Virginia Tech


Explore the links below to find key resources available to Transfer Students, application checklist, course transferability, transfer appointments, events, and much more to become a Virginia Tech Hokie!

Transfer Student Admissions (Source for all Virginia Tech Transfer resources)

Admissions Transfer Roadmaps (Coursework Roadmaps for every major available to Transfer Students)

Transfer Application Checklist (Application checklist for the Common App and the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR))

VCCS (Virginia Community College System) Equivalencies (Credit transferability for courses from NOVA/VCCS to VT)

Transfer Guide (Course transferability from multiple sources)

Available Transfer Majors

VCCS Guaranteed Admissions Agreements (Multiple VCCS Guaranteed Admissions Agreements to VT)

Hokie Corner – Transfer Appointments (Virtual and in-person Transfer Advising)

Special Transfer Events & Programming

VT Major/Minor Full Program Guides

BIT-Cyber Program in Northern Virginia

VT Program Checksheets