspects was the necessity to create something completely novel.”

He explained how his team had to lay out plans for construction of the dog trainer and numerous other components which they hadn’t experienced before. Although it was a bit daunting, he described it as an incredible learning experience because it required his team to learn about designing around unknowns.

“Overall, I’m happy with the growth I experienced in this short period of time. Everyone on our team learned a lot, and I feel much more capable after having completed it,” he said.

Mohamed Laouiti earned a SkillsUSA Skill Point Technical Certification and Jonathan Solomon earned a SME Additive Manufacturing Certification.

Jonathan described the national conference as an “incredible experience” where he saw the latest in technology and explored projects in different career fields. He also had the opportunity to network with representatives from companies like Autodesk, Mercedes-Benz, and Delta Airlines.

“I met great, smart people striving to be the best in their field. Being surrounded by them provided a valuable experience that will serve me well in my future endeavors. The experience has been unforgettable, and the skills I learned along this journey with SkillsUSA will help me long after I leave NOVA. A special thank you to Mary Ratcliff, Justin Owen, Andy Chavez, Patrick Waters, and the entire Fab Lab team!”

SkillsUSA Championship competitions are created and judged by industry leaders to ensure students learn the real-world skills employers seek in entry-level professionals. These contests focus on some of the most highly skilled and in-demand trade areas in the country.

To get involved with SkillUSA at NOVA, you can find more info here