Governor Youngkin announced $2.3 million in workforce opportunity grants this month.
Through an open and competitive bid process NOVA was awarded in 3 of 5 workforce grant categories. Grant recipients will focus program efforts on boosting outreach and education for youth, providing technical and soft skill training, and increasing work-based learning opportunities, such as internships and apprenticeships. Grants were awarded using federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title 1 funds.
NOVA was awarded grants in three categories:
- Youth Outreach and Marketing –The intent of this project is to develop and implement outreach programs that engage and inspire high school students to pursue education, training, and careers in the skilled trades. Outreach strategies must educate parents, students, and guidance counselors on the benefits of skilled trades.
- Transportation to Learn –The intent of this project is to increase youth exposure to the benefits and opportunities of workforce development programs, such as registered apprenticeships and in- demand occupations. Projects should enable youth (in-school and/or out-of-school youth, 14 to 24 years of age) with barriers to employment to visit in-demand trades employment opportunities that are available in their local communities.
- Supplemental Workforce Development Training Opportunity Grant –The intent of these funds is to increase the number of participants in workforce development training activities statewide, with a specific focus in work-based learning activities including, but not limited to, on-the-job training, registered apprenticeships, internships, and customized training. The training activities must lead to job placement in in-demand occupations.
NOVA is utilizing the grant to provide students experiential learning in engineering technology fields. Programming will include a summer bridge program and field trips to industry partners to see careers in action. NOVA will also fund twenty-five IT internships for NOVA students.
Read the governor’s press release here