Category Archives: Network Engineering

NOVA Student Success Spotlight In IET: Muhammed Saleh

“I absolutely recommend NOVA. The professors are amazing, and there are a lot of opportunities here. I’m grateful for NOVA.”
~ Muhammed Saleh

Muhammed Saleh recently completed the Network Engineering Specialist C.S.C. certificate at NOVA and is set to graduate this summer with an associate degree in cybersecurity. His journey has been marked by his active involvement in various initiatives and clubs, particularly the Nighthawks Cloud, NOVA’s IET Cloud Computing Club at the Woodbridge campus.

He joined Nighthawks Cloud last spring and was soon elected as its president. The club, which boasts over 200 members, includes 20 active participants who attend in-person sessions, while others engage online. Active members gather on Thursdays at the Manassas campus for hands-on projects (prospective members can visit the Nighthawks Cloud website at and join the Discord server for club information and event updates).

Last summer, Muhammed furthered his practical knowledge by completing an internship with VAE, Inc., a company renowned for providing top-tier infrastructure solutions to government and commercial clients. His manager introduced him to various departments within the company, allowing him to work with project management and ID management teams. His responsibilities included IT tasks and assisting in racking and configuring servers, providing him with invaluable hands-on experience.

Following his internship, Muhammed was hired part-time at NOVA as a lab support technician. For six months, he split his time between the Woodbridge and Manassas campuses, where he provided lab assistance and collaborated on projects with professors. “Working at NOVA was a great experience because I gained hands-on experience and exposure,” he said.

Currently, Muhammed works full-time remotely as a network engineer for Light Professional IT Services, a company specializing in computer security services. In this role, he serves as the point of contact for clients experiencing DDOS attacks, escalates issues to the cybersecurity team when necessary, and upgrades networks and projectors.

He also manages the NSF building’s network, ensuring the proper connection and functionality of IP cameras, access points, WiFi, IoT devices, and printers. “It’s fun. My team is really amazing and experienced, so they help me because I’m a newbie, but I learn every single day,” he said.

Muhammed strongly recommends that NOVA cybersecurity students pursue internships and obtain industry certifications from CompTIA or Cisco to enhance their knowledge and improve their job prospects. “This can deepen your industry knowledge and increase your chances of getting hired,” he advised.

With a passion for lifelong learning, Muhammed’s long-term goals include earning bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, and he aspires to become a professor one day.

IET Career Day at the AN Campus Has Students Looking at NOVA

Earlier this month we held our final 2024 NOVA IET Career Day at the Annandale campus to showcase our Information and Engineering Technology programs to over 85 high school students (after successful previous career days in March on other NOVA campuses where 300+ HS students attended).

Participants toured the campus, engaged in hands-on activities, and learned from industry professionals including Nick Dahal from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cameron Brown from Suffolk Construction, Greg Howard from Peraton, and Ryan Ammons and Obaid Sabori from NOVA IET. Key support was also provided by NOVA’s Dual Enrollment team.

The primary goal of the IET Career Days is to spark student interest in the in-demand tech pathway at NOVA, enabling them to either transfer to a 4-year institution in an IET field, or in many cases, enter the workforce directly after one or two years at the college.

Here’s how some of the attending high schoolers responded to their day at NOVA:

“I enjoyed this event because it was informative and helpful. Now, I’m considering attending NOVA for two years before transferring to a four-year college. Hearing from professionals working in the real world was interesting. I’m really glad that I signed up.”

~ Patricia, Senior, Marshall High School Academy

“I’m considering applying to NOVA or to a college in New Orleans, where my sister lives. I’m interested in cybersecurity. The Annandale campus is nice, and the data analytics session was pretty cool.”

~ Solomon, Junior, Potomac High School

“This event was great. I liked the interactive session that gave out prizes. I applied for NOVA’s cybersecurity program. I’m currently taking a cybersecurity class at school.”

~ Jerry, Senior, Marshall High School Academy

“I’m a dual enrollment student at NOVA. I wanted to come to this event to learn more about NOVA, information technology, and the internship options. It was an interesting event. I’m attending George Mason University in the fall.”

~ Evan, Senior, Marshall High School Academy

“I’m interested in mechanical engineering and the IT field, so this event was intriguing and informational. The session with the instructional system designer was interesting because I never really thought about how the government and the IT field intertwine.

I’m deciding among Penn State, George Mason, or Virginia Tech for the fall (I’m on the VT waitlist). As a dual enrollment student at NOVA, I’ve taken a history class and am currently taking an English class and a systems technology class, where I’ll earn A+ certification.

I’ve also considered attending NOVA for two years and then transferring to a four-year university. My grandfather was an English professor at NOVA but is now retired. He also worked as a diplomat and at the World Bank. He’s from Syria.”

~ Nile, Senior, Langley High School

Insights from Presenters:

Greg Howard, an Instructional Systems Designer/Curriculum Development Specialist working as a contractor at Peraton, shared advice for students interested in the IT field: “When you start your career, you may be shy or nervous about talking to people, but you will have to interact with them. Sometimes, you have to ‘fake it till you make it’ as you learn how to communicate. If you don’t, you may not be able to do your job successfully, which would be a disservice to yourself and the organization you’re working for. You have to learn how to adapt accordingly; it’s an important skill to learn.”

Obaid Sabori, a NOVA graduate with an associate degree in cybersecurity, now an entrepreneur and lab support technician at NOVA, stressed that “everyone needs to learn about cybersecurity to protect their digital identity.” He encourages students interested in cybersecurity to gain experience through hands-on projects and participation in both in-person and online competitions, such as the National Cyber League and Hack the Box.

Ryan Ammons, an assistant IET professor at NOVA, highlighted how Artificial Intelligence (AI), or machine learning, is transforming the workforce. According to The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023, it’s predicted that there will be a 40% increase in the number of AI and machine learning specialists by 2027, representing a 30-35% rise in demand. Ryan emphasized  the one-year Data Analytics program at NOVA, noting it equips students with skills supporting the latest advances in digital data analytics.

Nick Dahal, a NOVA and George Mason University graduate, now an Operations Manager for Amazon Web Services, urges students interested in the IET field to apply for internships. “My internship was a game-changer. Internships are very important because your degree’s value doubles when you graduate with internship experience. Since internships are competitive, you may have to apply to many, but as you go through more interviews, talk to more people, and review your resume multiple times, you fix more mistakes and just get better at the process.”

IET Career Days are Back!

Showcasing NOVA’s commitment to supporting students and professionals in IET fields, NOVA’s IET High School Career Days return this March and April! These events introduce high school students to in-demand technology career pathways.

Check out our IET Career Day Video

Career Days are FREE and feature presentations and panel discussions by industry experts covering a range of topics such as Information Technology, Engineering Technology, Computer Science, Data Center Operations, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, and Credit for Prior Learning (e.g. Google, CompTIA, and AWS certifications). Students will also tour the particular NOVA campus they are visiting (Loudoun, Woodbridge, Manassas, Alexandria, andAnnandale).

High schools that meet the minimum registration requirement will be provided free transportation to and from the event and lunch is also provided. This is a first-come first-serve event and each campus is capped at 200 attendees.

Registration is required to attend and all high school students must self-register for their respective Career Day.

Register below to attend a Career Day at one of our NOVA Campuses: 

Tuesday 3/12 Loudoun Campus
Wednesday 3/13 Woodbridge Campus
Thursday 3/14 Manassas Campus
Friday 4/5 Annandale Campus

For questions contact Braden Traw at or Justin Owen at

NOVA Student Success In IET: Willie Brown

NOVA student Willie Brown is flying high in NASA’s Community College Aerospace Scholars Program. From CLRI to FOWA, he’s leaving a trail of success wherever he goes.

We recently settled in for a conversation with Willie, a NOVA IET student and participant in NASA’s Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) program. We were eager to delve into his remarkable experience and trace his journey through NOVA IET.

Brown, currently pursuing an A.S. in Information Technology, a C.S.C. for Network Engineering Specialist, and CompTIA Industry Certifications, discovered this excellent opportunity through a Canvas announcement last year. Despite fierce competition among hundreds of community college students, Brown stood out and actively engaged in Mission 1: Discover and Mission 2: Explore within the NCAS virtual experience. To top it off, Brown received an invitation to Mission 3: Innovate-Capstone Project, scheduled to take place at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California!

Mission 1 and Mission 2 are five-week programs, deeply immersing participants in NASA’s missions and STEM careers. Meanwhile, Mission 3 is a three-week endeavor, consisting of a 2-week online segment followed by a one-week residential experience. During this time, scholars like Brown will contribute to NASA’s missions by developing possible solutions to current challenges faced by NASA.

As he embarked on Mission 1, Discover, Brown found himself engrossed in a NASA orientation that set the stage for the subsequent NCAS missions. This phase offered students a comprehensive insight into NASA’s ongoing projects and pathways for involvement.

The online program blends various STEM activities, including expert talks, interactive media, group work, tests, and guidance from seasoned educators, providing students like Brown with an engaging learning experience during Mission 1.

He encourages students to explore the program, noting that Mission 1 is achievable due to its virtual nature. He explained that participants delve into NASA’s directorates and focus on major ongoing projects, such as Artemis.

Artemis II, slated as the first crewed mission to the moon since 1972, is scheduled to launch a year from now. Brown emphasized its significance, stating, “The space program affects life on Earth much more than you might initially think. For example, research takes place on the space station that can be beneficial on Earth. Research topics include plant growth, changes in bone density, chemical processes for the development of medicine, and more. It’s really exciting in addition to the first person of color being on the Artemis II team.”

Transitioning into Mission 2, Explore unfolds as a simulation where students craft solutions for missions to the Moon or Mars. This phase focuses on teaching them the art of balancing choices within set limits. Simultaneously, within the career simulation, students step into mock NASA roles, showcasing the importance of teamwork and personal skills essential for monumental missions, such as exploring the lunar surface.

Brown was a member of the Apollo Green team, tasked with deciphering which rocket to utilize, defining payloads, specifying the mission objectives, selecting landing sites, and managing numerous other crucial elements.

When allocating roles among team members, Brown humorously compared the process to steering clear of the frantic scramble for supplies at the cornucopia in The Hunger Games; in their case, the “cornucopia” encapsulated all the available STEM roles in Exploration. Thankfully, the team swiftly resolved their roles due to time constraints, spurred by the impending presentation of their project.

His role centered on public affairs, necessitating the creation of a marketing plan outlining their approach to disseminating the program to the public. He also strategized on how to keep stakeholders informed about their progress while navigating the challenge of addressing encountered issues without revealing excessive details to other teams.

Amidst his involvement in the NCAS program, Brown’s plate extends far beyond. Besides being a NOVA student, he is deeply engaged in various roles. He serves on the Student Advisory Group for Virginia Workforce Recovery, collaborates with the Community College Research Center at Columbia University, holds positions as a NOVA Corps intern with Alexandria Enrollment Services, and interns with the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative and CACI Corporation.

When questioned about his perspective on the importance of IET fields, he elaborated, “The world has shifted—now, we’re all interconnected through this internet, so there are fundamental things that everyone needs to comprehend in order to protect themselves.”

On doing CLRI at NOVA

Reflecting on his journey at NOVA, Brown highlighted the significance of completing the Career & Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI). He firmly advocates for its value, stating, “It’s worth the time and energy invested. An absolutely fantastic program—it’s priceless.” He specifically praised several beneficial aspects such as mock interviews, guidance from subject matter experts, insightful visits to data centers, resume assistance, and the invaluable support from Career and Technical Education Coordinator, Andy Chavez, and IET Career Advisor, Sedrick Settle.

Furthermore, the CLRI focuses on imparting soft skills, an aspect Brown noted as crucial irrespective of one’s field. He acknowledged the significance of interpersonal abilities since interaction with people is universal across professions. He identified essential soft skills such as maintaining eye contact, effective communication, active listening, the art of asking questions and seeking clarification, mastering intonation, delivering both positive and negative news, demonstrating respect, and offering basic technical support.

First Place in the Future of Work Academy (FOWA)

Additionally, last fall, Brown participated in the virtual Future of Work Academy (FOWA), an institution specializing in cybersecurity career preparation. Notably, he clinched first place in the FOWA Innovation Incubator Challenge by presenting an idea centered around connecting individuals with limited resources seeking employment opportunities to free community resources. His concept involved establishing virtual cohorts within the community. His focus lay in imparting fundamental typing skills, recognizing its essentiality in today’s landscape.

Engaging in NOVA IET

Regarding advice for those contemplating NOVA’s IET programs, Brown stresses the need to dispel the notion that IT professionals are innate wizards, emphasizing that everyone starts as a learner. His advice is to initiate learning, seek guidance from successful individuals, and craft a solid learning plan, starting without delay.

For non-traditional students, he urges active engagement within the NOVA experience, advocating for the exploration of unfamiliar opportunities. He emphasizes the significance of not holding back academically or experientially due to age differences. In the competitive arena of professional life, he suggests embracing the diverse experiences within the classroom while understanding that they may also be competitors in securing dream jobs.

Highlighting the importance of a support network, Brown acknowledges the influential role of Jack Bidlack, NOVA’s Director of Strategic Initiatives, as a mentor and supporter. “One of my champions is Mr. Bidlack. Anytime something happens to me, I always send him a note to let him know what’s going on. He’s like my cheering section,” he said with a bright smile.

Looking ahead, Brown envisions completing his studies at NOVA and transferring to a four-year university, preferably one with an active honors program or a small liberal arts school offering an engaging environment. He also expresses his commitment to lifelong learning, currently pursuing a mathematics class at NOVA.


NOVA Students Win 13 Gold Medals at SkillsUSA State Championship!

At the SkillsUSA Virginia State Leadership Conference in Virginia Beach this past weekend, 15 students represented Northern Virginia Community College: 13 won gold medals for NOVA and 2 won silver!

Each of the gold medalists were declared State Champions in their respective competitive events (including Cybersecurity, Computer Programming, Engineering Technology Design, Information Technology Services, and more) and qualify for the National SkillsUSA Conference in June in Atlanta.

Overall there were 10 individual champions and 2 team champions (a two-person team and a three-person team).  Here are the winning NOVA students and their events:

Competition # on team NOVA Student/SKILLSUSA Member SkillsUSA Virginia State Leadership Conference 2023 Placement
Computer Programming 1 Soham Nawthale State Champion
Related Technical Math 1 Tanjim Redhwan State Champion
Cybersecurity 2 Chimere Nzedu State Champion
Cybersecurity 2 Ardian Peach State Champion
Engineering Technology Design 3 Maddie Gebremichael State Champion
Engineering Technology Design 3 Kanykei Korosheva State Champion
Engineering Technology Design 3 Nathaniel Bunger State Champion
Internet of Things 1 Jonathan Solomon Gebremichael State Champion
Extemp Speaking 1 Dhyuthi Chegu State Champion
First Aid CPR 1 Cindy Tran Silver Medalist
First Aid CPR 1 Nora Kaup State Champion
Information Technology Services 1 Alyssa Vasilica Silver Medalist
Principles of Engineering 1 Takeshi Tamashiro-Pardo* State Champion
Telecommunications & Cabling 1 Claudio Molina State Champion

The State Leadership Conference provided students with the opportunity to utilize the technical knowledge learned in the classroom to solve problems and apply what they learned (with coaching and advising from industry professionals) in a competition environment. Now they have the opportunity to represent NOVA on the national stage!

#InDemand #SkillsUSA


NOVA IT Student Wins First in FOWA Upskilling

Willie Brown is a second-year student pursuing an A.S. in Information Technology, a C.S.C. for Network Engineering Specialist, and CompTIA Industry Certifications at NOVA Alexandria.

The Future of Work Academy (FOWA) is an organization that provides career prep in cybersecurity.

Willie won first place in the FOWA Innovation Incubator Challenge for his presentation addressing one of two incubator topics and then responding to questions from a panel of judges.

Willie was thrilled to place first and we caught up with him to discuss his experience:

You won first place at FOWA for Upskilling – congratulations! How did you react when you found out the news?
I was stunned! There was a moment where I could have screen-captured the college name and mine with the 1st Place label. I missed it!

Why is Upskilling is important in your field?
Upskilling, building upon what I already know, is essential in IT, especially network engineering. Specific knowledge “bits” carry from ethernet to routing protocols to automation—the primary IT knowledge and skills around grounding when learning new technologies.

How has NOVA helped you achieve your goals in Network Engineering and Information Technology?
Several studies indicate that being highly involved in college correlates with better academic performance and well-being. So, well, I am involved. I ensure I get the IET Newsletter and the weekly campus list of events and activities. I make time for essential things. So, NOVA is offering opportunities, and I am using those events and activities to broaden my experience in my Network Engineering and Information Technology classes.

You stated in your presentation that “you are never too old to start anything…” What is your experience learning new career skills later in life?
The quote continued, “especially if it is going to change (improve) the rest of my life.” I will say that knowing “why” I am learning new career skills changes the game. Knowing my “why” is a pipeline to my “what.” Juggling work and school can be challenging. However, when I start to doubt, I replay Eminem’s – “Lose Yourself” –

“Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip? Yo”.

My “why” is to have a secure future. Part of the “what” is to learn as much as possible – challenge myself to do the things that scare me.

What would you say to students who are considering IT as a career field but don’t have experience yet? How can they succeed?
Of course, they can succeed! However, the opportunities for them, the chances that could change the rest of their lives, maybe looking them directly in the face. My point is to be aware of opportunities so that they can take advantage of them because they may not come along again.

Who has been of particular help to you along your career pathway?
Two essential lessons: 1. Always ask for help, and 2. Never say no for another person. There is always someone willing to help if I would only ask. Next, it is critical to ask for what I want. If I want to stretch myself, it is my responsibility to seek it out and ask for and seek inclusion. I only sometimes get what I want. But I can tell you I am much further along than if I tried to do it alone.

What actions should our community be engaged in to take digital education of adults to the next level?
We always have to consider meeting people where they are. What skills and talents do they already possess, and how can we grow those assets. An essential “must do” is demystifying digital literacy in the modern world. Typing is a critical yet transferable skill that can empower further exploration and growth in information technology. Help those that want to make changes in their lives move forward. I suggest combining touch typing with Microsoft Office User Support certification training in my presentation.

What barriers in diversity, equity, and inclusion need to be addressed in your area of expertise?
One of the first barriers to DEI is the organizational recognition that there are barriers in IT, which must be addressed and overcome if organizations want to be sure they are getting the broadest, most capable talent onboard. For example, I have worked in organizations where no one looked like me. It was challenging when the social and relational barriers at work convinced another person who might look like me or be a woman not to speak up! As a result, good ideas may go unspoken, and profits go uncollected. But on the other hand, the IT team looks like Star Trek will win the race simply because of the openness, supportive environment, and willingness to take risks because they trust their team members.

What’s your work/life balance in this field? What do you enjoy in your spare time?
It is a balancing act, that is for sure! Working full-time and usually a full-time course load requires balancing. I eat right with room for my treat of potato chips, and I do my best to get a good night’s rest every night. Additionally, I started running a few years ago, I had never run in my life, and then I found UK’s NHS Couch to 5k. Within eight weeks, I was running a 5K in 40 minutes. I was like, “WOW, I have just run for 2.5 miles without stopping once and was not out of breath”. I was hooked! Next up, 10K and perhaps even a marathon.