Category Archives: Professional Development

PDI Entrepreneur Group Spotlight: Hermes Net and We Nudge

NOVA Fab Lab’s Product Design Incubator (PDI): From Idea to Reality 

Sixteen NOVA fellows from various academic fields, including business administration, computer science, engineering, and more, participated in NOVA Fab Lab’s second Product Design Incubator (PDI), funded by the National Science Foundation.

Fab Lab Coordinator Richard Sewell is the program lead, with IET Project Manager Chris Russell and Associate Professor of Business Administration Cameisha Chin serving as co-leads.

“The goal of PDI is to take students without any design experience and help them create a fully formed idea,” Chris explained.

Fellows learned entrepreneurship skills during six spring semester workshops, designed and prototyped a project during a summer product design incubator, pitched their project to regional entrepreneurs, and received a stipend upon completion.

To start, five groups of fellows brainstormed ideas using the Disagio Model. “Disagio” is an Italian word meaning “discomfort” or “unease.” A disagio is something that bothers you, a source of a problem that recurs in your mind over and over again. After identifying numerous disagi, groups chose one that resonated with all of them. Here we take a closer look at two of our groups: Hermes Net and We Nudge.

Hermes Net

Engineering student Helina Semu, engineering and welding student Matthew Manero, general studies student Kyle Morrison, and business management student Stephanie Marino designed “Hermes Net,” a product that uses drones to provide cellular service to areas affected by natural disasters. Hermes Net is named after Hermes, the Greek god known as the “messenger.”

Kyle explained, “During a natural disaster, local cell towers are often down, causing phones to connect to distant towers, which then become overloaded. Our drones, positioned higher in the air with a better line of sight, would receive signals from the phones and distribute the load to more distant cell towers, alleviating the congestion.”

Embarking on such an ambitious project was both exciting and challenging. “There are various aspects to our project including aerospace, electronics, communications, business, and organization,” Matthew said.

Other challenges included being unable to find information about a specific drone they were interested in, including its cost and size, and having difficulty finding products to compare theirs to, considering their particular product hasn’t been designed before.

Despite these challenges, when asked if they would recommend PDI to their NOVA peers, they replied with a collective, “Absolutely.” They mentioned gaining technical skills, soft skills, public speaking skills, discovering new passions, graphic design, Adobe, 3D printing, soldering, and more.

“I’ve never done anything like this before. It’s well-structured, fun, and I’ve learned so much in so little time,” Helina said.

“I loved working with this team,” Stephanie shared. “I loved the aspect of interdisciplinary collaboration because we have such a wide range of talents. It felt like our project had a life of its own—we got to know it as we created it.”

“It’s been amazing getting to know our mentors, teachers, and guest speakers,” NOVA PDI fellow Stephanie Marino said. “They openly shared things they’ve learned along the way and mistakes they’ve made. It made me appreciate the wealth of knowledge this school has. This project and the Fab Lab are wonderful.”

We Nudge

While four fellows collaborated on the “Hermes Net” project, two fellows,  Cloud Computing student Camila Lemes Goncalves and engineering student Katie Velasco-Nunez, designed “We Nudge,” an application that merges a navigation system and digital calendars and sends appointment reminders and traffic updates.

They came up with the idea after noticing how often classmates, as well as themselves, arrived five to ten minutes late to class. “We call it the lateness syndrome,” Katie said.

“We text each other: I’m running late today. I forgot to grab my cell phone. I parked far away today. I left home late. Just little things that make you late. A lot of people feel a connection with our project—being late is a big issue,” Camila shared.

“It’s been interesting to research how being late affects not only the person who is late, but also the person(s) who has been waiting for them,” she added.

Although Camila and Katie were originally part of a team of four, two members of their group exited the program along the way. They were given the option to split up and join other groups or invite others into their group, but they decided to stick together as a team of two. In effect, their workload increased, but so did their trust, connection, and communication.

Both of them recommend PDI as well as the Fab Lab. “It’s been fun getting to learn new things, creating a website, and seeing our project come together,” Katie said. “Resources in the Fab Lab helped a lot.”

“I applied to PDI after I found out about all of the resources in the Fab Lab, including the 3D printer and the laser machine. It’s a great program and will look good on my resume,” Camila said.

NOVA Fab Lab’s PDI shows how teamwork across different fields can lead to innovative ideas. The skills and experiences these students gained will help them in their future careers.

CLRI Graduates Network With Industry Executives

Education meets opportunity! Our 6th cohort of NOVA IET CLRI (Career and Readiness Leadership Institute) grads at Northern Virginia Community College used new skills to make industry connections at our recent networking event aimed at securing #InDemandTech internships and jobs!

We had a record number of students this Fall, with 61 students at the preliminary interest meeting and 65 students attending at least one workshop.

NOVA IET’s  M. Andy Chaves and Sedrick Settle have done excellent work inspiring students to get involved and understand the value of interpersonal relationships in the technology industry.

Overall, 41 students are on track to complete CLRI, ready to get ahead with valuable soft-skills (Building Your Personal Brand, Interview Prep, Professionalism & Accountability, Effective Communication, Trends in IT, and How to Write a Technical Resume) that are vital for their technology career journey.

During the program, students were offered at least 4 site tours to Data Centers and a microchip processing plant to gain a fuller understanding of what they are preparing for.

The big finish – an Executive Mentoring and Networking Event where industry professionals advised and conversed with students to help them build their network. Many of these companies will provide internship and job opportunities to CLRI participants, as has been the case every time we do CLRI!

Big thanks to the following executives and companies who invested their time, knowledge, and experience for our CLRI grads looking to launch their careers:

CoreSiteMiguel Ramos, CMCO
Sustainable Workforce Development Solutions (SWDS) – Daisy Saulls
FedHIVEMichael Cardaci
Amazon Web Services (AWS)Stephen Jolly
Micron TechnologyMichael Guttman
A Foot in the Door, Inc.Keith W. Francis
Technology Infrastructure Advisors – Ajay Bawa

The feedback we received from students was effusive. Here’s a few of the responses:

“CLRI is an incredible program from beginning to the end, every single day was filled with great opportunities to learn and explore new careers. The best program ever created to achieve students confidence at the door step of widely expanding technology industries in Virginia. I’m thankful and grateful be in this program and hope future NOVA students will continue to be inspired by CLRI.”
Shamalee Jayakodi Arachchige

It was fantastic! I had very thoughtful and insightful discussions with industry leaders. I feel much more confident in myself and in my speaking abilities. Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate, learn, and apply the concepts you’ve instilled in my CLRI teammates and I.” – Gabriel Diaz-Rosero

“Thank you for the the event. The mentors are so welcoming, open to share and listen. We are so glad to be a part of the community. I left with a clearer vision of my next step.” – Nga Tran

NOVA students who are interested in getting in on the 2024 CLRI sessions, go to

More about CLRI at

CLRI Kickoff Our Biggest One Yet

The Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI) kicked-off at the NOVA Annandale campus on September 7th and this Fall’s group is our biggest one yet with over 50 registered participants.

CLRI is free and provides NOVA students the opportunity to become more competitive job candidates.

NOVA IET’s M. Andy Chaves and Sedrick Settle have established a highly regarded program that equips NOVA students with career readiness and priority consideration for paid internships with industry partners.

The kick-off event is intended to give CLRI participants an invested and friendly opening to what’s become a vital program at NOVA.

Just from the kick-off alone, surveyed students responded with the following feedback:

“This was an amazing session, something I needed for a very long time. Today I found my brand with the help of two amazing mentors. Looking forward to gain more valuable tips.”

“Thank you for being genuine and for sharing personal experiences with us.”

“It was great! The guest speaker went over all communication skills in great details, provided great examples and requested the crowd to participate as much as possible. Best workshop so far in my opinion.”

“It was interesting and educative. I’m glad I joined this program. I really need a mentor in life.”

“It was a great experience, learned a lot of tips and important aspects of interview techniques. In fact, it helped to build confidence and hope in me. Great workshop.”

Fall CLRI sessions are are currently underway. where CLRI students are training how to interview, create a resume that stands out, network effectively, manage interpersonal skills in a diverse workplace and more. For NOVA IET students, the CLRI is a vital component in learning soft skills to complement technical skills.

Many CLRI grads have landed internship and job offers from tech industry partners directly through the program.

New Spring sessions will be available to sign up for in Jan 2024. Fill out our Interest Form and we will alert you when registration is available.

More about CLRI at


NOVA Student Success Spotlight in DCO: Tim Shutz

Last year, Tim Shutz  departed from his previous career in search of something new.

Starting his new career pathway at NOVA, he dove into Engineering Technology, Data Center Operations, and Computer Science. He also signed up for CLRI (NOVA IET’s Career and Leadership Readiness Institute) in 2022 to hone his professional and interpersonal skills, after which he landed an internship with AFCOM Potomac Chapter in 2023, fostering a passion for Data Centers along the way.

Now he has secured a job at Iron Mountain Data Centers as a Critical Facility Specialist.

When deciding to switch careers, Tim started with a leap of faith:

“It was as nerve-wracking as you can imagine, leaving behind the comfort, rhythm, and familiarity I had known. With the onset of the 2020s, as the world grew increasingly volatile, technology appeared to be on an exponential rise, and the pace of change outstripped my preparedness, I knew I needed to undergo a personal transformation. This journey brings to mind a cherished quote by Warren Buffet: “If the future is uncertain, invest in yourself.”

After Tim invested in himself through NOVA, CLRI, and AFCOM internship, and now at Iron Mountain, Tim’s leap of faith is paying dividends and he is confident about the future:

It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m grateful for the series of events that have brought me to where I am today. I can’t wait to contribute my skills and embark on this exciting journey with an amazing team. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my path.”

Interview with Tim Shutz

We caught up with Tim and asked him a few questions about his experience with CLRI and AFCOM and how it prepared him to go to the next level. His answers give some insight on what he has learned and accomplished, who has helped him, and where he sees himself in the future.

Tim’s CLRI experience: 13 questions and answers
(Internship-specific answers detailed after the CLRI portion)

Q: What IET field are you pursuing and why?

I pursued and finished an Engineering Technology certification, and am continuing a Data Center Operations certification and an Associate’s degree in Computer Science. These choices stemmed from a desire to engage in technical work while also challenging myself through the pursuit of a computer science major.

Q: How did you find out about CLRI?

My introduction to CLRI came during my fall semester when I received an email about the program. Recognizing the importance of exploring various clubs and opportunities, I was drawn to the intriguing prospects offered by CLRI.

Q: Why are soft skills and effective interpersonal communication vital if you’re pursuing a career in a technical field?

The significance of soft skills and effective interpersonal communication cannot be overstated for those venturing into technical careers. While technical expertise opens doors, it’s the soft skills that pave the way for advancement and growth.

Q: How have you fostered continuing professional relationships with fellow CLRI peers?

Cultivating enduring professional relationships with fellow CLRI peers has been an organic process. By embarking on the AFCOM internship together and sharing subsequent experiences, we have forged strong bonds that greatly ease navigation within this field.

Q: Tell us about how CLRI aided in building your personal brand?

My involvement in CLRI significantly contributed to the refinement of my personal brand. Beyond the connections I established, working closely with a professional resume writer resulted in a standout resume that has garnered numerous compliments for its quality.

Q: In CLRI you worked on building an effective resume. What are the best ways to make your resumé stand out both technically and with the content you include?

Crafting a remarkable resume in CLRI involved strategic decisions. Placing my educational achievements at the forefront and quantifying my contributions with specific metrics enabled the resume to stand out both technically and content-wise.

Q: How did CLRI hone your leadership skills? Why is it important to have these skills even if you are not interested in pursuing a management role?

CLRI played a pivotal role in honing my leadership skills, particularly aiding me in enhancing my networking abilities after a period of isolation due to the pandemic. These skills hold value even for non-managerial roles, as they facilitate meaningful interactions within the data center profession.

Q: How did mock interviews prepare you for real interviews?

Participating in mock interviews through CLRI, particularly the ones hosted by Amazon, allowed me to refine my STAR interview technique, offering invaluable preparation for real-world interviews.

Q: How did CLRI enhance your professionalism and accountability?

CLRI’s influence on my professionalism and sense of accountability was substantial. Engaging with experts on soft skills and receiving personalized advice provided valuable insights. One conversation with a speaker helped me recognize the depth of experience I possessed, boosting my confidence.

Q: It was said during CLRI “every day is a job interview.” What does that mean to you?

The adage “every day is a job interview” underscores the importance of presenting oneself in the best possible light during all interactions. Just as in formal job interviews, daily encounters offer opportunities to make positive impressions.

Q: How effective was the networking event? Anyone in-particular that you connected with?

The networking event was effective in connecting me with individuals who have since become valuable professional contacts. The experience was highly positive, although additional in-person talks would have enhanced the connection-building process.

Q: What’s next for you? What opportunities do you feel you might have missed if you hadn’t taken CLRI?

So recently I was offered a job at a great company. Without CLRI I don’t think I would have gotten there. CLRI introduced me into data centers which got me into the DCO program, then into AFCOM, right into a job.

Q: What would you say in recommending CLRI to NOVA students?

I honestly think a program like this should be mandatory for students. My point is that school is only a part of the recipe to success, if you don’t go out of your way to meet industry professionals you will have a very difficult time getting the dream job you want, or even figuring out if the major you are in is the correct one.

Q: Anything else that we’ve missed?

CLRI introduced me to inspiring professionals and fellow students, setting the stage for what was to come. Thank you M. Andy Chaves and Sedrick Settle!

TJ Ciccone’s ENE195 class was a game-changer, teaching us the art of acing interviews and igniting my passion for data centers. Thank you Thomas (TJ) Ciccone

Tim’s AFCOM Internship: 14 questions and answers

Q: Generally, why are internships important?

Internships hold universal importance as they offer firsthand experience, allowing individuals to assess their suitability for a role and their compatibility with a company. Additionally, internships facilitate longer and more revealing interactions with potential employers.

Q: What did you learn during CLRI that helped you in your AFCOM internship?

The insights gained from CLRI played a pivotal role in my AFCOM internship experience. This foundation enabled me to engage effectively in discussions surrounding data center operations and ask pertinent questions, showcasing my acquired knowledge.

Q: A number of CLRI grads have gone on to do internships together. How has that developed a sense of professional community?

The collective pursuit of internships by fellow CLRI graduates fostered a profound sense of professional community. This camaraderie not only provides ongoing support but also expands networks, enabling connections that will likely endure throughout our careers.

Q: Tell us about your AFCOM Internship experience? How did it build on what you learned through CLRI?

CLRI played a pivotal role in enhancing my soft skills during my internship. Many individuals have emphasized that cultivating these skills is indispensable for securing a position in data centers, which further underscores the significance of my experience there.

Q: Why have you pursued an internship in this particular field?

My motivation to seek an internship in this specific field was fueled by a keen interest in data center operations. The desire to comprehend the intricacies of these facilities and contribute to their efficiency guided my choice.

Q: What specific activities have you engaged in during your internship? What has been your favorite task or project?

During my internship, I engaged in a range of tasks, including rounds, coil cleaning, and learning about the building management system. These activities allowed me to gain hands-on experience and expand my understanding of data center operations.

Q: Who has had a particular influence on you during your internship?

My mentor, Hansen Troy Hill, significantly influenced my internship experience, providing valuable guidance and support. Thank you Troy and AFCOM Potomac Chapter. Moreover, Stephan Plock, the manager at DLR, offered indispensable insights during my job search.

Q: What skills have you learned during your internship that will help you during your career?

The internship equipped me with vital skills, particularly in terms of networking and professional connections. These relationships will likely play a pivotal role in shaping my future career endeavors.

Q: Have you discovered a job or career path through your internship that you want to pursue?

I’ve taken a job in data center operations at Iron Mountain which I plan on pushing as far as I can. I do plan on going further into the data center realm but I want that fundamental understanding of how the buildings work in order to hopefully help with engineering/software aspects down the line.

Q: Tell us a little about the personal side of internships. What are the relationships like with peers and with supervisors?

I had a great relationship with the team over at DLR. I really enjoyed the managers and team and thought they provided me with a lot of openness and helpfulness in understanding different aspects of the company.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge or obstacle?

I had some challenges making sure that I was pushing myself to ask the right questions and make sure if I had nothing to do I found somebody who did. This took a bit of getting outside of my own comfort level but I think I managed to do that well.

Q: What has been the biggest game-changer for you in this internship?

It was the ability to get three different job offers, which was a blessing. I went from nobody responding to my applications to three on the table, you can say that was a huge confidence booster.

Q: What else should we know from your experience as an AFCOM intern?

I think the AFCOM internship is essential for anybody that wants to get into data centers. Even if you have an in, you will gain so much more than an immediate job.

Q: What are your career goals? Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

I hope to become a manager in 5 years and in 10 years working on engineering projects within data centers to help push the boundaries.


AFCOM Interns Celebrate Completion

The AFCOM summer internship concluded on August 16 at Top Golf in Ashburn with job offers for NOVA Students!

Hard work paid off and career pathways were established after the completion of the 2023 AFCOM Internship. This year, $25,000 was donated to NOVA DCO students through the Wendy Darling Scholarship, established by Stuart Dyer, a board member of the Potomac Chapter of AFCOM, and managed by the NOVA Educational Foundation.

During the internship, students experienced working at 2 and sometimes 3 different companies, gaining a much broader understanding of how their role as a DCO technician impacts the business and keeps the critical infrastructure up and operational 100% of the time.

Out of the 20 AFCOM interns, 16 were from NOVA. Every NOVA intern was given a job offer, and while some declined in order to continue their education, many decided to take up the offer and pursue their careers with data center partners. Of those who accepted, 4 went to Iron Mountain, and 1 each went to Google, Aligned, Coresite, and Iconicx.

AFCOM is an association for career advancement of IT and data center professionals. The 10-week internship program lead by the AFCOM Potomac Chapter, connects students to industry partners and is centered around building the data center industry by partnering with NOVA’s IET Division and providing paid summer internships to students in the DCO programs.

For those of you who would like to take advantage of this opportunity for next summer, be on the lookout for applications in early 2024!

NOVA Student Success Spotlight in DCO: Liz White


Elizabeth (Liz) White wants to be successful in an in-demand tech career field and she’s making all the right moves.

Liz is currently pursuing a double major in Engineering Technology (with a focus on Data Center Operations) and Information Systems Technology (with an emphasis on Cloud Computing).

Liz also is a recent graduate of NOVA IET’s Career and Leadership Institute (CLRI) and recently completed a 10-week internship with AFCOM, an association for career advancement of IT and data center professionals.

On top of that she just got hired at Google as a Data Center Facilities Technician. She’s also a mom to two children.

We did a Q&A with Liz to discuss how CLRI and the AFCOM internship equipped her for her new position at Google and a fantastic new career path (30 questions and answers).

It’s not just about the technical skills required for a degree, it’s also about interpersonal adeptness, knowing how to interview, networking effectively with potential employers and a lot more.

Her answers and insights are instructive to anyone wanting to pursue an in-demand technology career path, especially after making a career switch.

Liz’s CLRI experience: 15 questions and answers
(Internship-specific answers detailed after the CLRI portion)

Q: What IET field are you pursuing and why?

I am currently pursuing a double major in Engineering Technology with a focus on Data Center Operations, and Information Technology Systems with an emphasis on Cloud Computing. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 prompted me to reevaluate my career as a hairstylist, recognizing its vulnerabilities in times of crisis. The realization led me to make a conscious decision to put my hairstyling career on hold and pivot towards achieving an academic degree. For years I dreamt of earning a degree, but words woven with fear and doubt were the shackles that restrained me. The pandemic was the catalyst that propelled me forward.

My interest in cloud computing was initially sparked by its high demand and resilience in the face of uncertainty. As I dove deeper into my classes, an opportunity through CLRI allowed me to gain insights into the stable job market and flourishing demand within the data center sector. This prompted me to embark on a path within the data center field by starting with taking TJ Ciccone’s class ‘Intro to Data Centers’. The steps taken from there laid a foundational understanding that I believe will serve as a strong basis for my career journey.

Q: How did you find out about CLRI?

Being a student enrolled in an IET division degree program, I regularly received emails showcasing numerous opportunities within the division. One day, an email landed in my inbox detailing CLRI, which offered a series of workshops designed to bolster soft skills, aid in resume refinement, and culminate in a networking event featuring prominent figures from the industry. CLRI was the exact opportunity I had been searching for.

Q: Why are soft skills and effective interpersonal communication vital if you’re pursuing a career in a technical field?

Venturing into a technical career demands a readiness to engage in productive teamwork. Strong interpersonal abilities and effective communication are pivotal resources for fostering successful collaboration. Particularly within the technical field, where advancements occur rapidly and assertively, individuals must be prepared and capable of strategizing and executing alongside their colleagues.

Q: How have you fostered continuing professional relationships with fellow CLRI peers?

I can’t take full credit for maintaining the comradery between fellow CLRI peers. WE formed a close bond and made sure to keep in contact throughout our journey; we shared similar ambitions and aspirations related to pursuing a career in IET, regardless of our varying ages and backgrounds. Our camaraderie extended beyond casual interactions as we consistently stayed connected and harnessed the valuable resources offered by CLRI and the IET division.

Interestingly, most of us ventured into the same data center course, an opportunity that arose from a data center tour led by CLRI leaders Andy Chaves and Sedrick Settle. Among these connections, three of my friends, Tim Schutz, Daniel Rivera, and Prasit Acharya, who are also CLRI alumni, enrolled in the “Intro to Data Centers” class taught by TJ Ciccone. TJ was the person who previously guided us on a tour of STACK Infrastructure, serving as a source of inspiration. Significantly, all four of us secured job positions while in the AFCOM Internship program, which paved the path for promising careers within the data center industry.

Q: Tell us about how CLRI aided in building your personal brand?

CLRI played a pivotal role in equipping me with the essential resources to navigate my career transition in a successful way. Through their guidance, I not only cultivated self-assurance and professionalism, but also had the opportunity to connect with genuinely accomplished, authentic, and motivating individuals.

Q: In CLRI you worked on building an effective resume. What are the best ways to make your resumé stand out both technically and with the content you include?

Crafting a standout resume requires balancing technical formatting and strategic content. On the technical side, maintain a clean layout with consistent fonts and headings, ensuring appropriate white space. Customize the length based on your career stage. For content, tailor your resume to each job posting, spotlighting relevant skills and experiences.

Begin with a concise professional summary, emphasizing key skills. Highlight notable accomplishments in work experience and focus on outcomes. Prioritize job-related experiences while showcasing transferable skills. Include a dedicated section for technical skills and certifications. If needed, emphasize education or relevant projects. Prioritize relevant education and relevant projects if work experience is not within the industry being applied for. Incorporate volunteer work if applicable. Avoid personal details and proofread for errors.

Q: How did CLRI hone your leadership skills? Why is it important to have these skills even if you are not interested in pursuing a management role?

While managerial roles may not be the immediate goal, life invariably presents us with choices. These decisions, in turn, come with their own outcomes, and navigating them effectively hinges on possessing leadership skills. The ability to exhibit courage and determination when confronting situations with a disparity between right and wrong is no simple feat. Leadership entails the willingness to opt for the more challenging route for the betterment of the collective and the welfare of those involved, regardless of whether you hold a formal management position.

Q: How did mock interviews prepare you for real interviews?

Participating in mock interviews proved instrumental in enhancing my interview performance by simulating real-world scenarios. Practicing allowed me to receive constructive feedback and valuable insights into both my strengths and areas that needed refinement. Engaging in multiple mock interviews further honed my adaptability and flexibility in addressing diverse interview dynamics. The experience reinforced  my belief in my capability to excel. As the saying goes, “Proper preparation prevents poor performance,” and mock interviews undeniably played a crucial role in my readiness for real interviews.

Q: How did CLRI enhance your professionalism and accountability?

In many ways, CLRI emphasized the significance of consistently making choices that align with our utmost potential. Whether it pertains to our roles as students, professionals, or individuals in our personal lives, the everyday decisions we make influence our professionalism and accountability. The demonstration of professionalism extends beyond words; it encompasses maintaining proper posture, active engagement through eye contact, and investing effort in establishing meaningful connections. These traits collectively reflect one’s level of professionalism and accountability. CLRI notably highlighted the effectiveness of networking, showcasing how connecting with others can yield significant benefits.

Q: It was said during CLRI “every day is a job interview.” What does that mean to you?

The statement “every day is a job interview,” as emphasized in CLRI, holds a distinct significance. To me, it underscores the idea that opportunities can arise unexpectedly in any situation or encounter. Regardless of our location or context, we are constantly interacting with diverse individuals. How we carry ourselves, the attitude we embrace, and the mindset we adopt are all within our control. Each day presents us with a choice—a choice that invariably yields a consequence. This decision shapes the outcome we attain. Essentially, the notion encapsulates the idea that our daily approach influences the results we achieve.

Q: What did you learn from the executive mentoring program?

The lessons I gained from the executive mentoring program exceed what I can encapsulate in this response. It became evident that dedicating myself fully, investing genuine effort, and translating the advice received into actionable steps reaps rewards that make the exertion entirely worthwhile.

Q: How effective was the networking event? Anyone in-particular that you connected with?

The networking event acted as a catalyst for numerous opportunities that have unfolded in my journey. Its impact exceeded my initial expectations by far. I had the privilege of connecting with individuals who not only became sources of inspiration and mentorship but also turned out to be those I interned for, received job offers from, and built lasting professional relationships with.

Q: What’s next for you? What opportunities do you feel you might have missed if you hadn’t taken CLRI?

My next step involves commencing my career with Google next week. Reflecting on all of this, it’s apparent that I might not have been presented with this remarkable opportunity had I not been a part of CLRI. The transformative sequence, transitioning from my role as a hairstylist to a student at NOVA College, subsequently embarking on an AFCOM Internship, and now securing a full-time position at Google, underscores the profound impact of my involvement with CLRI. CLRI opened a door, I just had to walk through it.

Q: What would you say in recommending CLRI to NOVA students?

Honestly, I’ve recommended this program to every friend in school I’ve encountered since my graduation from CLRI. The program has unequivocally transformed my life for the better. CLRI, TJ Ciccone, and AFCOM provided me with an arsenal of tools, invaluable exposure, and a platform to demonstrate my dedication and commitment to my aspirations. It has enabled me to be part of a meaningful impact.

My gratitude extends eternally to the leaders of CLRI, the IET Division, TJ Ciccone, and AFCOM. During times of self-doubt, they believed in me. They propelled me past my apprehensions of inadequacy, urging me to transcend the fear and reveal my true capabilities and identity. My journey is a testament to their unwavering support.

Q: Have we missed anything? What else should we know from your CLRI experience?

In reflecting on my CLRI experience, I believe we’ve covered the significant aspects. However, it’s worth mentioning that CLRI not only provided me with invaluable professional growth but also fostered a sense of community. The connections I formed with fellow participants, mentors, and industry leaders have continued to shape my journey beyond the program. The supportive environment, coupled with the exposure to real-world scenarios, has been instrumental in preparing me for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in my career.

Liz’s AFCOM Internship: 15 questions and answers

Q: Generally, why are internships important?

Internships are a pivotal steppingstone to creating your own fulfilling professional journey. They’re a bridge between academic knowledge and real-world experience. They provide an opportunity for hands-on experience and opportunities to develop and refine both technical and soft skills relevant to your area of interest.

Theoretical knowledge can be applied to real-life scenarios through an internship with room to receive constructive feedback. It’s much easier to make informed career decisions by gaining insights into the daily operations, challenges, and opportunities in the industry of interest. Internships give you a chance to make connections and friendships which can help open even more doors for job opportunities and mentorships.

The exploration you have through an internship is eye-opening; you gain a much clearer understanding of what aligns with your career goals and what doesn’t. The confidence building you gain through an internship offers validation of what you’re capable of and reinforces your belief in your ability to meaningfully contribute to a team. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and adapting to new environments will only encourage personal growth and enhance your resilience and problem-solving capabilities.

Q: What did you learn during CLRI that helped you in your AFCOM internship?

I discovered the importance of making choices driven by courage, rather than succumbing to the fear of inadequacy. This perspective empowered me to confidently engage, understanding that every question holds the potential for valuable contributions.

Q: A number of CLRI grads have gone on to do internships together. How has that developed a sense of professional community?

Many of the friends I connected with during CLRI embarked on similar journeys. While our paths led us to intern with different companies, we stayed connected throughout the process. We consistently made an effort to meet in person, exchanging our individual experiences and insights. In particular, a few individuals offered their invaluable support during challenging times, helping me to overcome obstacles. I hold deep gratitude for their presence in my journey. These relationships have not only enriched my professional growth but have also magnified the significance of such connections in my career development. I have full confidence that we will remain connected throughout our careers. If that isn’t a genuine sense of professional community, I’m not sure what else would be…

Q: Tell us about your AFCOM Internship experience? How did it build on what you learned through CLRI?

My journey throughout the past three months as part of the AFCOM Internship encompassed a dynamic learning adventure. This period not only provided me with a comprehensive understanding of data center critical infrastructure but also served as a practical lesson in navigating the complexities of the business world. The principles instilled by CLRI, particularly the significance of professionalism and accountability across all situations, came vividly to life during this internship. The multitude of decisions presented each day carried their own set of consequences; a concept emphasized by CLRI. The alignment between my goals and the choices I made was a testament to how CLRI’s teachings guided me in making meaningful decisions throughout this internship.

Q: Why have you pursued an internship in this particular field?

My drive stemmed from the desire to acquire practical, hands-on experience within the data center sector. Despite dedicating extensive hours to studying inside and outside the classroom, I recognized the immense value of an internship that transcends theoretical learning. Honestly, as a 30-year-old mother of two, my aim was to establish a steadfast foothold in my career transition by gaining early exposure and reliability. An internship felt like the most pragmatic approach to this change.

Q: What specific activities have you engaged in during your internship? What has been your favorite task or project?

If I could share my internship reports with you, you would witness the extensive array of activities I engaged in over the summer. During each visit to a data center site, my primary focus was comprehending the intricate power distribution network throughout the building. Subsequently, I delved into understanding the nuances of cooling requirements, their utilization, and maintenance protocols. Every day presented me with numerous avenues of exploration, spanning mechanical and electrical systems, fire life safety protocols, building management systems, and electrical power management systems, among others.

One of my most cherished tasks involved collaborating with the remarkable and welcoming team at STACK NVA04D. I dedicated time to cleaning chiller coils, makeup air units, and rooftop units alongside this team. This experience provided a deeper understanding of the equipment and the integral role each component plays within the larger system. Despite the challenging outdoor conditions, with temperatures exceeding 90 degrees, I thoroughly enjoyed working alongside the team. Amidst our diligent efforts, they generously answered my myriad questions, willingly sharing their valuable knowledge and expertise.

Another highlight was my time spent with the team at CoreSite’s VA3 building. Their guidance extended to teaching me about telecom operations, utilizing a visible fault locator for fiber tracing from MDF to IDF to ODP to the client’s cage – a process aimed at troubleshooting light level issues. I also gained insights into tasks like cleaning and inspecting fiber before connection and the termination of copper Cat6 cable, alongside acquiring knowledge about fiber splicing. Engaging in POST troubleshooting on servers within the data halls was yet another invaluable learning experience.

Q: Who has had a particular influence on you during your internship?

Countless inspirational people. TJ Ciccone VP of Operations at STACK Infrastructure, Miguel Ramos Sr. Data Center Manager at CoreSite VA3, Chris Lettiere Sr. Director of CoreSite VA, Emily Maldanado Data Center Technician at CoreSite VA3, Shelby Angulo Data Center Technician at CoreSite VA3, Ju Kim Data Center Operations Manager at VA1/2, Troy Bowen Operations Manager at Infrapros, Zachary Miller Area Operations Manager at Google, Isaac Canales Critical Operations Technician at STACK Infrastructure, Ray (Ramone) Critical Operations Technician at STACK Infrastructure, Angela Maruca Critical Operations Technician at STACK Infrastructure, Shane McDonald Critical Operations Technician at STACK Infrastructure, Brandon Osefoh Critical Operations Technician at STACK Infrastructure, Reid Thomas Critical Operations Manager at STACK Infrastructure, Joe Kendra Critical Facilities Manager at STACK Infrastructure, Troy Hill Director of Iron Mountain VA, and the list goes on.

Every individual I had the privilege to engage with, collaborate alongside, and foster professional relationships with significantly shaped my internship journey. Expressing my gratitude for each of these individuals is beyond the scope of mere words.

Q: What skills have you learned during your internship that will help you during your career?

I gained a comprehensive understanding of HVAC systems, including vaporization cycles, chilled water systems, CRAC/CRAH units, and humidification systems. I performed preventative maintenance tasks, which included routine activities such as blowdowns, cleaning water-cooled and air-cooled chiller coils, replacing filters for VESDA systems and air handlers, and maintaining chiller strainers.

Fire Life Safety Systems became familiar territory as I engaged in hands-on tasks such as jockey pump replacement for fire pump systems and methods of procedures for isolating fire pump valves. My proficiency in double interlock pre-action systems was complemented by my experience in managing VESDA systems and STULZ humidification systems, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of safety protocols.

I also gained valuable experience in managing additional daily rounds of the building, quarterly and annual maintenance duties, ensuring the reliability and longevity of critical systems. I feel more enabled to effectively manage and maintain climate control systems, ensuring optimal performance in various environments.

Moreover, my internship exposed me to critical power distribution concepts, ranging from utility/generator, main switchgear to client load, and I became well-versed in electrical fundamentals such as Ohm’s law and single, two, and three-phase power. I gained more confidence in making informed decisions regarding power management and efficiency in my future career.

In terms of infrastructure management, I learned about IDF/MDF/MMR rooms and structured cabling. This experience highlighted the importance of organized customer space and proper maintenance, ensuring seamless operations and scalability of systems.

Shadowing technicians exposed me to various software applications and control systems. This built my confidence to effectively troubleshoot and replace faulty hardware. I oversaw internal management of data center cabling using FNT, ensuring well-organized and efficient connectivity.

My ability to collaborate actively within a team to troubleshoot hardware issues, perform cross-connect terminations and relocations, and verify device statuses was greatly enhanced. I also conducted end-to-end fiber optic cable continuity checks, further solidifying my grasp of connectivity diagnostics.

Additionally, I gained proficiency in terminating copper Cat-6 cables with RJ45 pinouts and learned about fiber cable splicing. In the realm of network management, I was provided hands-on experience in learning how to manage IXPs, point-to-point, and point-to-multipoint connections. I verified device physical statuses and adhered to the BICSI standard, ensuring high-quality information and communications technology systems.

Overall, my internship equipped me with an extensive range of skills encompassing HVAC systems, critical power distribution, infrastructure management, fire life safety systems, control systems, troubleshooting, cabling, and standards. All of this undoubtedly contributes to my success and competence in my future career endeavors.

Q: Have you discovered a job or career path through your internship that you want to pursue?

Yes, I am now a Data Center Facilities Technician at Google. I plan to fully pursue an Operations path and hopefully end up in a leadership role.

Q: Tell us a little about the personal side of internships. What are the relationships like with peers and with supervisors?

The level of inclusion extended beyond mere formality; I found myself fully immersed in the day-to-day operations of the team. What stood out was the genuine encouragement and openness with which I was met. I was not only invited but genuinely welcomed to participate in the team’s troubleshooting, problem-solving, and daily operations. This sense of collaboration and shared involvement went beyond the ordinary expectations of an intern’s role, underscoring the supportive environment that defined my internship experience. My peers and supervisors alike fostered an atmosphere where my input was valued, and I was able to contribute meaningfully to our collective efforts.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge or obstacle?

Overcoming imposter syndrome has undoubtedly been my most significant challenge. As is often the case, there’s inevitably someone who attempts to undermine or disparage your journey, regardless of your path. Transitioning from a hairstylist role to that of a Data Center Operations Technician could have easily overwhelmed me with intimidation. Along the way, I encountered instances where individuals sought to convey that I didn’t belong in this industry, a sentiment compounded by the imposter syndrome I grappled with. Confronting these challenges has proven to be far from effortless.

Yet, it’s important to recognize that those who dismissively closed their doors are mistaken, much like the unfounded notion of my inadequacy. Amidst these doubts, I constantly remind myself that I am more than capable of contributing significantly to any team. I am more than enough.

Q: What has been the biggest game-changer for you in this internship?

Providing a definitive answer to this question is a challenge in itself. The entirety of this internship has been transformative, redefining my outlook. If I were to pinpoint a single experience, it would be the journey I undertook during the interview process, culminating in the moment I accepted a job offer. This marked a particularly significant turning point.

Q: What else should we know from your experience as an AFCOM intern?

This opportunity has had a profound impact, not only on my life but also on that of my family. Before being accepted into this internship, I found myself in a position where I believed that commencing my career would remain a distant goal, despite my unwavering determination to start immediately. Navigating the complexities of college education and job-searching while raising two children, particularly amidst the backdrop of a pandemic, was a daunting challenge. Life’s expenses, coupled with the considerable cost of education, cast a shadow over my aspirations.

This internship not only provided me with an education but also paved a path into my chosen career. This convergence of education and career prospects has wrought a seismic shift in my life’s trajectory. The magnitude of this transformation cannot be overstated. I’m profoundly grateful to have been a part of this remarkable opportunity, which has provided me with the means to shape my future and break barriers that once seemed insurmountable.

Q: What are your career goals? Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

My aspiration is to gradually climb to a role where I can extend the same kind of support that I’ve received. I envision myself assuming a leadership position, collaborating with a team of authentic individuals, and contributing to bridging the talent gap within the industry.



Apply For Paid Design Centered Programs

Product Design Incubator:

Do you have a brilliant idea for a new product? The NOVA Fab Lab is hosting a Product Design Incubator for NOVA students to learn design thinking, develop entrepreneurial skills, and prototype and build a product at the NOVA Fab Lab.

PDI participants will:

  • Learn entrepreneurship skills during 6 spring workshops.
  • Design and protype a product during a summer product design incubator.
  • Pitch a product to regional entrepreneurs
  • Receive a $3000 stipend for completion

You can complete a apply PDI application at

PDI is possible thanks to a National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant.

NOVA IET at the ATE PI Conference


In Washington D.C. from Oct 26-28, five NOVA PI’s (principal investigators), leading three National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) projects attended the 2022 NSF ATE PI Conference to network with community college PIs and program officers at the annual conference. The NOVA PIs highlighted their project successes and collaborated with colleagues from around the country to advance the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive the nation’s economy.

The conference brought together more than 600 NSF ATE grantees and their project partners to focus on the critical issues related to advanced technological education. Conference participants represent community colleges, business and industry, secondary school systems, and four-year colleges in a wide variety of areas, such as information technology, engineering technology, micro- and nanotechnologies, chemical technology, biotechnology, and more.

>> Article on Benefits of ATE Grants

Because of grant-based programs and activities, NOVA students have more access to in-demand, high-paying STEM careers, and NOVA faculty and staff are provided the tools to increase awareness and opportunities for these important fields of study.

NOVA’s NSF ATE Projects:

 DCO Tech: Expanding Regional Capacity for Training in Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations.

PI: Josh Labrie | Co-PIs: Amir Mehmood & TJ Ciccone

At the ATE conference, Josh Labrie, Director of NOVA SySTEMic, and TJ Ciccone, DCO Adjunct Faculty and VP of Critical Infrastructure at STACK Infrastructure, highlighted the NSF ATE project DCO Tech. This project is designed to increase regional capacity for training in Engineering Technology (ET) and Data Center Operations (DCO) through expanded recruitment, employment training, and increased collaboration between industry, K-12 educators, and faculty. At the conference the team highlighted the successes of the Summer Bridge Program and the Secondary Externship. In addition, Ciccone lead a presentation on DCO: Building Awareness and Opportunity for an Emerging Field.

In 2022, NOVA’s Summer Bridge Program for Engineering Technology saw 20 high school students (14 rising seniors and 6 graduates) complete the 2-week summer enrichment program which provided them with 1-credit in SDV. Students participated in industry tours of Micron Technology and STACK Infrastructure, a local data center, to learn about the career opportunities and pathways in engineering technology. Additionally, students experienced NOVA through campus tours and NOVA student offices presentations, and 14 earned an OSHA 10 industry certification. NOVA included transportation between campuses, field trips to industry partners, and an ice cream social to cap off the program.

In addition, 18 educators completed the Secondary Externship for school CTE administrators, teachers, and counselors to raise awareness for engineering technology and DCO careers. NOVA’s Secondary Externship program equips educators with knowledge about ET and DCO careers and the educational pathways NOVA provides to prepare students for the technology workforce. Externship educators attended tours of Micron and STACK Infrastructure, as well as a professional development day at the NOVA Fab Lab. The goal is to create clear pathways and provide materials to illuminate NOVA’s ET and DCO programs and the careers they lead to.

After the conference, Labrie was ebullient about the importance of Data Center Operations and the players behind its growth: “NOVA has exceptional faculty members like TJ Ciccone whose combination of industry experience and passion for education benefit our students and the grant funded work we do. At the NSF ATE PI conference, TJ and I were able to share NOVA’s DCO program with faculty from around the country. My hope is that NOVA’s successful program can serve as a model for other colleges to engage in DCO education, and that this work will raise awareness for data center education and career opportunities.”

Bridge programs and Externships continue in spring/summer 2023. Students and educators can sign up now to receive notification when applications are available at

Makers By Design: Supporting Instructors to Embed Design Thinking in Digital Fabrication Courses.

PI: Josh Labrie | Co-PIs: Hamadi Belghith & Richard Sewell

Makers By Design (MBD) strengthens engineering technology pathways by providing professional learning for postsecondary faculty and K-12 educators and seeks to create a community of practice among engineering educators involved in community-based makerspaces at public libraries, private organizations, public school systems, colleges, and universities.

MBD Grant Project Manager Chris Russell represented MBD at the conference and highlighted the Design Thinking Fellowship to attendees.

The Fellowship, funded by MBD, is comprised of middle and high school teachers, informal STEM learning professionals, and college faculty. The fellowship comes with a stipend and involves completing a 5-day Professional Learning (PL) Institute at the NOVA Fab Lab in Spring 2023, teaching PL topics at a 1-week summer camp and creating and implementing PL classroom activities.

In 2022, the design thinking cohort of 17 fellows participated in five professional learning workshops and provided 116 middle and high school youth a digital fabrication summer camp at NOVA and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington. The cohort will complete the fellowship by creating a design challenge and contributing a lesson plan to the project for design thinking.

Next spring we will host a second cohort of Design Thinking Fellowship educators. Recruitment will begin in November and there will be interest meetings on Wednesday November 9th and also on Tuesday December 6th. You can sign up for these sessions at If you are already familiar with the fellowship and ready to apply you can do so at

On the ATE conference, Russell reflected: “increasing alignment between industry needs and classroom instruction is a pressing concern in rapidly advancing technological fields. Through the thoughtful feedback from our ATE colleagues, we will improve our teacher preparation to better serve employers and students in the region.”

Product Design Incubator (PDI): Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindset Through Interdisciplinary Product Design

PI: Richard Sewell | Co-PIs: Cameisha Chin & Paula Ford

Richard Sewell, NOVA’s Fab Lab Manager, was at the conference and observed: “the ATE Conference was an excellent opportunity to engage with fellow technology educators to compare our approaches, learn new methods, and share our findings in a constantly changing tech arena. By the end of the conference, it became clear that NOVA’s NSF ATE programs are tackling head-on the most pressing issues shared throughout the nation’s top academies.”

Sewell is the PI on the NSF Product Design Incubator (PDI) Grant. PDI is a new project designed to train community college students through a product design challenge that aims to combine technical knowledge with soft skills and interpersonal development. Each year, PDI participants will:

  • Learn entrepreneurship skills during 6 spring workshops.
  • Design and protype a product during a summer product design incubator.
  • Pitch a product to regional entrepreneurs
  • Receive a $3000 stipend for completion

Essentially, PDI will increase contact between students and industry professionals, foster interdisciplinary collaboration between NOVA students and staff, and increase the supply of IET workers with industry required collaboration, communication, and critical-thinking skills.

You can complete a apply PDI application at

Interest meetings will be held on Thursday, November 10 and Thursday, December 8. You can register for those at

To learn more about our Grants in general visit


Makers By Design NSF Grant

3D printing in progress, a real hand is touching a 3D printed-hand

Supporting Instructors to Embed Design Thinking in Digital Fabrication Courses

Makers By Design (MBD) will strengthen the engineering technology pathways by providing professional learning for K-12 teachers, running digital fabrication summer camps, and hosting design challenges. The project is aligned with NSF and aims to broaden participation in STEM through community outreach and engagement. Makers By Design seeks to create a community of practice among engineering educators involved in community-based makerspaces at public libraries, private organizations, public school systems, colleges, and universities.


Each Year, the MBD grant provides 5 days of professional learning focused on Design Thinking for 12 educators, digital fabrication summer camps for 96 middle and high school students, bi-annual design challenges for secondary and post-secondary students, and a digital lesson plan repository focused on design thinking and digital fabrication.

MBD Grant Flip Book

Design Thinking Fellowship:

NOVA will be recruiting for their second cohort of Design Thinking Fellows later this year. This NSF-sponsored program is open to college faculty, middle and high school teachers, and informal STEM learning professionals.

Complex problems require innovative and creative solutions. Design Thinking is the key to challenging assumptions and approaching problem solving in a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and non-linear way.

During this 9-month fellowship, participants will learn how to integrate design thinking into their pedagogy through a professional learning institute, teach during a 1-week summer camp, and lead their classes through a design challenge. Fellows will receive a stipend of $2,200 for participation.

Applications will be available in late Fall 2023. Contact with any additional questions.

You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter, The IET Interface, at to keep up with application information and other fellowship opportunities at NOVA.

Makers By Design Grant Abstract:

Supporting Instructors to Embed Design Thinking in Digital Fabrication Courses Award Abstract #2055324

Manufacturing and engineering industries face a looming gap in skilled workers, with an estimated 2.4M positions projected to go unfilled by 2025. This project aims to help fill this gap by improving the preparation of the needed technical workforce. To do so, it will establish a Professional Learning program in design thinking pedagogy for secondary and postsecondary educators. The curriculum will focus on design thinking projects that involve digital fabrication techniques, including 3D printing, laser engraving, and Computer Numerical Control milling. The Professional Learning program is expected to improve the educator’ teaching practices and enable them to update existing curricula and lesson plans to better align with industry-relevant skills and techniques. The project also intends to create a community of practice around design thinking in digital fabrication that will build a beneficial network among secondary teachers, community college faculty, makerspace educators, and regional employers. It is expected that the project will support 36 secondary and post-secondary educators who will teach more than 3,000 K-12 and undergraduate students in the northern Virginia region. These students will have a greater interest in and be better prepared for technical careers in manufacturing and engineering.

The overarching goal of the project is to use Professional Learning to move digital fabrication instruction beyond the reproduction of simple objects. Instead, the project will train educators to use pedagogy and cognitive strategies to embed design thinking into their digital fabrication lessons and courses. As a result, students will learn to use design thinking to build complex, useful objects. The project’s specific aims include: (1) create a professional learning institute; (2) host digital fabrication summer camps at NOVA and the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington; (3) host a semiannual design and digital fabrication challenge; and (4) establish an online resource library of projects and lesson plans created and refined by educators in the community of practice. The project is expected to advance: understanding of the pedagogies that help to develop student interest in manufacturing and engineering; the capacity for Professional Learning to facilitate the integration of design thinking into classrooms and makerspaces; and the extent to which a capstone design challenge may foster sustainable change in instructional practices. This project is funded by the Advanced Technological Education program that focuses on the education of technicians for the advanced-technology fields that drive the nation’s economy.


SySTEMic Fellowship

The SySTEMic Fellowship is a 10-month paid program designed to develop high school students, college students, and professional educators through hands-on experiences and training on vital STEM content with the opportunity to apply these concepts outside of the classroom to promote STEM education in Northern Virginia.

Those admitted to the program will choose one of three fields of focus: Fab Lab Makers, Robotics, and Micro Electronics. The program contains training sessions on the chosen field of focus, opportunities to contribute to existing programs, as well as a call to action to continue to implement ideas learned in the fellowship.

Training for Fellowships are scheduled for Sept 17 and Oct 1, 2022.

For more info contact Natasha Shuh-Nuhfer at 

You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter, The IET Interface, at to keep up with application information and other STEM fellowship opportunities at NOVA.