Category Archives: Professional Development

Professional Development Opportunity for Teachers in PWC, Manassas and Manassas Park!

CTE, English, Math, Social Studies, and Science Teachers have an opportunity to participate in George Washington University’s Teachers in Industry Project this summer!

The GW Teachers in Industry Project (GW TIP) is an initiative to provide middle and high school core content teachers the opportunity to experience firsthand the work environment for which they are preparing their students. Externship experiences at top regional businesses allow teachers in the English, math, science, social studies and CTE content areas to become aware of the core knowledge and skills needed to be successful in the STEM-focused 21st century workforce.

 Participants will receive a $2,000 stipend (funded by SySTEMic Solutions) upon completion of the project and teachers are eligible for 90 recertification points.

 For more information visit,