NOVA Wins Gold, Silver, and Bronze at SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference!

NOVA’s SkillsUSA National Competitors

Back Row (L to R): Soham Nawthale, Jonatan Solomon Gebremichael, Nathaniel Bunger, Ardian Peach

Front Row: Takeshi Tamashiro-Pardo, Marcus Dent, Claudio Molina, Dhyuthi Chegu, Kanykei Korosheva, Mahelet Gebremichael, Nora Kaup

Last September, upon being recognized at a special NOVA ceremony for winning a bronze medal in Cybersecurity at the 2022 SkillsUSA National Conference, Ardian Peach was prescient about NOVA prospects in future SkillsUSA events when he declared “although this is NOVA’s first medal on the national stage, it won’t be the last.”

How right he was. Last week, June 19-23, at the 2023 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Atlanta, NOVA took home Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals, with Peach one-upping himself from last year with a silver in Cybersecurity.

The Skills USA National Leadership & Skills Conference is the ultimate recognition of excellence in career and technical education. This event brings together thousands of students, instructors, business partners, and administrators to celebrate the accomplishments of those preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, and it’s an incredible opportunity for students to showcase their talents and skills on the national level.

NOVA’s Jonatan Solomon Gebremichael Wins Gold!

NOVA triumphed with their first national gold. Jonatan Solomon Gebremichael won in the category of Internet of Things: Smart Homes, a three-day intense hands on event where he was required to install a smart TV, smart thermostat, antennae and more onto a make shift room. The event included a troubleshooting component which required him to fix certain things that “went wrong” with his installation.

Gebremichael was ecstatic over his win, saying “It felt amazing. It was something that I’ve never thought would happen because I did not imagine that I was going to win. I worked so hard, not because I wanted to win, but because I truly enjoy what I do. Being encapsulated in my work and my love and appreciation for STEM and engineering led me to this moment. I’ve won at other competitions, but nothing this big nationally, and for that I am so, so happy. Words cannot even express right now. NOVA has brought me to the forefront of my dreams.”

Read more about Jonatan’s experience here.

As mentioned earlier, Ardian Peach returned to take silver in Cybersecurity and earned back-to-back National stage winner status. The three-person team of Nathaniel Bunger, Kanykei Korosheva and Mahelet Gebremichael earned bronze in the Engineering Technology Design team challenge. Claudio Molina also took bronze in Principles of Engineering.  Dhyuthi Chegu took the silver in Extemporaneous Speaking.

Mahelet Gebremichael, Kanykei Korosheva, and Ardian Peach with their medals.

Ardian Peach remarked on his continued success “there’s really something special about being able to compete at nationals against some of the brightest students in the country, and fly home with a medal. We’ve proven that our skills go far outside the classroom and have real world impact, and I’m really proud of that. I’ve gotten opportunities at NOVA that I couldn’t get at a lot of 4 year institutions, which have definitely put me ahead. Shoutout to AllCyber at the Woodbridge campus for helping me prepare for SkillsUSA Nationals!”

Peach will transfer to University of Central Florida this Fall and just this week received news that he has been accepted to the USA National Cybersecurity Camp/Combine, which is used to select the team to compete at the International Cybersecurity Challenge.

NOVA’s SkillsUSA team began their journey in Fall 2022, which culminated in 13 gold medals at the State Championship in April (read more about that here) and 12 students qualifying for Nationals. Students arrived in Atlanta on Monday, June 19, registered and went straight to work.  Some worked on final adjustments to their projects, others put in one final night of studying and review while others met other students and industry professionals from across the country.  The conference was held at the Georgia World Congress Center with some events held at nearby venues.  Thousands of students competed from all 50 states.

The theme for the conference was “Our Time is Now” and NOVA students proved themselves up to the task.  Each team member supported each other and cheered each other on as the conference and competitive events progressed.

One of the bronze medalists In Engineering Technology, Kanykei Korosheva (who is also president of NOVA’s Student Government Association), said that being part of SkillsUSA “has truly been an extraordinary journey throughout my college experience, enriching me with invaluable skills and unforgettable memories. The camaraderie and collaborative spirit we fostered as a team were instrumental in our success. The networking aspect of SkillsUSA opened doors to new friendships, mentorship possibilities, and potential career prospects.”

Her teammate Mahelet Gebremichael added “this has been an incredible journey for me. It required courage to step out of my comfort zone and explore various areas of engineering, technology, and design through my competition. NOVA has played a crucial role in my growth by providing opportunities to engage in clubs, attend conferences, and even pursue an internship that exposed me to real-world applications of my studies. NOVA’s commitment to providing opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or level of confidence, is truly remarkable and Skills USA plays a big role in connecting students with the same passion and interest, providing a platform for collaboration and learning from one another.”

Nate Bunger, a fellow bronze medalist, was similarly grateful for the support he has received in his success: “SkillsUSA, along with the gracious help and resources of NOVA, helped build my skills, let me explore my passion, and gave me the tools necessary to succeed in our competition.”

NOVA’s medalists are listed below.

  • Jonathan Solomon Gebremichael – Gold medal: Smart Homes, Internet of Things
  • Ardian Peach – Silver medal: Cybersecurity
  • Dhyuthi Chegu – Silver medal: Extemporaneous Speaking
  • Nathaniel Bunger – Bronze medal: Engineering Technology Design, 3-person team event
  • Mahelet Gebremichael – Bronze medal: Engineering Technology Design, 3-person team event
  • Kanykei Korosheva – Bronze medal: Engineering Technology Design, 3-person team event
  • Claudio Molina – Bronze medal: Principles of Engineering

There was success for other NOVA students as well. Marcus Dent, placed 5th in telecommunications/cabling and received an immediate job offer from his mentor. Takeshi Tamashiro-Pardo competed in Information Technology and earned his industry certification, CompTIA A+ core 1 and core 2.

Along with all the students listed above, Nora Kaup – First aid/CPR, Soham Nawthale – Computer Programming, and Tanjim Redhwan – Realted Technical Math competed at the national level after winning at the State Championship in April.

Special thanks goes to NOVA IET’s CTE Coordinator M. Andy Chaves and NOVA SySTEMic’s Fab Lab Coordinator Mary Ratcliff for expertly guiding and advising students through the entire process.

Congratulations SkillsUSA NOVA students! You make us proud and boldly lead the way for others at NOVA to strive and succeed.

#BoldyNOVA #SkillsUSA #InDemandTech #NOVAIET

NOVA Student and SkillsUSA National Gold Medalist Reflects On His Journey

NOVA’s Jonatan Solomon Gebremichael won a Gold Medal at the 2023 SkillsUSA Leadership and Skills Conference in Atlanta on June 23.

Gebremichael triumphed in the category of Internet of Things: Smart Homes, a three-day intense hands-on event where he was required to install a smart TV, smart thermostat, antennae, and more items into a makeshift room.

See related story: NOVA Wins Gold, Silver, and Bronze at SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference!

We spoke to Jonatan the week after his big win and he has a great story to tell, from overcoming extreme adversity to being a SkillsUSA champion.

How did it feel to win Gold at the national level?

It felt amazing. It was something I did not imagine that I’d win. Winning States was one thing, but winning Nationals kind of blew my mind.

I worked so hard, not just because I wanted to win, but because I truly enjoy what I do. Being encapsulated in my work and my love and appreciation for STEM and engineering led me to that moment. I’ve been to multiple hackathons and engineering competitions with my friends at the Northern Virginia Community College Society of Physics Students and engineering club and we’ve competed at a NASA hackathon physics conference. I’ve won second place, I’ve won third place, but nothing this big and nationally. And for that I am so, so happy.

When I went on that stage at Nationals and they called my name out, I could not believe it – I placed as a finalist. When they called third place for someone else, I was like, “oh my God, I won second place.” And then they called second place and it was the other person, my heart just dropped because I knew I was first! At that moment I realized, I am worth it. My work has been acknowledged.

What obstacles have you overcome while building your skills?

I come from poverty. I would never wish the kind of struggles I’ve had on another person. I came here alone, 14 years old, and then my mom followed me, and then my sister followed me because we were fleeing Ethiopia, without money, drinking sparkling water so the hunger would disappear so we can sleep. We lived in a basement, renting from somebody else’s house. And I had to learn English.

It is difficult to be the parent of my mother, to be the parent of my sister, to be the breadwinner of a household, at the same time trying to reach my goals. Who am I supposed to turn to to reach these goals? I know I will achieve greatness, people told me this starting from when I built an electric sharpener out of a broken computer fan in the villages of Ethiopia when I was a kid. But my experience getting to where I am has been very hard.

What does greatness mean to you?

To have opportunities. To be significant. To be needed. To have purpose. And I will be ready at the door for opportunities because it’s stuck in my fingernails.

Earlier on, no matter how much I tried, no matter how much passion and tenacity I showed, I could never keep up with the workload. It’s not my not understanding of the subject but the struggles of being a Northern Virginia Community College student when I also have to feed my family. Even with previous accomplishments, trying to be recognized for my ability, I lost my mind when people told me, “Jonatan, you’re going to be great someday,” just for them to turn around and say my grades didn’t reflect that, it made me mad. I would hide my identity. I would hide all the problems because I didn’t want to be treated differently. I had a goal in mind to provide for the world – problem solving is the core part of who I am – helping people with kindness and care. And the SkillsUSA win was insanely great because of that.

What does the win mean to you personally?

It really hit close to home because of the adversity I am from. It gives me the opportunity to be great, to imagine growing in this field. I am not a person who is afraid of failure. I am an inventor and my purpose is way bigger than me. I joined the Society of Physics Students when I’m not even a physics major. But allowing myself to be around people that have the same purpose and passion is so wonderful to me. And that has helped me grow and learn.

Because of my immigration status and the adversity I’ve come through, showing my skills and being recognized was something that really impacted me for the first time when I was standing on that national stage.

I care about my purpose. I don’t care about money, power, or fame. I have a goal in mind and I will not stop that I get there and it is finally starting to pay off. NOVA gave me a chance to go to college when all other colleges declined me, it let me be part of a community of people who are also passionate in their field, learning and growing while having fun at the same time. This is when learning happens, not only in the classroom but through conversations and projects and work and just hanging out with your fellow classmates who are passionate about what they do.

I am also so thankful for SkillsUSA because it gave me the opportunity to show my knowledge outside the realms of traditional education. SkillsUSA and NOVA provided me with a chance to be great.

How have you achieved your goals?

Preparation and loving what you do.  No matter how bad things are, no matter how much I’m failing, no matter how much I’m struggling, I’m not giving up or letting go of my identity. My preparation was also being surrounded by people also wanting to do this, stuff like this, for fun, regardless of winning or losing.

How will this award impact your future and how will you help others?

NOVA has brought me to the forefront of my dreams. When I try to get a job, I’m able to prove myself now. Hopefully I’ll make enough money to create a learning center, but more importantly, I’ll create a scholarship for students like me that never got the support. The kid who is smart and loves what he does, but just can’t make it happen because of this trials and tribulations. I want to be there for that kid, because I went through it man. I’ll help them out. I can’t wait to help these people, because I know the kind of potential that we can give to the world – future leaders that would otherwise have been abstracted away by the society we live in.

What advice you have for other students?

Don’t let your struggles define your potential, your ability, and your identity. Do what you love. It’s so easy for great minds to disappear. If you’re are a great thinker, just stand at the door of opportunity because no matter how twisty the roads, no matter how many dead-ends, your passion and love for what you do will get you to the finish line. Places like Northern Virginia Community College specialize in these opportunities.

Jonatan with Chelle Travis, National Executive Director of SkillsUSA, after his gold medal win

Jonathan’s sister, Maddie Gebremichael, also won the bronze medal in Engineering Technology and Design, proving that vision, hard work and skill run in the family. She reflected “Thrilled and grateful to have won the bronze medal in Engineering Technology and Design at the SkillsUSA Nationals as part of the NOVA Nightwaks team! A huge thank you to Northern Virginia Community College and NOVA foundation for their incredible support and opportunities. It’s an honor to be a part of a vibrant community that truly cares about opening paths for student success.”

You can read more about NOVA’s other medal winners here.


PDI Completes Inaugural Cohort with Pitch Event

On Friday, June16th students from the Fab Lab’s inaugural Product Design Incubator (PDI) presented their product pitches to an audience of faculty, staff, and industry guests.

PDI is a project designed to train groups of community college students through a product design challenge. The PDI curriculum integrates entrepreneurship training and design thinking to guide students from initial ideation through the prototyping and pitch processes. PDI increases contact between students and industry professionals, fosters interdisciplinary collaboration between NOVA students and staff, and increases the supply of IET workers with industry-required collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills.

At the pitch event, student groups met informally with guests during a networking event, then gave formal 10-minute pitches. Two product prototypes were presented: Student Rise, a student-led recruitment service for internships; and Novagation, a mobile indoor navigation app for college campuses.

Isaiah Harris, a PDI student who helmed Novigation, said “PDI is a great opportunity because it puts you in contact with so many people in the industry and it allows you to learn so many different skills from business to marketing to product design and creative thinking. Definitely recommended. It really allows you to work as a team and will help you figure out what your strengths are and also how to improve upon your weaknesses.”

Tina Dang, another PDI student added “I’ve been able to meet some amazing people in PDI. It has taught me how to communicate better and learn how to adapt in difficult situations and has also allowed my creativity to expand.”

As far as the advisors, Fab Lab Coordinator Richard Sewell praised what the students achieved: “I’m immensely proud of the work that students accomplished during their time at the Lab. They’ve all shown tremendous growth in their ability to collaborate, innovate, and design.”

In addition, NOVA associate professor of business and PDI advisor Cameisha Chin embarked that “each project presented was clear, compelling, and commercially viable. Students demonstrated both an entrepreneurial spirit and a shrewd business sense.”

For more on PDI in general, click here.


STACK Infrastructure Wins NOVA-Nominated “Creating Excellence” Award

NOVA IET nominated STACK Infrastructure for the Virginia Department of Education and Virginia’s Community College System State Postsecondary Business and Industry Partnership “Creating Excellence” Award and they won!

STACK is Northern Virginia Community College‘s strongest ally in expanding its Data Center Operations program, serving on advisory boards, assisting with developing and improving curricula, and hosting site visits and a summer bridge program for high school students.

Chad Knights, VP of IET and College Computing at NOVA, alongside Thomas (TJ) Ciccone, VP at STACK Infrastructure (and NOVA DCO Adjunct Professor) and Anthony Antonellis, Asst. Critical Operations Manager at STACK, were on hand to receive the award at the Four Points Sheraton, Richmond on June 8.

STACK has actively worked to expand the DCO program by including additional industry partners and stakeholders, providing guidance, securing funding, preparing and teaching DCO programs of study, and presenting alongside NOVA at industry conferences.

They have been a long-time supporter of the Northern Virginia educational community, from participating in the AFCOM Internship Program to contributing to NOVA IET and NOVA’s Student Success Fund.

Ciccone reflected “Being a part of this project from its inception and watching it grow into such an impactful and meaningful program has been rewarding beyond words. The bright individuals that I’ve had the pleasure of teaching through the NVCC Data Center Operations Management class are truly going to have a lasting positive impact on our industry. Being able to witness the success of former students, some of whom join us here at STACK, is an honor that I hope to continue for many years to come. I’m proud to be a part of a program that is ushering in the next wave of data center talent.”

Antonellis added ““As an NVCC Data Center Operations program graduate, I can confidently say that the deep institutional knowledge gained in this class has been instrumental in forging a clear career path. Now I work within one of STACK’s Northern Virginia data centers, and whenever I support or lead the onsite student tours, it is always a pleasure to watch their enthusiasm and interest grow as they learn about an industry career with exciting upward mobility and a wealth of options for growth.” 

Congratulations STACK, we’re proud to partner with you!

For more on DCO at NOVA click here.

#DataCenter #DCO #northernvirginia #InDemandTech #HighDemandHighWage #YoungTalent

Educator Externship Participants’ Embark on Engineering Tech and Data Center Site Visits

The DCO Tech Secondary Externship Program for secondary educators and career counselors is grounded in the necessity to guide students into successful, in-demand tech careers.

A major component of the externship is visiting these state-of-the-art engineering technology and data center facilities to bring first-hand visuals of daily operations and knowledge gained on-site back to their classrooms.

Eighteen educators and counselors from Arlington Public Schools, Fairfax County, Loudoun County, and Prince William County Public Schools participated in industry tours in April and May to Data Centers such as CoreSite, Equinix, Iron Mountain, QTS, and STACK Infrastructure, as well as Lockheed Martin and Micron Technology. These companies are thoroughly invested in the formation of tech career pathways and provided informative tours of their facilities while fielding questions about careers in the industry.

The NSF-funded externship began in March with an introduction to NOVA’s Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations degree programs, and will conclude in July with a tour of the NOVA Fab Lab where educators will begin to work on their Plan of Action to take back what they have learned to their schools and their students.

Action Plans submitted from last year’s cohort resulted in NOVA SySTEMic school presentations, class field trips to NOVA campuses, and industry site visits by educators and their students.

Applications for 2024 Externships will be open next January. They will be announced in our newsletter and through NOVA IET Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more about Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations at NOVA, click here

AFCOM Summer Internship in Data Center Operations Lifts-Off!

The AFCOM summer internship kicked-off on May 23rd at STACK Infrastructure with an impressive gathering of students, faculty, DCO program alumni, industry leaders and internship sponsors invested in the success of the Data Center industry, the community and NOVA’s DCO programs.

AFCOM is an association for career advancement of IT and data center professionals. The 10-week internship program lead by the AFCOM Potomac Chapter, connects students to industry partners and is centered around building the data center industry by partnering with NOVA’s IET Division and providing paid summer internships to students in the DCO programs. Historically, more than 70% of these internships will lead to job offers.

For the past 4 years the NOVA IET Data Center Operations (DCO) program has provided the bulk of the students for AFCOM internships, doubling the number of interns from last year, where we provided 8 of the 11 interns that participated. This year we are providing 16 of the 20 interns, answering the challenge to have 20 interns for the summer of 2023. 

During the internship, students experience working at 2 and sometimes 3 different companies, gaining a much broader understanding of how their role as a DCO technician impacts the business and keeps this critical infrastructure up and operational 100% of the time.

A couple of years ago many students did not know what a data center was, but now they are gaining invaluable experience alongside industry giants and through the internship are becoming equipped for high-demand, high wage careers.

In addition, each intern has a mentor from the organization they are interning with as well as an AFCOM industry steward who supports them on their educational pathway beyond the internship.

NOVA IET has another program that prepares students with professional interpersonal skills, the Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI). Of the 16 NOVA interns, 7 are from CLRI.

We anticipate another successful summer of career-enhancing data center internships and look forward to continuing the successful growth next year thanks to the hard work and dedication of the AFCOM leadership team and funding provided through the GO Virginia DEEP IET grant.

Applications for AFCOM Internships for summer 2024 will be open next February. They will be announced in February in our newsletter and through NOVA IET Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more background info about NOVA pathways to IT and Data Center careers, read this article

For more about Data Center Operations at NOVA, click here

CLRI Celebrates Spring Graduates at Networking Event

On March NOVA IET hosted the Executive Mentoring (EM) and Networking event at the Annandale Campus as the culmination of the Spring Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI). 

CLRI students completing the program networked with nine industry professionals from various organizations including Microsoft, Coresite, Iron Mountain Data Centers, HRTech, Simple Technology Solutions, Cytalks, AWS, and Lockheed Martin.

A total of 23 students completed the Spring CLRI program and were recognized for their efforts with a short ceremony where they received CLRI leather portfolios and a CLRI T-shirt. They participated in facilitated roundtable discussions with the industry professionals who shared insights into careers in the IT industry before a catered networking event with CLRI grads eager to learn and build their networks.

The industry professionals shared their stories, provided career advice, and encouraged learning and professional development as keys to starting an enriching career. The CLRI program depends on the participation from industry professionals both as workshop presenters and EMs.

The Spring CLRI program offered a blended approach including virtual and in-person workshops, Technical Resume Writing, in-depth discussions about Government vetting and clearances, Mock Interviews, a team project formulated around a case study with a community service component and the EM and Networking event.

All sessions were recorded and are available through Canvas.

NOVA IET’s Sedrick Settle and M. Andy Chaves lead this Spring cohort and served as mentors and guides to encourage attendance, participation and completion of the CLRI program elements.  Many of these students have applied for paid summer internships offered through various NOVA IET strategic partners.

For more about CLRI go to



IET Career Days Bring 400 HS Students to NOVA

Our inaugural NOVA IET Career Days were a huge success, with nearly 400 high school students attending from all over northern Virginia.

Held on March 23 (Woodbridge Campus), March 30 (Annandale), March 31 (Alexandria), April 14 (Manassas), and April 28 (Loudoun), Career Days are geared toward bringing students to a NOVA campus and informing them about in-demand technology education and career pathways. More about NOVA IET here.

Career Day events featured presentations and panel discussions by industry experts, including representatives from Google, AWS, Johnson Controls, Leidos, CBRE, QTS, Digital Realty, Deletek, and NOVA, covering a range of topics, including cybersecurity, cloud computing, data center operations, computer science and more.

Industry partners discussed the latest trends and technologies in IET fields and offered advice on career development. Attendees were able to ask questions and gain valuable insights into the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in these in-demand fields.

IET Career Days are an effective example of the burgeoning collaboration between industry and academia as we continue to connect students and professionals with industry partners. Overall, the events successfully showcased NOVA’s commitment to supporting students and professionals in the fields of IET and Computer Science. Many Career Day attendees expressed their desire for similar events in the future.

“My students and I had a great time. It was a great opportunity to hear from a diverse group of professionals about their career journeys, and I have already heard from a few students who got excited about studying computing/IT/security, and about opportunities at NOVA. My students seemed to especially enjoy the tour, and the tour guide did a fantastic job of getting them excited about the facilities and resources at NOVA.”

~ Chris Jones, Counselor, Wakefield High School

NOVA’s Career Days were organized by NOVA IET’s Career and Technical Education Coordinator, Amira Alexander. You can reach her at


NOVA Students Win 13 Gold Medals at SkillsUSA State Championship!

At the SkillsUSA Virginia State Leadership Conference in Virginia Beach this past weekend, 15 students represented Northern Virginia Community College: 13 won gold medals for NOVA and 2 won silver!

Each of the gold medalists were declared State Champions in their respective competitive events (including Cybersecurity, Computer Programming, Engineering Technology Design, Information Technology Services, and more) and qualify for the National SkillsUSA Conference in June in Atlanta.

Overall there were 10 individual champions and 2 team champions (a two-person team and a three-person team).  Here are the winning NOVA students and their events:

Competition # on team NOVA Student/SKILLSUSA Member SkillsUSA Virginia State Leadership Conference 2023 Placement
Computer Programming 1 Soham Nawthale State Champion
Related Technical Math 1 Tanjim Redhwan State Champion
Cybersecurity 2 Chimere Nzedu State Champion
Cybersecurity 2 Ardian Peach State Champion
Engineering Technology Design 3 Maddie Gebremichael State Champion
Engineering Technology Design 3 Kanykei Korosheva State Champion
Engineering Technology Design 3 Nathaniel Bunger State Champion
Internet of Things 1 Jonathan Solomon Gebremichael State Champion
Extemp Speaking 1 Dhyuthi Chegu State Champion
First Aid CPR 1 Cindy Tran Silver Medalist
First Aid CPR 1 Nora Kaup State Champion
Information Technology Services 1 Alyssa Vasilica Silver Medalist
Principles of Engineering 1 Takeshi Tamashiro-Pardo* State Champion
Telecommunications & Cabling 1 Claudio Molina State Champion

The State Leadership Conference provided students with the opportunity to utilize the technical knowledge learned in the classroom to solve problems and apply what they learned (with coaching and advising from industry professionals) in a competition environment. Now they have the opportunity to represent NOVA on the national stage!

#InDemand #SkillsUSA


Fall Design Challenge Winners Awarded


The NOVA Fab Lab held an in-person awards ceremony on Friday, February 26th, to recognize the Fall 2022 Design Challenge winners. Winning students received their certificates and prizes, networked with judges and sponsors, and toured NOVA’s state-of-the-art Fab Lab after the event, where the challenge submissions were on display.

The Fab Lab holds the Design Challenge twice a year, so this ceremony was to honor students who participated in the Fall 2022 event. (The Spring 2023 challenge is soon to be announced). Of the two challenges each year, one is geared more towards design and the other is focused more on fabrication.

The Fall 2022 challenge was for middle school, high school, or college students to fabricate a replica of their favorite science fiction prop, which proved to be a popular topic. As scientists, artists, engineers, and inventors the Fab Lab staff believe the foundation of prop making, especially in science fiction requires a seamless blend of innovation, problem solving, creativity, and craft.

Students submitted their designs and design process online, then submissions were narrowed down to a final number of select projects. From there students fabricated their own props and brought them in to the Fab Lab, where winners were selected from a panel of industry judges.

There were 3 categories for award winners: College/University, High School, and Middle School. First place winners in each category received $250 plus a 3D-Printer and accessories. Second-place winners received $250, and third-place winners took home a $100 prize.

Middle School Winners:

1st Place: Max Choe, Kilmer Middle School.
Submission: “Drill to the Upside Down” from Stranger Things (3D-printed).

2nd Place: Christopher Jones, Robinson Secondary School.
Submission: Luke Skywalker’s Lightsaber from Star Wars: A New Hope (3D-printed).

3rd Place: Henry Eckholdt, Saunders Middle School.
Submission: Imperial Star Destroyer from the original Star Wars trilogy (3D-printed).

High School Winners:

1st Place: Jason Armstrong, Home School.
Submission: The Flux Capacitor from Back to the Future (Fabricated from Wood, Acrylic, and PVC),

2nd Place: Mihai Ziu, Home School.
Submission: Iron Man Mark 42 Helmet from Iron Man 3 (3D-Printed).

3rd Place: Jack Register, Manassas Park High School.
Submission: Marty McFly’s Hoverboard from Back to the Future 2 (Mixed Media).

College Winners:

1st Place: Bruce Escalante, NOVA.
Submission: The Lament Configuration Box from Hellraiser (Fabricated from Wood).

2nd Place: Makayla Draper, NOVA
Submission: Luke and Yoda’s Dagobah Lamp from The Empire Strikes Back (3D-Printed, Acrylic).

3rd Place: Sunmeet Maheshwari, NOVA
Submission: Thor’s Hammer from Avengers: Endgame (3D-printed, Leather).

Honorable Mention:
Alek Merkt, Stone Bridge High School
Stuti Aryal, Woodbridge Senior High School
Rian Doyle, Washington-Liberty High School
Christopher Robinson, NOVA

NOVA student and College division winner Bruce Escalante said “It was a really fun challenge, it helped me learn about myself and my abilities. It definitely helped me to be more problem-solving.”

Fellow NOVA student and second-place college division winner Makayla Draper reflected that the Design Challenge “allows you to think out-of-the-box and use techniques that you are getting from school. It’s a really good learning experience.”

Sunmeet Maheshwarim, another NOVA Design Challenge award winner, added “It’s one of the amazing competitions which gives you experience on the engineering side and also creativity.”

Design Thinking and creative solutions to common challenges are a prominent feature in STEM education and the technology workforce, making the Design Challenge a touchstone for talented young minds to generate ideas in an equitable way.

The NOVA Fab Lab’s mission is to decrease the growing skills gap in the digital fabrication arena by providing students a more holistic fabrication experience, including access to the most advanced processes, training in 3D Modeling and design, and a foundation in the principles of design thinking and creative problem solving.

“One of the Fab Lab missions is to empower students to think and fabricate in unison and help them unlock their potential to recognize and solve complex problems” said Richard Sewell, NOVA’s Fab Lab Coordinator.

Sponsors for the Design Challenge were BAE Systems, Micron, and Lockheed Martin.

More information about the Spring 2023 Design Challenge will be available on the NOVA Fab Lab page by mid -March, as well as on our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages. #WeDoSTEM #DesignThinking