NOVA STEM Day Returns!

Story by NOVA IET’s STEM Writer Kristy Gillespie

NOVA STEM Day, a staple at Northern Virginia Community College from 2015 to 2019, returned this year on December 2nd at the Loudoun Campus Higher Education Center.

STEM Day showcases a range of engaging activities and interactive exhibits for children from 5-12 to inspire an early interest in STEM. This year, after a 4-year absence, the community’s enthusiasm for the event was evident, with over 350 people, including parents and children, in attendance.

One of the event’s highlights was the Science Stunt Show presented by NVCC’s Dean of Science, Mike Davis, affectionately known as “Mr. Wizard,” who fondly referred to the kids as “future scientists.” At the beginning of one of the experiments, Davis humorously asked for donations of money. He then proceeded to coat the money in a protective chemical before seemingly burning it during the demonstration. The show featured a variety of experiments, ranging from exploding powders to glowing liquids, liquid nitrogen, dry ice, and more. The room was filled with enthusiastic families, with laughter, applause, and excitement, children hopping in their seats, exclaiming “do it again!”

Cliff Li, accompanied by his 10-year-old daughter Rosie and 7-year-old son Howard, expressed after the Science Stunt Show, “It’s been a lot of fun. It makes learning more effective and is beneficial for parents. Kids often have a hard time focusing, but my 7-year-old son, Howard, managed to focus for over twenty minutes. It’s a great program.” Howard shared that his favorite part of the show was the water and spray lighter rocket, while Rosie said, “I look forward to my science teachers doing experiments like this!”

There were numerous additional NOVA-hosted activities. These included NOVA SySTEMic, where students engaged in activities such as driving a VEX IQ or a VRC robot, building and racing their own wooden cars, learning coding with Awbie, playing Tangram games, and exploring information about upcoming 2024 summer STEM camps. The Labs Maker School allowed students to construct and test their own sail cars powered by wind. The Psychology Department offered sessions where students delved into how the brain processes sensory information, while the Math Department provided an opportunity for students to create geometric artwork using equations, among other activities.

The event also featured participation from the Loudoun County Public Library, George Washington University Information Technology, the Children’s Science Center Lab, and the Pigeon Bots Robotic Team.

Simultaneously, various NVCC departments hosted events at the Loudoun Science Building. In the Biology Department, students explored the anatomy of a dissected shark and various shark-related objects. They were also invited to examine numerous biological models, specimens, and skeletal displays. The Chemistry Department showcased chemical reactions and volcanic experiments, while Geology offered an exhibit featuring earth science materials and equipment. Horticulture provided a hands-on project where students constructed their own bee houses. The Veterinary Department provided insight into the care techniques employed by veterinary technicians. Additionally, utilizing principles of physics and engineering, students in the Physics Department built and floated their own boats and engaged in racing soda can cars using electrostatic force.

Lots of parents and children were excited about the return of STEM Day. One parent, Alison Entis, joined by her 11-year-old son Thomas, said, “I would love to see them organize more activities and events like this.” Thomas added, “It’s been really fun learning about new things. My favorite part was building a wind car, placing it in front of a fan, and testing it.”

Ying Li, another parent shared her feedback: “I prefer my kids to learn about science. I encouraged my friends to come to this event. I love it.” Li brought along her 11-year-old son Jayden and her 10-year-old son Lawrence.

Another enthusiastic parent, Tina Karja said, “It’s been amazing. My 5-year-old daughter Rosie is having a great day. She’s fascinated by the interactive lectures and hands-on activities.”

Seven-year-old Max Bean, attending with his family, shared, “I think people should come here. I love science, math, and learning about animals like wild cats.”

The STEM Day organizers acknowledged the numerous supportive participants and eagerly anticipated next year’s event.Natasha Schuh-Nuhfer, NOVA’s STEM Education Coordinator, said, “STEM Day at the Loudoun campus would not have been made possible without the amazing NOVA faculty, staff, and student volunteers who gave their time on a Saturday to excite the youth in the community to the joys and wonder of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter from kids and parents alike as they explored the hands-on activities provided by NOVA faculty as well as outside exhibitors was a great way to begin the month of December and close out 2023. We look forward to 2024 and an even bigger STEM Day at NOVA’s Loudoun campus!”

Part of STEM Day’s significance is early engagement that leads to further educational pathways in STEM. Students who enjoyed STEM Day and are eager for more exploration can be signed up this January for NOVA SySTEMic’s summer STEM Camps, running next June through August. Camps will include Robotics, Coding, Rocketry, Arduino, Cybersecurity, Fabrication, and more and will have offerings for rising 4th through 12th graders.

Sign up for the NOVA IET monthly newsletter at to get up-to-date information on STEM Camp registration and upcoming STEM Days!

Paid PWCS IT Internships for NOVA IET Students

Through December 13th, there are excellent PAID internship opportunities for Northern Virginia Community College students who are currently enrolled in an IET program of study (Cybersecurity, IT Help Desk, Cloud Computing, Computer Science, and more).

Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) is offering multiple Information Technology (IT) Support Technician internships that will begin during the spring 2024 semester.

This internship involves working under the general guidance of experienced PWCS Technical Support Specialists to assist students, teachers and staff on-site with hardware and software issues at one or more PWCS locations.

Students will gain hands-on experience in IT support while contributing to the efficient operation of a school’s technology infrastructure.

The internship will operate during regular daytime business hours and interns will be paid $20/hr with a maximum earning of $3000.

Apply by December 13 through the NOVA Career Connection portal

More about NOVA IET at

#InDemandTech #InformationTechnology #Internships #InformationTechnology #Nighthawks

PWCS IT Intern Now Working at NOVA in IT

Fatima Shareen comes full circle from NOVA cyber student and CLRI to NOVA IT employee.

 By Kristy Gillespie

Fatima Shareen is a recent NOVA cybersecurity graduate and now works as an Information Technology (IT) Support Technician at the bustling Woodbridge Campus, future site of NOVA’s Data Center Operations Training Facility and where NOVA’s Information and Engineering Technologies (IET) program is based.

Her current career pathway was trailblazed from her time as a Prince William County Schools (PWCS) IT intern when she was a NOVA student. From the beginning, the 150-hour internship at Forest Park High School provided flexibility as she could choose between an eight or six-hour day, giving her the freedom to efficiently manage her busy schedule at work and at George Mason University, where she is pursuing a cybersecurity bachelor degree.

Like many technology students at NOVA who are looking to develop their soft skills, Shareen previously completed NOVA IET’s Career & Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI): “I loved the CLRI program. I actually enrolled twice because the instructors provided great support for the interview process and helped with resume building.”

Shereen highly recommends that NOVA IET students take advantage of CLRI so they have better internship opportunities, as being a CLRI grad played a pivotal role in securing her own PWCS intern spot.

Her key tasks during the internship included computer imaging (which involves the installation of operating systems, applications, and settings) and computer scripting for automating tasks in websites and web applications. She utilized Configuration Manager, a systems management software product, to handle a total of 3,000 laptops.

At Forest Park High School, Shereen progressed through her internship in a “warm and welcoming environment with supportive individuals.” One person who had a profound influence on her was Sylvia Avila, an IT Support Technician. “I’ve been working for the last six, seven years, but never encountered someone like her. She was simply amazing and incredibly helpful,” Shareen said.

The PWCS internship significantly bolstered her resume, enhanced her teamwork skills, expanded her IT knowledge, and provided valuable hands-on training. Shareen emphasized how those skills acquired during the internship continue to support her in her current career, particularly with diagnosing and resolving computer errors or technical issues: “If you are in the IT field, troubleshooting is the most important thing that you should know.”

Shareen has come full circle, from NOVA student to NOVA employee. Reflecting on those who made a positive impact during her time as a student, she singled out IET Professor Michael Spiller as her favorite instructor: “The way he taught was different from other teachers. He always showed up to class stating that he was the boss and we were his employees. I took 3 or 4 classes with him. He was amazing.”

In her professional environment, Shareen is keenly appreciative of NOVA’s “positive vibe,” with friendly people and job tasks similar to those performed during her internship.

Looking forward, Shareen aspires to venture into entrepreneurship and develop her own business, possibly through the Fulfillment by Amazon platform.

Shareen’s heartfelt message to NOVA students is: “your time at NOVA is an invaluable investment in your future, and I encourage you to approach it with dedication and belief in your capabilities.”

PWCS IT Internship Opportunities are currently available for NOVA students. Apply by December 13 through the NOVA Career Connection portal

More about NOVA IET at

#Nighthawks #NOVAPride #InDemandTech #InformationTechnology #Internships #InformationTechnology

CLRI Hosts Women’s Mentoring Event

Joanna Bidlack, Senior VP of Human Resources at Leidos, inspires women to succeed.

 By Kristy Gillespie

Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to celebrate women in the field of Information Technology (IT). The IT industry is experiencing exponential growth in Northern Virginia, leading to an increasing demand for qualified employees. While there are fewer women than men in IT, companies are actively seeking diversity of thought, recognizing that women will bring new perspectives and innovative ideas to the IT sector.

In celebration of women in IT, NOVA’s Information and Engineering Technology (IET) division recently held its inaugural Women’s Mentoring Session at the Annandale campus as part of its Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI) program, which trains IET students in the soft skills needed to secure in-demand technology jobs.

Joanna Bidlack, Senior Vice President of Human Resources at Leidos – Intelligence Group, is a powerhouse in her field and served as the distinguished guest speaker for the mentoring session. Although she has 15 years of experience in HR, her career began with an undergraduate degree in graphic design, whereafter she co-owned a business focused on graphic design and photography, alongside a grocery store management venture.

However, the unpredictability of entrepreneurship led her to pivot towards the stability of the local government field as she pursued and earned a graduate degree in Human Resources and Organizational Development.

At the mentoring event, Bidlack shared her wealth of knowledge with female IT students and graduates, covering a range of topics including details about her professional journey, finding support in a male-dominated IT field, and providing tips on resumes, interviews, and effective networking.

Careers Are Not Linear

With a confident smile, Bidlack explained, “Careers are not linear. You are going to pivot. You may find that what you go to school for is not exactly what you choose to do, and that is okay.”

As women progress in their careers, she suggests that they will encounter defining moments such as marriage, the birth of a child, changes in their current job, or other factors that prompt them to question their chosen path.

“Pay attention to these defining moments and assess your satisfaction with your current situation. It’s important to find happiness in your career. If you experience stress, frustration, a lack of appreciation, or poor treatment, summon the courage to make a change, or at least devise a plan for change.”

Don’t Limit Yourself

Acknowledging that men are often more inclined than women to apply for a position even if they don’t meet all the job requirements, Bidlack emphasized that while meeting the primary job requirements is key, it’s not necessary to fulfill every single one. Job requirements should be considered more as a wish list for the employer rather than a strict checklist of must-haves.

“If a position within your company aligns with your interests, make sure to inform your boss about your interest. Your boss won’t know unless you express it.

Instead of pondering ‘what if I can’t do it?, start asking yourself, ‘What if I can do it?’”

Additionally, if a woman fails to celebrate her successes, there’s a high probability that others may not notice them. She suggested that a great opportunity to highlight achievements is during an annual performance review, emphasizing the value of keeping track of accomplishments throughout the year to include them in the review.

Highlights or Gaps in the Resume

Bidlack highlights the value of proficiency in additional languages, particularly in the IT field. Many companies are willing to offer higher compensation for multilingual skills. Therefore, women should ensure to focus on this valuable skill on their resumes.

In addition, if there’s a gap in employment history and the hiring manager inquires about it, a simple explanation such as “for personal reasons” or “due to a family commitment” will suffice. “Remember, employers are not permitted to ask for specific details regarding your personal life,” she explained.

She stressed the importance for women to conduct thorough research on the business they are involved with. Understanding the mission, purpose, and operations of the company is critical. Taking the initiative to familiarize themselves with the business, rather than waiting for others to educate them, will significantly benefit their careers.

Preparing for the Interview

Bidlack, offered numerous constructive tips, stressed the value of thoroughly studying the job description before an interview. She advised identifying skills, recognizing gaps, and ensuring overall preparedness. Bidlack recommended creating an Excel spreadsheet to list job requirements alongside personal and professional experiences. This spreadsheet can spotlight transferable skills and assist in addressing gaps, either by acquiring certifications or discussing these during the interview with the hiring manager.

In addition, generating a list of potential questions based on the job description and practicing them through role-playing with a trusted friend or family member can significantly enhance a candidate’s readiness.

While a comprehensive understanding of the company isn’t necessary, she pointed out the importance of studying its website. Knowing core operations, unique initiatives, and how

the applied role aligns with the company is key. Such preparation not only fosters confidence but also helps in providing specific and relevant answers when asked about one’s interest in working for the company.

Moreover, taking the initiative to familiarize oneself with the business rather than waiting for others to educate will significantly benefit a candidate’s career. Requesting a copy of the questions beforehand is acceptable, as it’s essential to stay focused during the interview.

 Creating a Professional Brand

Bidlack emphasized that creating a successful professional brand is paramount for a woman’s career success. It encompasses how they interact with others, their communication style, attire, and work ethic. Women should reflect on what they want to be recognized for in their professional sphere.

Maintaining a professional appearance at work is essential. If a woman is unsure whether an outfit is too tight, short, or revealing, it’s best to opt for a more conservative choice.

Behaving appropriately in the workplace and at work-related events is vital. For instance, when alcoholic beverages are offered, it’s advisable to adhere to a two-drink limit.

“It takes a lifetime to build your professional brand. It takes one situation to tear it down. It’s one outfit. It’s one interaction. It’s one crying fit session that you have in somebody’s office because you didn’t get your way,” she said.

Create a Network

Both Nga Tran, a student in the Cloud Computing program, and Maya Figueroa, an Engineering Technology student, were most interested in networking tips.

Tran expressed, “The one thing I hope to get from today is to hear everyone’s stories and to keep going. You know, see where I fit in and see where I am in everyone’s stories.”

Mya asked, “Do you have any tips on networking and meeting people that will help you further your career?”

Bidlack explained how it’s important for women to establish a supportive network of professionals within their field, whom they can approach for assistance when needed and with whom they can celebrate their successes.

She recommended setting a goal to engage with three new individuals during work events instead of attempting to network with everyone. By doing so at each event, women will gradually build a more meaningful network.

Receiving Feedback

For many individuals, receiving positive feedback is motivating; however, not every employer will provide it. Nonetheless, the most impactful feedback comes from within. For women, striving to do their best is what truly matters.

She advised being open to feedback, even when it’s negative, as it offers an opportunity for growth. Women should consider insights from individuals, even those they may not prefer, as there’s always something to learn from it.

“The most successful people in the world have failed so many times. So what we do as women is we expect perfection from ourselves, but that’s not realistic. You have to go into your career knowing that you will fail. You will make mistakes. It’s normal. Everybody does. Make your mistake, let it sting for a minute, and move on,” she explained.

 You Will Never Be Liked by Everyone

She expressed that being universally liked, especially in higher positions within a company, is unlikely.

“If I’m liked by everyone, then I’m not doing my job as a leader,” she said.

However, the most important aspect is for women to appreciate and like themselves. Women should speak to themselves with the same kindness and support as they would to those they care about. When negative self-talk arises, women should remind themselves of their positive qualities. They should embrace their unique skills and the distinct way they perceive things; that’s what makes someone truly special.

Uncomfortable Situations

Unfortunately, there may be instances when a male coworker puts a female in an uncomfortable situation. In such cases, Bidlack suggests that women consider these steps:

  • Be direct: Clearly ask them to stop their behavior.
  • Physically take a step back or remove themselves from the situation.
  • If the discomfort happens in a group, address it privately by speaking to the coworker.
  • Discuss the issue with their manager.
  • If needed, approach the HR department. If it’s not available, inform the manager. If their concerns are not taken seriously, reconsider working in such an environment.

Ask for Help

Bidlack stated that despite the tendency among women to avoid seeking help, it’s crucial to ask for assistance before feeling overwhelmed. Women should focus on a few things they excel at and be recognized for those strengths. Attempting to handle everything often leads to inefficiency. Instead of solely working hard, aim to achieve specific goals.

Seizing Opportunities

Cloud Computing graduate Asma Eldahshory mentioned, “I’d like to get confidence even to apply. I never apply. I say, what if they interview me and I can’t do it?”

Bidlack recommends reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, which illustrates that many successful individuals simply seized opportunities they were given, while unsuccessful ones missed those chances.

When an opportunity arises, “what you choose to do with it will either propel you toward your goals or you’ll stop and stay where you’re at. What’s the worst thing that could happen? You fail? Well, we already know we’re going to fail at things. You’re going to make mistakes? Well, we already know we’re going to make mistakes. So what does it matter, right? Give it your all – what could happen is, you’re actually successful.”

Enthusiasm about New Tools

Shamalee Jayakodi, a NOVA cybersecurity student who attended the event, was effusive about what she’d learned and felt that the session was “an amazing experience. I had an opportunity to meet powerful women who have proved that there is no limit to what we, as a woman, can accomplish. We are stronger when we support each other and cheer each other on. I’m grateful to be part of the women mentoring community.”

Nga Tran, a Cloud Computing student at NOVA praised the outcomes of the event by describing it as a “welcoming and inspiring meeting for me and great working advice for women in technology. I found heartwarming story-sharing and encouragement from fellow peers. The struggles and passion are now not only mine but for all of us to share and overcome. I found friends here and we will continue to be each other’s support throughout the journey.”

Fab Lab Jan 2024

Fab Lab Offerings

NOVA Makers

NOVA Makers is a membership program, which opens the NOVA Fab Lab to NOVA Students, Faculty and Staff to work on personal projects during our Open Labs.

How does it work?

  1. Enroll in the NOVA Makers Course on Canvas.
  2. On Canvas, pass the online Safety Orientation Certification and fill out the release form, which will make you an official member!
  3. Come-in during open lab hours to use machines and equipment. If it is your first time visiting or you need some help, ask a NOVA Fab Lab staff member for assistance.

Membership Fee

NOVA Makers is free for NOVA students, faculty, and staff.

NOVA Makers Open Lab Hours

Monday | 5pm – 9pm
Tuesday | 1pm – 5pm
Wednesday | 1pm – 5pm
Thursday | 5pm – 9pm
Friday | 9am – 12pm, 5pm – 9pm

Product Design Incubator:

Do you have a brilliant idea for a new product? The NOVA Fab Lab is hosting a Product Design Incubator for NOVA students to learn design thinking, develop entrepreneurial skills, and prototype and build a product at the NOVA Fab Lab.

PDI participants will:

  • Learn entrepreneurship skills during 6 spring workshops.
  • Design and protype a product during a summer product design incubator.
  • Pitch a product to regional entrepreneurs
  • Receive a $3000 stipend for completion

You can complete a apply PDI application at

PDI is possible thanks to a National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant.

 NOVA’s Junior Makers program creates a fun, social environment for our youngest generation of makers to be introduced to fabrication and to build confidence in their STEM and problem-solving skills!

We offer a wide range of topics and activities for 4th-8th grade students to create a unique project with their parent or guardian.

Spring 2024 sessions are now available on Saturday mornings from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. For full details and registration, visit


February 10 – Casting Chocolate Legos (Vacuum Forming)

 February 24 – Soft Circuit Creatures (Circuitry & Hand Sewing) 

 March 9 – Build a Mini Greenhouse (Wood Working & Vacuum Forming)

March 23 – Animatronics Stuffed Animal (Coding & Microelectronics)

 April 6 – 3D Print a Monster (Clay Modeling & 3D Printing)

 April 20 – T-Shirt & Jewelry (UV Printing & Laser Cutting)

 May 4 – Build a Birdhouse – NEW! (Wood Working and Painting)

 May 18 – Stomp Rockets – NEW! (Design Thinking and Fabrication)

 June 1 – Laser Cut Airplanes – NEW! (Laser Cutting)

 June 15 – Sew a Custom Handbag – NEW! (Machine Sewing)

CLRI Graduates Network With Industry Executives

Education meets opportunity! Our 6th cohort of NOVA IET CLRI (Career and Readiness Leadership Institute) grads at Northern Virginia Community College used new skills to make industry connections at our recent networking event aimed at securing #InDemandTech internships and jobs!

We had a record number of students this Fall, with 61 students at the preliminary interest meeting and 65 students attending at least one workshop.

NOVA IET’s  M. Andy Chaves and Sedrick Settle have done excellent work inspiring students to get involved and understand the value of interpersonal relationships in the technology industry.

Overall, 41 students are on track to complete CLRI, ready to get ahead with valuable soft-skills (Building Your Personal Brand, Interview Prep, Professionalism & Accountability, Effective Communication, Trends in IT, and How to Write a Technical Resume) that are vital for their technology career journey.

During the program, students were offered at least 4 site tours to Data Centers and a microchip processing plant to gain a fuller understanding of what they are preparing for.

The big finish – an Executive Mentoring and Networking Event where industry professionals advised and conversed with students to help them build their network. Many of these companies will provide internship and job opportunities to CLRI participants, as has been the case every time we do CLRI!

Big thanks to the following executives and companies who invested their time, knowledge, and experience for our CLRI grads looking to launch their careers:

CoreSiteMiguel Ramos, CMCO
Sustainable Workforce Development Solutions (SWDS) – Daisy Saulls
FedHIVEMichael Cardaci
Amazon Web Services (AWS)Stephen Jolly
Micron TechnologyMichael Guttman
A Foot in the Door, Inc.Keith W. Francis
Technology Infrastructure Advisors – Ajay Bawa

The feedback we received from students was effusive. Here’s a few of the responses:

“CLRI is an incredible program from beginning to the end, every single day was filled with great opportunities to learn and explore new careers. The best program ever created to achieve students confidence at the door step of widely expanding technology industries in Virginia. I’m thankful and grateful be in this program and hope future NOVA students will continue to be inspired by CLRI.”
Shamalee Jayakodi Arachchige

It was fantastic! I had very thoughtful and insightful discussions with industry leaders. I feel much more confident in myself and in my speaking abilities. Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate, learn, and apply the concepts you’ve instilled in my CLRI teammates and I.” – Gabriel Diaz-Rosero

“Thank you for the the event. The mentors are so welcoming, open to share and listen. We are so glad to be a part of the community. I left with a clearer vision of my next step.” – Nga Tran

NOVA students who are interested in getting in on the 2024 CLRI sessions, go to

More about CLRI at

Digital Realty Internship Leads NOVA Grad to Data Center Career

Photo: Alec Vaca during the interview at Digital Realty

Story by Kristy Gillespie, NOVA IET STEM Writer

Despite it being his day off, NOVA graduate Alec Vaca joined us in a brightly lit, spacious conference room, eager to discuss his journey from NOVA to securing an internship at Digital Realty and eventually progressing to the role of a Data Center Operations Engineer 1. Vaca was enthusiastic about the chance to share his experience with the NOVA community.  

When questioned about the moment he realized that Digital Realty was the ideal fit for him, Vaca explained with a smile, “it was at the end of my first three weeks here on this campus. I was like, this has to be it. I want to do the things that they are doing, to learn, to be as equipped as they are, because it’s amazing stuff we do here. And I really do enjoy it.”

“I was so excited. This is a new path, a new journey, a new chapter in my life. And thankfully, it worked out,” he added.

Vaca started his journey at Micron as an intern and spent three years working in fabrications. During that time, he built an impressive background at NOVA, having earned an A.A.S. degree in Automotive and another in Engineering Technology. Before marking his one-year anniversary with Digital Realty in September, he spent six weeks interning.

During the internship, Vaca had a variety of experiences. Some of his favorites included learning how to run the remote operating center, which he explained is like the “brain” of the building. He also had the opportunity to try on an arc flash suit used for critical switch manipulation. In addition, one of the projects Vaca was most proud of was a handbook that he created for future interns.

Vaca encourages NOVA students to intern at Digital Reality, a business that supports the data center and colocation strategies of firms across six continents, over twenty-five countries, and more than fifty metros. In fact, there are over fifteen locations in the Northern Virginia area alone. Vaca works at the IAD39 data center in Ashburn.

Vaca explained how his internship at Digital Realty helped him recognize his capabilities and potential within the company. During this experience, he gained valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of a data center and their direct impact on customers and their equipment.

When asked for advice he’d give to NOVA students interested in an internship at Digital Realty, Vaca emphasized the importance of open communication with professors. He suggested letting professors know about their interest in the internship opportunity. Additionally, he stressed the significance of humility, patience, and staying relaxed, as securing such opportunities often takes time.

We also had the opportunity to talk with John Limbacher, the Data Center Manager for IAD39, who, as a military veteran, acquired a technical background during his service. When asked about what Digital Realty looks for in a potential NOVA intern, he emphasized that students should have a willingness to learn, collaborate in a team environment, and possess essential soft skills, including communication, creativity, and problem-solving, among others.

Just prior to his internship at Digital Realty, Vaca had recently completed NOVA IET’s Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI), a free program offering NOVA students, particularly those in IET fields, the opportunity to enhance their competitiveness as job candidates. Vaca highlighted the CLRI’s benefits, citing his significant learning experiences in communication skills and resume building. “I’ve learned so much at NOVA and I’ve grown as a person through it,” Vaca said.

When describing a typical workday, or rather, a worknight for Vaca, he explained that it starts with discussions with the engineers to gather information on ongoing tasks and important updates. Following this, he conducts checks to ensure the stability of the Building Management System, which acts as the center’s eyes, and to address any potential need for replacing critical batteries.

For NOVA students interested in future opportunities at Digital Realty, Limbacher advised seeking out education reimbursement programs and completing certifications such as data center professional certifications, design, and construction certifications.

Limbacher also highlighted the diverse career pathways available within the company once an individual secures a position. In fact, beyond data center operations, employees have opportunities to transition into various roles including design and construction, implementation, portfolio management, marketing, sales, cybersecurity, and more.

Although there is a lot that Vaca enjoys about his career at Digital Realty, he mentioned that having positive relationships with his team is at the top of his list. He explained, “I have a voice and I can say, ok, this is a good idea, let’s go for it, or let’s talk about this because it doesn’t seem right to me.”

With an infectious smile, he added, “the biggest thing that hit me when I came here was strong relationships and I really enjoy it. I like how we communicate and that there’s good open dialogue.”

Information About Internships

Applications for Digital Realty internships can be accessed through NOVA’s Career Connection portal. Click here for DCO and here for Remote Hands. Postings will be up through November 17th:

Internships will be over the holiday break between semesters for 4 weeks up to 40 hours per week. Interns will be based at the Digital Realty locations in Ashburn and will be paid $20 per hour, with a maximum earning of $3,000.

Digital Realty is a valuable partner to the college in providing accessible pathways to in-demand technology careers. The NOVA Foundation has also provided outstanding support by establishing the NOVA IET Fund, which directly supports NOVA IET programs such as internships for the Data Center Operations program.

#InDemandTech #DigitalRealty #Internships #DataCenterOperations #DCO#InterpersonalSkills #BoldlyNOVA

Story by Kristy Gillespie, NOVA IET STEM Writer

NOVA IET Highlights 4 NSF Grants at ATE PI Conference

Our team was on-point with presentations and exhibits at the ATE Principal Investigators’ Conference #ATEPI in Washington, D.C. this week, extolling the various National Science Foundation (NSF) funded grants that have provided us with vital avenues to expand technical education to help meet the need to fill #InDemandTech jobs and careers.

Northern Virginia Community College staff and faculty Josh Labrie, Natasha Schuh-Nuhfer, Richard Sewell, Cameisha Chin, Chris Russell, Jim Crane, and Thomas (TJ) Ciccone, (VP STACK Infrastructure) were on-hand to present and highlight 4 grants at the conference:

DCO PD (Data Center Operations Program Development), intended to raise awareness for the national need for data center operations education and to increase capacity for DCO education at community colleges and technical colleges around the nation.

DCO Tech (Data Center Operations Technology Training), designed to increase regional capacity for training in Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations through expanded recruitment, employment training, and increased collaboration between industry, K-12 educators, and faculty.

MBD (Makers By Design), created to strengthen the engineering technology pathways by providing professional learning for K-12 teachers, running digital fabrication summer camps, and hosting design challenges.

PDI (Product Design Incubator), established to train groups of community college students through a product design challenge, integrating entrepreneurship training and design thinking to guide students from initial ideation through the prototyping and pitch processes.

Read more about these grants and opportunities for fellowships, training, and more at

The ATE PI conference brings together more than 800 NSF ATE grantees and their project partners to focus on the critical issues related to advanced technological education. Conference participants represent community colleges, business and industry, secondary school systems, and four-year colleges covering projects in a wide variety of areas, such as information technology, engineering technology, micro- and nanotechnologies, chemical technology, biotechnology, and others.

American Association of Community Colleges

#DataCenterOperations #DCO #DesignThinking #Fabrication#Entrepreneurship

PWCS Counselors and Advisors Visit the Fab Lab to Learn About ET and DCO

This month 18 Prince William County Schools Career Counselors and Advisors attended an information session, led by NOVA SySTEMic STEM Coordinator, Natasha Shah-Nuhfer, at the NOVA Fab Lab to learn about NOVA’s Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations programs as part of the DCO Tech Secondary Educator Externship Program.

Following the information session, they received a tour of the Engineering Technology classrooms and the Fab Lab. This visit was the first of four information sessions and tours planned for the school year.

In December, the group will visit the Medical Education Campus in Springfield to learn about NOVA’s nursing and health science programs ahead of the spring application deadlines.

Participants will finish out the externship in the spring with a tour of Micron and a local data center.

The DCO Tech Secondary Educator Externship Program is an NSF ATE-funded project to improve the pipeline of students prepared to enter the workforce as technicians for data center operations or engineering technology by providing educators, counselors, and administrators with first-hand knowledge of these career pathways through industry site visits and engagement with NOVA’s related programs of study.

Applications for the 2024 Externship will be open in January 2024 at

Click here for more info or contact Natasha Shuh-Nuhfer at


NOVA Launches DCO PD at ACTE Conference in Denver

NOVA IET launched the DCO PD (Data Center Operations Program Development) grant award with ACTE at their National Postsecondary CTE Summit in Denver on September 21st, with a call to action for college and secondary educators to participate in a DCO Fellowship that will bring them to NOVA for professional learning, then return to their schools and institutions with an action plan to implement and expand DCO in their service area.

Data Center industry experts  Anthony Hatzenbuehler, from CoreSite, Vanessa Kennedy, from STACK Infrastructure, and Jeffrey Cassar from Cologix, Inc., added their valuable insights as panelists at the launch presentation led by NOVA SySTEMic Director Josh Labrie.

Labrie opened by noting that “the DCO industry is growing fast and markets continue to strengthen across the U.S. DCO’s goal is to raise awareness for the national need for data center operations education and to increase capacity for DCO education at community colleges and technical colleges around the nation.”

One way this will be accomplished this is by bringing college and secondary educators to Northern Virginia Community College for a Professional Learning Fellowship.

By a wide margin, Northern Virginia is the No. 1 site for data centers in the country and the world. With NOVA’s upcoming Data Center Training Facility underway at the Woodbridge campus, the region is an ideal locus to facilitate training that will act as a catalyst for expansion throughout the country.

After the fellowship, participants will complete an externship at a data center in their region and develop a DCO Education Action Plan that can applied in their professional practice, inspiring and equipping more people to get into Data Center careers, no matter what their background.

Cassar stated during the panel session that “someone with a solid base education and  who’s motivated has so much opportunity within data centers. It’s a career, it’s not a stepping stone.”

Hatzenbuehlar added “what I’m looking for is somebody who has the drive, desire, and the aptitude to keep going and furthering their knowledge even beyond the education system to the industry they’re in.”

Kennedy highlighted the importance of fostering industry awareness and talent: “Data center growth in employment is outpacing the economy. There are so many career opportunities. We’ve been really big on pushing internship programs and diversity, trying to get women into the data center and technology sector. We need that talent. STACK has been partnering with NOVA to do these internships with a goal of finding them a place in the industry. We want everyone to be successful.”

Hatzenbuehlar later capped off the panel by stating “that’s what we’re looking for in partnering with NOVA – we’re really in need. there’s a ton of demand for operators and very little supply. We need to partner together to build that supply chain.”

Educators can apply for the DCO Professional Learning Fellowship here. 

Read more about DCO PD at

NOVA IET is looking forward to working with Association for Career and Technical Education and co-principle investigator, Sophia Ward-Alston on DCO PD.

Special thanks also to Thomas (TJ) Ciccone, Albertine (Laury) D.,  Josh Levi and the Data Center Coalition.

DCO PD is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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