Cybersecurity Month Faculty Spotlight

Kwabena Konadu, Cybersecurity Faculty

“I feel like I’m called to help lead the next generation of workers, especially in IT and cybersecurity. I love seeing young people eager for knowledge. I’m always here for my students—they can ask me anything.”

Kwabena Konadu serves as the Chair of NOVA’s Cybersecurity A.A.S. program, alongside his roles as an associate professor at NOVA and an adjunct professor at The George Washington University. With a background in electrical engineering, he spent 13 years in the space industry working on space applications as a consultant. After the company he worked for closed, he knew it was time to explore a new path.

“The interesting thing is, I’ve always loved computers,” he says.“This is a story I’ve shared many times. The first time I saw a computer was when I was 13. Around 33 years ago, my family moved from Ghana to the United States. My dad nudged me toward engineering, but he also taught me how to build a computer during our first year here. I always knew I’d return to my passion for computers.”

In 2008, while working as a cybersecurity consultant, Kwabena began teaching part-time IT workforce classes at NOVA. He also founded a club that provides students with access to computers and training in various digital applications. By 2020, inspired by his participants and growing interest in digital security, he assumed the leadership role of the cybersecurity track at NOVA.

His responsibilities include course development, guiding competition teams, and instructing in hands-on, practical skills. He leads students in the Year Up United program, which helps them transition into IT fields, particularly cyber defense. After completing the semester, participants move on to six-month internships with companies and earn certifications. Kwabena has been committed to Year Up United for seven years. In addition, he leads courses on computer hardware, software, and information security.

In NOVA’s cybersecurity curriculum, students use cloud-based, open-source tools—resources commonly used by cyber attackers. “It’s vital for learners to understand the methods and tactics that attackers employ,” he says. The program also partners with major tech companies like Amazon and Microsoft, and students receive hands-on training with forensic tools to image hard drives.

The program’s designation as a Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) is a testament to its rigor. “Being CAE-designated grants us access to additional resources and ensures our learners are prepared for roles in digital security,” he explains.

The success of this initiative is clear. About a year and a half ago, Walmart’s cybersecurity department invited 10 NOVA students to interview, along with candidates from across the country. One of them, Sandra, advanced to a second interview and eventually secured a job offer.

Recently, a former student named Reza, who completed his master’s in cybersecurity and is now preparing for a Ph.D., returned to thank Kwabena for his mentorship and offered to volunteer his time. “I told him, ‘Please send me your resume. You’re exactly the kind of person we want teaching in our program.’ That was a moving moment.”

Kwabena offers valuable advice for aspiring professionals in cybersecurity: “Get involved. Collaborate with other organizations. You can’t learn everything in the classroom, but by joining clubs and networking, you’ll develop your skills and form connections. Most of what I know about cybersecurity came from engaging with others and participating in activities.”

Looking forward, he emphasizes the growing impact of artificial intelligence. “AI is about to revolutionize the world—and our academic programs. People should start learning about AI at an early age, including the ethical implications. AI’s role in cybersecurity is about to take off, and we have no choice but to prepare.”

With October marking Cybersecurity Awareness Month, he offers practical tips for staying safe online: “Make sure you have strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication. Don’t share your passwords, and always back up your data. Be cautious about sharing personal information online, and avoid using public hotspots unless you’re using a VPN. It’s critical to protect your digital footprint and avoid compromising your identity.”

Kwabena’s commitment to his students and the cybersecurity field is evident—he’s preparing the next generation not just for jobs, but for success in a rapidly evolving digital world.