Category Archives: Data Centers

ET Career Scholars Complete Bridge Program, Start Fall Classes

22 ET Career Scholars Complete the Summer Bridge Program

The inaugural cohort of ET Career Scholars began their year-long. tuition free journey at NOVA by completing a 4-week bridge program before fall classes begin.

For the first two weeks of the bridge, students engaged in hands-on learning in topics like AC-DC principles, pneumatic systems, and mechatronics. During the AC-DC lab students were able to create a simple circuit with lightbulbs, batteries, and fans to better understand the flow of electricity. They also used pneumatic and mechatronic trainers to show how compressed air, and PLC’s (programmable logic controllers) play a role in many of the automated manufacturing facilities we see today.

Additionally, to help better understand how companies incorporate these types of systems, ET Career Scholars also toured STACK Infrastructure data center and semiconductor manufacturer giant Micron. It was during the tours students could then relate what they had learned in the classroom to a real-world application. Students also received college credit, and a head start into the fall by completing SDV-101 and OSHA-10.

During the second half of the bridge program, ET Career Scholars focused on interpersonal skills. Students were trained in skills like professionalism, communication, public speaking, and self-development.

Students also received their NFPA (national fire protection association) 70E electrical safety certification. Finally, to ensure students success we spent time reinforcing math concepts from fractions to trigonometry.

Many students described ET Career Scholars as an exciting, hands-on, rigorous program designed to help them navigate their career path. Some have already decided the pathway they want to follow, whether it’s DCO or engineering technology. Some are attempting both, which will make them even more valuable job candidates in the industry.

Students are currently taking fall classes, and IET team members will be working to mentor them as they need help. Students will be finishing up their certificates in the spring where they will also be preparing for internships at companies within the region.

ET Career Scholars eagerly shared their experiences in the program so far:

Nichole Luna, a graduate of South Lakes High School, applied to the program because it relates to electrical engineering, her desired field of study. She also thought it would be fun to learn about semiconductors and data science.

“My dad is an engineer, and he has some breadboard circuits at his workplace,” she said. “I’ve always wondered how they work, so I was excited to use one. It’s been super fun using the trainers for electrical engineering and thematics. I think my favorite part has been visiting Micron and meeting the interns. STACK was interesting, too.

“My dad has encouraged me to go into engineering and says there need to be more females in the field. This program has been very helpful—I’m learning about many opportunities. It’s motivating and supportive, making me want to work even harder. I would recommend this program to everyone.”

Nau Hernandez, another graduate of South Lakes High School, saw the program as a great opportunity because he’s interested in the IT field. Additionally, seeing his sister recently graduate from NOVA inspired him to follow in her footsteps.

“This is a great program. I’ve been introduced to many new possibilities—fields I hadn’t even considered as job options. At Micron, I learned more about breadboard circuitry, which is used for basic wiring. Micron has a great atmosphere where people support each other. Interns shared some of their fun experiences.

“STACK is enormous. When we entered the building, we were shown blueprints and the size of the rooms holding all of this equipment. We also learned about the UPS system—just one system and how the technology works for that. I found it very interesting, especially since I didn’t know anything about data center operations before. I could see myself working at either company. I’m really enjoying this program.”

Mileydi Villalobos, a recent graduate of Manassas Park High School, has been interested in computers since childhood. In fact, she once took her dad’s laptop apart, took STEM classes in middle school, studied mechatronics in high school, and helped with IT issues at school. She was excited to apply for the program and has had a great experience so far.

“Mr. Owen had us jump right into things, which was great. He has a lot of experience. The teachers here are awesome—they’re very knowledgeable. It’s cool to have different teachers while staying with the same cohort. It’s encouraging and empowering, especially since there are several females in the cohort.

“The tours of STACK and Micron were eye-opening and helpful in figuring out which IT path to pursue. The internships would be beneficial. I’d like to one day work nights at a data center. I could see myself working at STACK; the benefits sound great, and the people were friendly, including TJ Ciccone. I could also see myself working at Micron with microelectronics.”

Fernando Cueva, a graduate of Garfield High School, gravitates towards math and took computer information systems and cybersecurity in high school.

He shared, “This program is an incredible opportunity. Students who are interested in IT will be even more enthusiastic after attending. It’s a great starting point.

“I enjoyed the tour of STACK. TJ Ciccone was very transparent—if you asked him a question, he gave you a straight answer. There are a lot of NOVA students working there, which proves that the data center operations certification is effective. Plus, TJ is a professor at NOVA. I can see myself working in the data center field.”

Ben Pham, a graduate of Parkview High School, shared, “This is a great program that introduces you to many opportunities and allows you to meet new people all the time, so you’re always learning something new. I’ve enjoyed meeting people, touring industries, networking, and making connections.

“STACK seems like a very nice, professional company—it’s unlike anything I was used to. I could see myself working there. Micron was cool, too. It’s really impressive.”

Unity Reed High School graduate Hannah Duenes’ former engineering teacher encouraged her to apply for the program.

She shared, “Mr. Owen is a great teacher. I learned so much more about engineering and discovered that I’m most interested in hands-on engineering technology.

“We learned a lot about the mechanical and hands-on aspects at Micron. Seeing how things work on the inside was really cool—it reminded me of the movie Wall-E. STACK seems like a great place to work. TJ Ciccone gave us a tour and taught us about data center operations. He’s really fun and engaging, and I like the way he teaches with diagrams and explanations.”

Sean Williams, a graduate of Battlefield High School, applied to the program because he wanted to learn something new.

He said, “I’m enjoying the program and learning about electronics, pneumatics, how circuits work, and how every piece has a part in a system and how important that is in making things function around us. I’m looking forward to learning more about it.”

Currently, 20 ET Career Scholars are working toward obtaining NOVA’s Data Center Operations Career Studies Certificate (CSC) or an Engineering Technology CSC focusing on the semiconductor field. In 2025, they will receive a guaranteed interview for an internship with a data center or semiconductor industry partner, all at no cost to them.

More openings will be available for the 2025-26 academic year, with applications opening in early 2025. If you are a rising senior or have already graduated high school, fill out the interest form linked below, and we’ll keep you updated about the next application cycle.

ET Career Scholars Interest Form 2025

ET Ready Highlights Summer 2024

62 Local High School Students Attended NOVA’s Summer ET Ready Program

This summer, NOVA’s Engineering Technology (ET) Ready program attracted 62 local high school students. ET Ready is a one-week program for 9th to 11th graders that provides hands-on exposure to Engineering Technology topics and includes tours of local industries such as Iron Mountain, QTS, and Micron. The goal of ET Ready is to guide students into Bridge Programs next summer and ultimately into a technology career pathway through NOVA.

NOVA STEM Education Coordinator Ti’Era Worsley led the program. She explained, “During the ET Ready program, students experienced pneumatics, industrial PLCs, and electronics to understand some of the daily job demands of engineering technicians.”

To further provide students with real-world experiences, they visited data centers to learn about the rapidly growing field and see firsthand the role of pneumatics, industrial PLCs, and electronics within data center operations.

“Students also engaged in open discussions with the instructors about various career paths, breaking down the differences between engineering and engineering technology, and exploring the options that NOVA provides.”

Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive:

Emma Nguyen, sophomore at Gainesville High School:

“I discovered that engineering involves building, hands-on activities, and covers various subjects. The field trip to Iron Mountain was fascinating because I didn’t know much about data centers before. Now, I’m even more interested in engineering and feel like it’s a great path for me.”

Jennifer Guevara, sophomore at Patriot High School:

“Since I’m not sure what I want to do after high school, I’m exploring various programs and careers. I attended a STEM information night at NOVA, learned about the bridge program, and signed up. I’ve enjoyed my time here, especially learning about the STEM simulators and touring Iron Mountain.

My uncle, who repairs and builds laptops from scratch, has inspired me to enter the technology field. My parents support my decision to attend NOVA after graduation. I like that NOVA offers flexible class schedules, which will allow me to take classes and work.”

Godwin Ansu’gyan, senior at Woodbridge High School:

“Three years ago, I became interested in engineering and STEM. I signed up for the bridge program to learn more about engineering and figure out which field interests me before starting college. I’ve enjoyed the program; it has built up my confidence, and it was great to have Mr. Castro, who was my teacher in 10th grade, as an instructor again.”

Hailey Denton, sophomore at Washington Liberty High School:

“I attended this camp to explore whether engineering technology is a field I’d like to pursue. I’ve learned a lot this week, including how to program machines to perform various tasks. At Iron Mountain, I was surprised by the amount of energy required to keep everything running. I plan to take an engineering-related class at school to learn more about it.”

Hadi Tabbara, sophomore at Manassas Park High School:

“I’ve always loved math and science, and after taking an engineering class at school, I was curious about this program. I enjoyed touring the data center and learning about different jobs, how they interact with each other, and the various clearance levels. I have a better understanding of the engineering field now and want to explore it further.”

Adonya Hailu, sophomore at Colgan High School:

“This week, I learned more about STEM, programming, and circuit boards. Iron Mountain is very secure; everything has passwords, and there are dark screens to prevent visibility. I’m more excited about engineering now.”

Gabriela Dettre, sophomore at Gainesville High School:

“I’ve learned more about NOVA, engineering, and programming. The trip to Iron Mountain was cool. There are a lot of data centers in our area, but I wasn’t sure what they did, so seeing inside one was eye-opening. I’m even more interested in engineering now that I know more about it.”

Navira Azad, senior at Virginia Virtual Academy:

“During the trip to Micron, I learned so much more than I expected. They told us about a new apprenticeship program they started this year, and we learned how they make wafers and similar things. I really enjoyed it.”

Akyra Obligacion, sophomore at Falls Church High School:

“Highlights from this program include figuring out how things work, like the insides of machines. I loved the Micron tour. We learned that their rooms are a thousand times cleaner than a hospital because of their air pressure floors. If there’s any dust, they have to scrap the entire disc. Certain parts of the building cost $30 million.”

Ryan Hagan, rising senior at Hayfield High School:

“I’ve enjoyed the hands-on learning in this program, especially working with the breadboard. It’s interesting, and it makes learning easier. This program demonstrates what some of the IET pathways are like and what you would do in a career.”

Darin Hagen, rising sophomore at Hayfield High School:

“I’ve enjoyed learning about pneumatics and the hands-on activities. This has been a great program.”

Safi Azad, sophomore at Virtual Virginia:

“I love this program. I’ve really enjoyed Mr. Carlos Castro’s teaching style. At Micron, there’s a mirror that looks like a red layer of glass you can’t see through, almost like a window. But then they flipped a switch and cleaned the window with a massive vacuum. It was amazing.”

The NOVA ET Ready program sparks students’ interest in engineering technology, providing practical knowledge and a strong foundation for their future success in STEM.


AFCOM Internship Leads to Job Offers for NOVA Students

The AFCOM summer internship concluded on August 6 at Topgolf in Ashburn, capping off a successful season where job offers were extended to NOVA students!

During the internship, students had the opportunity to work at two, and sometimes three, different companies. This experience provided them with a broader understanding of their role as DCO technicians and the critical impact they have in ensuring vital infrastructure remains operational 100% of the time.

Phil Baroody, Director of Business Development at Rosendin and AFCOM Secretary, remarked, “Gaining an understanding in the classroom through the Data Center Operations program and then applying that knowledge to real work in operations, facilities, and engineering within Northern Virginia is an exceptional opportunity. This experience not only solidifies their classroom learning but also offers potential job placements and valuable networking with industry veterans committed to their success.”

“What I’ve noticed about NOVA students is that they fully utilize the resources available to them,” said Christopher Lettiere, Senior Director at CoreSite. “They have access to data centers, providers, and tech companies. In my experience working at CoreSite and with NOVA, they get it right, and the results speak for themselves.”

Among the 14 AFCOM interns, 13 were from NOVA. Nearly all of these interns received job offers; while three chose to continue their education, many accepted the offers and embarked on careers with data center partners. Of those who accepted, two joined Iron Mountain, two went to Vantage, and one to CompuDynamics.

AFCOM is an association dedicated to the career advancement of IT and data center professionals. The 10-week internship program, led by the AFCOM Potomac Chapter, connects students with industry partners. It is designed to build the data center industry by partnering with NOVA’s IET Division and offering paid summer internships to students in the DCO programs.

“The great thing about this program is that it’s hands-on, and each student has a dedicated steward,” said Jennifer Andos, Creative Director & Owner of Paperfish Creative and AFCOM Director of Events. “Whether things aren’t going well or they just need someone to talk to, they always have someone to check in with. This person is there to guide them and answer their questions.”

“It’s important to recognize the role of industry players like AFCOM,” said TJ Ciccone, Vice President of Critical Operations at STACK. “Our group has been crucial in supporting the internship program, which has been a major driver of its success. This is the seventh year we’ve run it, and this year we surpassed 50 interns over the program’s duration. Nearly every hireable intern secured a job by the end of the summer. There’s no other industry like it.”

Phil Baroody, Chris Lettiere, Pat Lally, Caroline Titlebaum, and TJ Ciccone lead the AFCOM education committee.

For those interested in this opportunity next summer, keep an eye out for applications in early 2025.

NOVA Student to DCO Workforce Spotlight

Patrick Gillespie, NOVA to Iron Mountain

“I highly recommend NOVA for many reasons—it’s local, affordable, offers numerous technical programs, has strong relationships with industries and universities, and is nationally recognized.”

Last year, Patrick Gillespie decided to leave his previous career and pursue a new direction in Data Center Operations (DCO). After choosing this pathway at NOVA, he completed the Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI) through NOVA IET and interned with the AFCOM Potomac Chapter. Today, he works as a Critical Facilities Technician at Iron Mountain.

To enhance his networking, leadership, and resume-building abilities, he joined the CLRI program. “Networking and communication are just as crucial as technical knowledge,” he noted. “If someone likes you and believes you can do the job, even if you’re not the most technically skilled, they’ll choose you over someone else. It’s essential to attend networking events and engage with other professionals.”

Patrick’s leadership abilities grew when he took charge of a group project. As team members came and went, he had to step up, organize, and ensure the project was completed on time, despite a tight timeline. “Sometimes opportunities to further your career fall into your lap, and being prepared to lead can make all the difference,” he said.

During the CLRI program, he also learned how to build an effective resume. He explained how one of the speakers emphasized the importance of incorporating factual data and numbers into resumes to make them stand out.

“After listening to the speaker, I realized my resume was far from where it needed to be. I was able to apply his formatting tips and ideas to create a technical resume,” he said.

Patrick strongly recommends the CLRI program to his fellow NOVA IET students. “It’s a great opportunity with a minimal time commitment. Much of it can be done virtually, and it introduces you to the professional world, giving you a head start against your competition.”

He expressed similar sentiments about his AFCOM placement, where he spent five weeks at CoreSite’s Ashburn location and five weeks at Iron Mountain’s Manassas site. Throughout this period, he gained insight into nearly every aspect of data center operations, including security, service delivery, remote hands networking, facilities management, and leadership meetings.

Rich Klee, the Director of Critical Operations at STACK, served as Patrick’s mentor throughout the experience. “Rich was extremely helpful. During challenging weeks, we’d meet and talk through any frustrations I was facing,” he shared.

He also mentioned the welcoming environment at CoreSite, where Senior Director Chris Lettiere and Senior Data Center Operations Manager Miguel Ramos ensured he was always involved and engaged in learning about their team, culture, and company.

“I had a similar experience at Iron Mountain—the managers are great. Troy Hill, the director, is fantastic. There are honestly too many people to name. Everyone at both companies was friendly and helpful,” he shared.

Patrick learned a great deal during these placements. He became familiar with data center operations, daily routines, the role of facility technicians, and the significance of the job. As he transitioned from intern to employee, he had a clear understanding of what the role entailed.

When discussing challenges, Patrick noted that acronyms were at the top of the list. He encourages interns and new hires to ask questions about unfamiliar terms.

He also highly recommends NOVA’s DCO program. “In the data center world, we’re at the epicenter. TJ Ciccone’s Intro to DCO class offers an invaluable opportunity because he’s a prominent, influential figure in the industry. Having that direct connection and pipeline into the field is something you can’t find anywhere else on the planet right now,” he said.

Patrick plans to complete the DCO career studies certificate within the next year, supported by Iron Mountain’s tuition reimbursement program. His future goals include becoming an expert in his field and contributing to the training and education of young professionals in the industry.

DCO PD Educators from Across the Nation Complete Fellowship

DCO Program Development Fellowship

This summer, post-secondary faculty and staff from NOVA, fellow VCCS colleges, and community colleges from across the country completed a fellowship in data center operations, funded by an NSF ATE grant. The first cohort of the DCO Program Development Fellowship kicked off their fellowship with a 3-day professional learning (PL) series at NOVA in June. During their time at NOVA, they learned about NOVA’s DCO program, toured the STACK data center in Ashburn, and explored topics in the Introduction to Data Centers class taught by adjunct faculty member and STACK employee, TJ Ciccone.

The fellows then returned to their home institution to complete a five-day externship at a local data center where they could see first-hand the concepts explored during their PL. Upon completion of the externship, fellows submitted a Plan of Action on how they plan to implement what they learned into their professional practice. SySTEMic will follow-up with them this fall to provide support in helping them to implement their proposed plans. Fellows received a $3500 stipend for completion of the program. Community College faculty and staff who would like to participate in the Summer 2025 program are invited to apply online at

This first cohort of fellows hailed from NOVA, Laurel Ridge Community College, Germanna Community College, Houston Community College, Texas State Technical College, Estrella Mountain Community College (AZ), and Prince William County Schools. SySTEMic wishes to thank the following data center partners for hosting fellows this summer: Coresite (Reston), Equinix (Ashburn), Iron Mountain (Manassas), Equinix (Ashburn), Middletown Data Center (Middletown, VA), STACK (Dallas, TX), and Stream Data Centers (Houston, San Antonio, Phoenix).

NOVA Student to DCO Workforce Spotlight: Justin Nagle

“I would recommend NOVA’s Data Center Operations and Engineering Technology programs to students who want to excel in technical careers and stay in the area. There are plenty of job opportunities in the data center field, from IT, engineering operations, HVAC, electrical, security, to sales. There is an abundance of opportunity for growth and prosperity in the tech industry.”

In May, Justin Nagle completed two certificates from NOVA: one in Data Center Operations and the other in Engineering Technology. Recently promoted to Senior Associate Engineer at Digital Realty, Justin’s journey with the company began as an intern two years ago, in July 2022.

His path to this career shift started while studying for the LSAT. Justin discovered his interest in STEM through his success in the logic games section. After some soul-searching, he decided to pursue education and training in the STEM field. Enrolling in a few courses at NOVA, he found a talent for math and consistently remained on the dean’s list throughout his studies, prompting Assistant Professor of IT and Engineering Technologies Ronnie Dasgupta to recommend that Justin take the DCO program.

“NOVA gave me the basic knowledge necessary to enter this career path. With these fundamentals in place, it was easy to transition into my engineering duties and build on that knowledge,” Justin said.

When asked about the biggest difference between being an intern and being employed at Digital Realty, he explained that interns are there to learn through training, mentorships, and exposure to various departments. They handle entry-level tasks under supervision and receive feedback. In contrast, employees are proficient in their roles, contributing to the company’s operations with defined responsibilities and greater autonomy. Full-time employees are more integrated into the company culture, participating in meetings, decision-making, and initiatives.

Justin explained that his increased experience from the internship made a significant impact on his professional role. He recognized the vast amount of expertise required at a data center, from building and equipment understanding to customer and management relations.

He also mentioned that the work pace can vary from slow to very fast, requiring vigilance and quick responses when needed. He encourages interns to pay close attention to what they are shown, engage with engineers and vendors, take copious notes, and get involved.

This hands-on approach served him well when, in November 2022, he began working the night shift at Digital Realty, a role he didn’t have difficulty with having previously worked in security and being accustomed to it.

“If you’re new and haven’t worked in data centers at all, the night shift is ideal for learning the campus, our systems, and completing necessary training. We don’t want someone inexperienced involved in high-risk critical operations due to the many variables and potential issues. Missing any step could lead to serious problems, like a yellow or red event, resulting in a loss of utility or customer equipment, which could be very costly,” he explained.

“At the end of my first week, we had a massive yellow event, which means a serious reduction in redundancy for our electrical systems. A vista switch blew up in the generator yard, putting seven suites on the generator. We had to respond quickly because the generators were burning fuel, and we needed Dominion Energy to restore our electrical utility as soon as possible. They arrived within 20 minutes. They brought in cranes, dug up the old vista switch, installed a new one, coupled it together, and brought the utility back online. Then we were able to shut down the generators and restore normal utility service.”

Justin eventually switched to the day shift. In his current role as a Senior Associate Engineer and the primary engineer for IAD35, he assists the building lead with daily operations. Mornings start fast with a turnover meeting to review the day’s activities and assignments. He then handles work orders, sets up vendor access, escorts vendors to their tasks, attends meetings, gathers parts from inventory for maintenance, writes Methods of Procedure (MOPs), and executes them in the afternoon.

Looking ahead, Justin is considering several paths. He may pursue a master’s in data analytics, continue advancing in engineering, or move up the ranks within the company. He could also become a building lead in two years or even a manager of engineering operations.

In addition to planning his future, he encourages NOVA students to apply to Digital Realty.

“NOVA is a really good school with strong programs. We get many good applicants from there, which I’ve been telling our operations manager. I promote NOVA students as much as I can, even if they haven’t graduated yet.”

Justin believes the data center operations field offers promising opportunities for aspiring professionals. “This is a rewarding career for anyone interested in engineering or data center work. Digital Realty is a great company, and there are many good firms where you can apply your skills and advance your career. For those unsure of their path but with good electrical or HVAC skills, we can train you and prepare you for a fulfilling career in this field.”

NOVA Student to DCO Workforce Spotlight: David Evers

“I feel fortunate to have participated in the Career & Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI) as part of NOVA’s Information and Engineering Technologies (IET) program. The people I’ve met along the way and the opportunities I’ve been given have been invaluable. I highly endorse NOVA’s IET program.”

David Evers recently graduated from NOVA with an A.S. in Computer Science (CS) and will pursue a 4-year degree in CS starting this fall at George Mason University.

David was interested in technology right from the start. “I remember being young and enjoying the outdoors, but once I came inside, I realized the vast possibilities computers offered. Plus, there’s abundant growth in the computer science field, with promising opportunities on the horizon,” he shared.

Like numerous technology students at NOVA seeking to advance their professional skills, David completed the Career & Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI). David found the program insightful, valuing personal stories, leadership insights, and career advice from visiting industry professionals. The curriculum emphasized essential soft skills, such as crafting an effective elevator pitch, building a strong personal brand, and developing a strategic resume. Particularly beneficial was guidance from Tom Gerencer from Gerencer Creative on aligning resume keywords with search algorithms.

Beyond academics, David enjoyed CLRI’s social activities, including a kickoff at Stack Infrastructure, networking with industry professionals, a golf tournament, happy hours, and involvement in the Data Center Young Professionals group.

David recommends the CLRI program to his IET peers, praising its effectiveness and positive impact. “It broadened my vantage point—I can see further,” he said. “I appreciated the program’s concise, solid, and meaningful information. I believe it builds the confidence and reassurance necessary for entering the workforce.”

In addition, he acquired hands-on experience in fiber optics and communications technology through his AFCOM internships at National Technologies (NTI) and IES Communications. At NTI, he was involved in fiber optic installations at a Microsoft data center in Leesburg, focusing on both inside and outside plant fiber runs. His experience at IES Communications included shadowing project managers in Chantilly and visiting various sites, such as a CyrusOne data hall and the Gainesville Crossing Data Center, where he learned about structured cabling project management.

Reflecting on his CLRI experience, he expressed gratitude for Andy Chavez, a NOVA IET Career and Technical Education Coordinator, and Sedrick Settle, an IET Career Advisor who organize CLRI. David described them by saying, “Mr. Chavez and Mr. Settle were great mentors throughout the program, approachable, friendly, and gregarious.”

David also singled out STACK Infrastucture VP TJ Ciccone, whom he met during the tour of STACK. “Walking alongside Mr. Ciccone was inspiring. Witnessing the data center’s operations, where servers work in perfect harmony to maintain 100% uptime, felt almost magical.”

David is currently employed at IES Communications at a Wells Fargo data center where he’s working on the fiber optic and CAT 6 structured cabling. He’s enjoying the experience with IES because he’s able to learn more about cabling, systems integration, and team collaboration within data center infrastructure.

His day-to-day work consists of pulling fiber optic/CAT 6 cable, patching fiber to the Corning EDGE cassettes (inside the rack enclosures), and labeling the fiber routes between rack enclosures. He’s learning a lot from his two superintendents, Malik Brokenburr and Jordan Gladney, as well as his project manager, Eric Younts.

His advice to NOVA students is “keep showing up, even if you’re not feeling your best self. When you continuously show up for yourself and for the people on your team, it speaks volumes about your character.”

David also participated in Amideast’s CASE Program in Tunisia with NOVA’s Study Abroad program, where he studied Tunisian post-colonial society, labor and migration, race and colorism, feminism and LGBTQIA communities, and culture.

“It was a wonderful experience where I met some great people in Tunisia as well as American students alongside me studying abroad. I would love for other NOVA students to be future CASE participants.”

Innovation at Data Center World 2024

“Whatever your career interests might be, somewhere in the data center industry there is a place for you.” ~ Alan Howard, Principal Analyst of Cloud & Data Research at Omdia

In April, the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. buzzed with activity as over 2,600 data center and IT professionals gathered for Data Center World 2024. The 4-day event featured an impressive lineup of over 70 sessions, 130 speakers, and 220 exhibiting vendors.

The annual conference, organized by AFCOM, the leading authority in data center education and networking, offered a robust program that included keynote speakers, panel discussions, and case studies. Attendees delved into crucial topics such as demand trends, cooling considerations, colocation, edge computing, community relations, power management, and the impact of AI on data center operations

The annual conference, organized by AFCOM, the leading authority in data center education and networking, offered a robust program that included keynote speakers, panel discussions, and case studies. Attendees delved into crucial topics such as demand trends, cooling considerations, colocation, edge computing, community relations, power management, and the impact of AI on data center operations

Data Center World continues to be the premier event for professionals seeking to stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving data center industry.

One of the standout sessions was “Where Will Your Next Data Center Be? Evolution of Demand Trends Across the Data Center Industry,” co-presented by Alan Howard, Principal Analyst of Cloud & Data Research at Omdia, Colby Cox, Managing Director of Americas at DC Byte, and Ed Socia, Insight Director of North America at datacenterHawk.

This session tackled the critical task of choosing data center service providers, emphasizing the long-term commitment and logistical challenges involved. The panelists provided valuable insights into the shifting landscape of user demand and its impact on provider decisions. They explored regional growth, leasing statistics, and demand trends across North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa (EMEA), and the Asia Pacific region (APAC). Future industry growth drivers and location-related factors such as cost, proximity to IT staff and customers, power costs, tax incentives, and geographical risks were also discussed.

Ed Socia shared, “The Data Center Industry continues to witness significant growth, despite headwinds brought about by utility power challenges. This demand is driven largely by future space and power requirements being secured by cloud service providers and AI companies. Tight market conditions in existing data center markets are pushing operators to sub-markets, where they’re able to identify a path to power.”

Alan Howard added, “The world of data centers is little known to the general public, but most of us interact with data centers daily through our computers or phones without even knowing it. Every Facebook post, TikTok or Instagram interaction, or Amazon order requires the services of a data center. Plus, data centers are in a period of dramatic growth, and to be honest, the industry is desperate to attract new talent as much of the data center workforce is closing in on retirement.”

Highlighting the job opportunities in the data center industry, Howard said, “There are many jobs working inside of data centers that are exciting, rewarding, and pay well. But the industry is so much broader than that. Beyond the data centers themselves, there are tons of opportunities working for companies that make their business building or servicing data centers in some way. I’d say that whatever your career interests might be, somewhere in the data center industry there is a place for you.”

He also pointed out the industry’s resilience. “What makes the data center industry particularly unique is that it is rather recession-resistant. During periods of economic turmoil, like Covid, data centers are such a critical part of many companies’ operations that they are not likely to lay off employees.”

Colby Cox emphasized the global nature of data center opportunities, highlighting that while there are opportunities worldwide, the NOVA region will remain one of the most important data center markets.

Digital Realty Internship Leads NOVA Grad to Data Center Career

Photo: Alec Vaca during the interview at Digital Realty

Story by Kristy Gillespie, NOVA IET STEM Writer

Despite it being his day off, NOVA graduate Alec Vaca joined us in a brightly lit, spacious conference room, eager to discuss his journey from NOVA to securing an internship at Digital Realty and eventually progressing to the role of a Data Center Operations Engineer 1. Vaca was enthusiastic about the chance to share his experience with the NOVA community.  

When questioned about the moment he realized that Digital Realty was the ideal fit for him, Vaca explained with a smile, “it was at the end of my first three weeks here on this campus. I was like, this has to be it. I want to do the things that they are doing, to learn, to be as equipped as they are, because it’s amazing stuff we do here. And I really do enjoy it.”

“I was so excited. This is a new path, a new journey, a new chapter in my life. And thankfully, it worked out,” he added.

Vaca started his journey at Micron as an intern and spent three years working in fabrications. During that time, he built an impressive background at NOVA, having earned an A.A.S. degree in Automotive and another in Engineering Technology. Before marking his one-year anniversary with Digital Realty in September, he spent six weeks interning.

During the internship, Vaca had a variety of experiences. Some of his favorites included learning how to run the remote operating center, which he explained is like the “brain” of the building. He also had the opportunity to try on an arc flash suit used for critical switch manipulation. In addition, one of the projects Vaca was most proud of was a handbook that he created for future interns.

Vaca encourages NOVA students to intern at Digital Reality, a business that supports the data center and colocation strategies of firms across six continents, over twenty-five countries, and more than fifty metros. In fact, there are over fifteen locations in the Northern Virginia area alone. Vaca works at the IAD39 data center in Ashburn.

Vaca explained how his internship at Digital Realty helped him recognize his capabilities and potential within the company. During this experience, he gained valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of a data center and their direct impact on customers and their equipment.

When asked for advice he’d give to NOVA students interested in an internship at Digital Realty, Vaca emphasized the importance of open communication with professors. He suggested letting professors know about their interest in the internship opportunity. Additionally, he stressed the significance of humility, patience, and staying relaxed, as securing such opportunities often takes time.

We also had the opportunity to talk with John Limbacher, the Data Center Manager for IAD39, who, as a military veteran, acquired a technical background during his service. When asked about what Digital Realty looks for in a potential NOVA intern, he emphasized that students should have a willingness to learn, collaborate in a team environment, and possess essential soft skills, including communication, creativity, and problem-solving, among others.

Just prior to his internship at Digital Realty, Vaca had recently completed NOVA IET’s Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI), a free program offering NOVA students, particularly those in IET fields, the opportunity to enhance their competitiveness as job candidates. Vaca highlighted the CLRI’s benefits, citing his significant learning experiences in communication skills and resume building. “I’ve learned so much at NOVA and I’ve grown as a person through it,” Vaca said.

When describing a typical workday, or rather, a worknight for Vaca, he explained that it starts with discussions with the engineers to gather information on ongoing tasks and important updates. Following this, he conducts checks to ensure the stability of the Building Management System, which acts as the center’s eyes, and to address any potential need for replacing critical batteries.

For NOVA students interested in future opportunities at Digital Realty, Limbacher advised seeking out education reimbursement programs and completing certifications such as data center professional certifications, design, and construction certifications.

Limbacher also highlighted the diverse career pathways available within the company once an individual secures a position. In fact, beyond data center operations, employees have opportunities to transition into various roles including design and construction, implementation, portfolio management, marketing, sales, cybersecurity, and more.

Although there is a lot that Vaca enjoys about his career at Digital Realty, he mentioned that having positive relationships with his team is at the top of his list. He explained, “I have a voice and I can say, ok, this is a good idea, let’s go for it, or let’s talk about this because it doesn’t seem right to me.”

With an infectious smile, he added, “the biggest thing that hit me when I came here was strong relationships and I really enjoy it. I like how we communicate and that there’s good open dialogue.”

Information About Internships

Applications for Digital Realty internships can be accessed through NOVA’s Career Connection portal. Click here for DCO and here for Remote Hands. Postings will be up through November 17th:

Internships will be over the holiday break between semesters for 4 weeks up to 40 hours per week. Interns will be based at the Digital Realty locations in Ashburn and will be paid $20 per hour, with a maximum earning of $3,000.

Digital Realty is a valuable partner to the college in providing accessible pathways to in-demand technology careers. The NOVA Foundation has also provided outstanding support by establishing the NOVA IET Fund, which directly supports NOVA IET programs such as internships for the Data Center Operations program.

#InDemandTech #DigitalRealty #Internships #DataCenterOperations #DCO#InterpersonalSkills #BoldlyNOVA

Story by Kristy Gillespie, NOVA IET STEM Writer