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What She Did and What I Did – A Play in One Act

What She Did and What I Did

A Play in One Act


Robert Simmons         32, male, a television news reporter

Josh Conley                25, male, a prisoner incarcerated for stalking his ex-girlfriend

(Robert is a television reporter conducting an initial interview with Josh for a cable TV program about stalkers.  Josh has been imprisoned on a charge of aggravated stalking of his ex-girlfriend Cathy.)


An adjunct room within a correctional facility.  Robert and Josh are seated across from one another at a 4’ x 8’ metal table.  Robert is wearing a nicely tailored suit, while Josh is wearing a blue prison jumpsuit. Both of them have tiny microphones attached to their clothing.  There is also a static large camera with cameraman at the rear of the table, and a static prison guard standing at the far rear of the room, behind Josh.




 [At rise: Robert and Josh are seated on opposite ends of the metal table. The interview has apparently already begun, with Robert speaking his first line to Josh immediately.]


ROBERT:  So, when you drove by the house the third time and you didn’t see her car there, what were you thinking?


JOSH:  Actually, I was pretty surprised.  I’d gone by a bunch of times over the last couple of months and it was almost always there.  I mean it was hard to see it in the dark, but she had this little glittery decal of a figure skater on the back, so if I pulled up behind it, it would reflect in my headlights.  Then I knew she was in the house.


ROBERT:  So now her car hasn’t been there three nights in a row, and you’re taken aback.


JOSH:  Yeah, it pretty much meant that either she was on vacation, or she had moved out.  Really, I was already thinking she had moved out, because, y’know, you expect that sooner or later the thing you hope won’t happen does.  I figured she’d finally gotten out of the place like she always wanted to.


ROBERT:  She had expressed that to you in the past?


JOSH:  Oh yeah, while I was seeing her, she was always talking about problems with her landlady and the kids upstairs.  You could hear ’em early in the morning, making all kinds of noise.  It was pretty nuts.  I was thinking her lease would have been up right around then.


ROBERT:  So that’s what led you to believe that she had moved out.


JOSH:  Uh huh. 


ROBERT:  How did you react?


JOSH:  It’s like, there were two places I knew she could be: at home or at her job.  Take away the one, and that means fifty percent of the information you had is gone… like that. [Loudly slaps hands together.]  But the reality of it is, y’know, I had more control when I knew where she lived, because I could go by her house pretty much any time of night when I wanted to, and keep tabs on her, or, like, I could leave stuff on her car if I felt like it.


ROBERT:  Which you did, correct?


JOSH:  Yeah, I left a note on there.


ROBERT:  What did it say?


JOSH:  I mean, how can I put it… basically what I was trying to tell her was that I thought she had treated me like shit, and then tossed me out like a piece of trash.  That was in there.


ROBERT:  Did you threaten her in the note?


JOSH:  [Pauses.]  Mmm… not really.


ROBERT:  Was there any implied threat?


JOSH:  [Pauses.]  I guess it depends on how you look at it.


ROBERT:  Okay, let’s say I’m her, reading the note that you left on my car.  Is there any reason for me to feel that I could be in danger?


JOSH:  To be honest, I really didn’t know what was in her head.


ROBERT:  So what happened after she found the note?


JOSH:  She sent me a text that morning asking if I put a note on her car.


ROBERT:  Did you respond to that?


JOSH:  I texted her back and said I haven’t tried to contact you since we broke up.  Technically, that was true, because up till then, I hadn’t tried to get in touch with her.


ROBERT:  Did she reply to what you told her?


JOSH:  She sent another text saying, “Okay, thanks.”


ROBERT:  What did you take that to mean?


JOSH:  I thought she was just trying to be sneaky, playing her little mind games, y’know, that kind of thing.


ROBERT:  What made you think that?


JOSH:  ‘Cause that’s the way she was.  You never knew with her.  I mean, it could’ve been that she’d already called the cops on me or something.


ROBERT:  But as far as you knew, she hadn’t.


JOSH:  Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t.  All I know is that the police didn’t show up at my door that day.


ROBERT:  Did you leave anything else on her car right after that?


JOSH:  No, I mean, not right away.  I didn’t want her to be getting the law involved.  I figured if I just played it cool, eventually the cards would play in my favor.


ROBERT:  Meaning?


JOSH:  Just that if I didn’t go announcing myself, she would just sit back and take a breather.


ROBERT:  Is that what you thought she was doing when you were driving by her house late at night?


JOSH:  She probably didn’t realize I was out there. [Laughs.]


ROBERT:  Which meant that you could keep tabs on her.


JOSH:  Uh huh.  Y’know, I didn’t want to arouse any suspicion, but I wanted to keep an eye on her.


ROBERT:  You did know where she worked.


JOSH:  Yeah, and that was good, but the problem was that I couldn’t do anything with it.  It wasn’t like I could just show up at her office, and I mean, that was during the day, so…  really, it was just so I knew she was still in the area.


ROBERT:  Even though, at this point, you weren’t sure she still lived in that same house.


JOSH:  Yeah, at that point, she could have been any number of places.


ROBERT:  So once you felt certain she no longer lived there, what did you do then?


JOSH:  I was hoping her car would just show up again one night, but then a couple of weeks went by, and I started getting nervous.  I mean, I didn’t want to go by her office or anything, but I really needed to find out where she was living.


ROBERT:  You began trying to find her new address.


JOSH:  That was pretty tough, too.  I mean, nowadays, you can move somewhere and nobody knows where you are.  Unless you go around trying to get that information from people, but its like, what am I gonna do, go up to one of her co-workers, like “Hey, can you tell me where Cathy lives now?” [Laughs.]


ROBERT:  But eventually, you were able to locate her.


JOSH:  It took a while, but I figured it out.  You know what they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way. [Laughs loudly.]  I already went through this thing where I was looking on the internet for her, going through Facebook, putting her name in Google.


ROBERT:  Did you gain any info from that?


JOSH:  No, it was mostly stuff like her work e-mail, and her LinkedIn page, y’know, things I already knew about.


ROBERT:  How did you track her down?


JOSH:  I was lying in bed one night, and then I remembered that her mom lived in a townhouse about ten miles or so from where she had been living, and it could’ve been that she moved back in with her.


ROBERT:  What did you do after that thought occurred to you?


JOSH:  I was pretty excited, so I got up, and pulled out the envelope where I kept all my information about her, because one time she said she would be visiting her mom that afternoon and she wrote the address down on a post-it note.  I forgot all about it, but after going through all those papers I found the note.


ROBERT:  Did you drive to her mother’s house?


JOSH:  Yeah, that same night.  I mean, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep, so I figured I’d just drive over there.


ROBERT:  And when you got there, did you see Cathy’s car?


JOSH:  Uh huh.  It was the same thing, I drove up and thought I saw her car in the parking lot, and then I pulled up behind it and saw the little skater decal and I knew it was her car.


ROBERT:  You were glad that you had found her.


JOSH:  Yeah, I felt really excited, like I’d just been on a roller coaster or something.  It’s hard to even describe it.  I mean, up ’til then, I was thinking I had lost her.


ROBERT:  Did you stay for a while after you found her car?


JOSH:  No, I mean, I didn’t need to.  I just thought that I would have to keep checking back to make sure she really was living there now.


ROBERT:  And did you?


JOSH:  Yeah, I mean, early on, I was driving by at night, just about every night, to see if her car was still there.


ROBERT:  So at a certain point you felt confident that she was living there.


JOSH:  Well, I knew at least she was living there right then.


ROBERT:  Did you try to contact her again?


JOSH:  No, not right away.  After a while though, after I saw her car at her mom’s all those times… [Long pause.]


ROBERT:  You began leaving things on her car again.


JOSH:  Yeah, I mean… one night I went to the supermarket and bought a rose, and I pulled some of the petals off it, and I went over there and scattered a few of those around.


ROBERT:  On the car or on the ground?


JOSH:  I put maybe two or three on the windshield, and some on the hood, and a few more on the pavement.


ROBERT:  So the next morning she’d know that you or possibly someone else had been there in the night and left the rose petals on her car.


JOSH:  I thought maybe it could’ve looked like they had just gotten there somehow.


ROBERT:  But you wanted her to know that you had been there.


JOSH:  Yeah, I guess you could say that.


ROBERT:  So what happened the next morning?  Did she contact you?


JOSH:  Naw, I got up that morning thinking she might send me a text or something, but I didn’t hear from her.


ROBERT:  What did you take that to mean?


JOSH:  Well, I mean, really, I didn’t know what to think.  I thought maybe she didn’t see them, and just drove to work.


ROBERT:  What did you do then?


JOSH:  I guess a few days went by, and I wasn’t really sure she had seen the rose petals, so I decided to go back and put something there that she would notice.


ROBERT:  What did you leave?


JOSH:  I went to the drugstore and got one of those really small boxes of chocolates that they have for ninety-nine cents or whatever.


ROBERT:  You left the chocolates on her car?


JOSH:  Yeah, but first I took it home and got this black spray paint I had, and I sprayed a little of it onto the plastic wrap.


ROBERT:  Why did you do that?


JOSH:  I thought if I left it on the pavement next to the driver’s side of her car, it wouldn’t stick out too much.  Just like the rose petals, I mean, I could leave it there and it wouldn’t be so obvious.


ROBERT:  After you left the chocolates, did she contact you the next morning?


JOSH:  No, I never heard from her, and I mean, just like before I began to wonder if maybe she hadn’t seen it.  I mean if it was still dark, she might not have noticed it there and just ran over it. [Laughs.]


ROBERT:  Did you think that maybe she had seen the chocolates and just wasn’t acknowledging that you had left them there?


JOSH:  That was the whole mystery of it, I mean, it began to drive me a little nuts, y’know.  I drove back the next night to see if maybe the chocolates were still there on the ground, but I looked around, even a few houses down, and I couldn’t find anything.


ROBERT:  So what did you do after that?


JOSH:  I figured next time I had to put something there that she would notice, in case she hadn’t seen the stuff I’d already left.


ROBERT:  What did you leave this time?


JOSH:  I got this really nice necklace at a jewelry store, it was like fifty bucks or something.  I tried to pick out one I thought she would like, and maybe y’know, she could wear it around.


ROBERT:  And again, you left this on her car.


JOSH:  I had them gift wrap it at the store with this silver wrap they had, just so it would stick out a little more, and I went by the house that night and put it on her windshield.


ROBERT:  Did you get any response from her after that?


JOSH:  No, and by then I was thinking, y’know, there she goes again, treating me like shit and just ignoring me.  I couldn’t understand it, really.  I thought I was being nice, y’know, making these kind gestures toward her, but she didn’t care about me, and she could just blow me off like she did before.


ROBERT:  You were sure then, that she’d seen the items you were leaving for her.


JOSH:  Yeah, I mean, she must have seen that necklace.


ROBERT:  When you didn’t hear back from her, did you get angry?


JOSH:  [Pauses.]  I think I was getting a little pissed off by then, so yeah, I… you could say I was angry.


ROBERT:  You felt certain that she was ignoring you.


JOSH:  Uh huh.


ROBERT:  You kept trying to contact her though.


JOSH:  Yeah, but I thought maybe I was using the wrong approach.  It was like, y’know, maybe I just needed to tell her… [Pauses.]


ROBERT:  Tell her what?


JOSH:  Well, I just, y’know, like I didn’t want her to be scared of me or anything.  Really, I wanted to let her know that I was there for her.  Just… [Pauses.] well, just that I was doing okay.


ROBERT:  Did you think that was something that she would be concerned about?


JOSH:  Maybe, maybe not.  I was thinking that if I could just show… [Pauses.]  If I could tell her that I wasn’t trying to make her afraid of me or anything like that.


ROBERT:  How did you hope to express this to her?


JOSH:  I just wrote out another letter to her, put it in an envelope, and left it on her car that night.


ROBERT:  What was written in the letter?


JOSH:  Just about… y’know, just how I felt about me and her.  Like I thought we should give it another chance.


ROBERT:  After she had ignored all of the other things you left for her, what made you think that she would respond this new communication?


JOSH: [Pauses.]  Well, I mean… [Pauses.]  I thought that if I showed her a better side of me, she might come around, and maybe talk to me again, and we could go out for drinks or whatever.


ROBERT:  You expressed this feeling in the letter.


JOSH:  Not exactly like that, ’cause I wrote… [Long pause.]


ROBERT:  What did you write?


JOSH:  I wrote that… [Pauses] that I still loved her even after all the bad things she did… [Pauses] and that I… [Voice trembling] that I really… I really wanted her to be with me again.  [Long pause.] I’m sorry… let me get it together…


ROBERT:  Its okay, take your time.


JOSH:  [Pause. Josh reaches up and wipes his eyes, which have gotten teary.]  This is the hard part for me, ‘cause, like, I loved this girl really just because I did, y’know, but then I hated her for what she did to me, and I went back and forth on that.


ROBERT:  Conflicting emotions.


JOSH:  Uh huh.


ROBERT:  So now, you’ve left this new letter on her car.  Did she contact you?


JOSH:  I got up the next morning and checked my phone to see if there was a text message, but there wasn’t.  So I got in the shower, and thought that maybe by the time I was done showering, there would be a new text message on my phone.


ROBERT:  Was there?


JOSH:  No. Nothing came in.


ROBERT:  Did that surprise you?


JOSH:  No, I really… I mean, I knew it might have been something she would need some time to think about, but I was hoping she’d get back to me.


ROBERT:  Did she?


JOSH:  Well, I was thinking about it while I was getting dressed, y’know, trying to imagine what she might have been felt about what I put in that letter.  Then I heard the knock on my door.


ROBERT:  I’m guessing that was the police.


JOSH:  Yeah, there were two of them, and one handed me a TRO that was saying like I wasn’t to go within five hundred feet of her, or try to contact her in any way, or y’know, stuff like that.




JOSH:  Temporary restraining order.


ROBERT:  Was that a shock for you?


JOSH:  I was really hot, man, I mean, I went and tried to be nice to her, got her that necklace, and then she turned around and put the police on me.  I just thought that was a low blow, like, why didn’t she just call me and tell me she wasn’t interested or something like that?  Why did she have to go and make a legal issue out of it?  And then I thought, y’know, I forgot about this part, ’cause this is how she really is, just ready to make a fool of me any way she can.


ROBERT:  So once again you were angry at her.


JOSH:  Well, yeah, but I think anybody in my situation would be mad.  It’s like how many times have you been nice to someone and they call the cops on you?  I don’t think there’s many that can say that, y’know, and it was just like… I knew I was on my own then.


ROBERT:  Did you consider trying to get back at her?


JOSH:  Yeah, I mean, wouldn’t you?


ROBERT:  What did you think you might do?


JOSH:  I don’t know, I mean, maybe I would… well, I couldn’t go around her mom’s house at night anymore, so there wasn’t much I could do, really.


ROBERT:  Did you still want to contact her after that?


JOSH:  I thought about it, ’cause I’d been having trouble sleeping.  I mean, it was bugging me, y’know, that she went and did this to me.  I didn’t know how to deal with it.  I felt kinda powerless.


ROBERT:  As if something had been taken away from you.


JOSH:  Exactly.  I felt like I’d already been put in prison or something.  I wasn’t free to keep an eye on her, at least I couldn’t go by her mom’s place anymore.


ROBERT:  Did these feelings get worse over time?


JOSH:  Yeah.  I was losing track of time, getting to work late, I mean, I was really getting restless.


ROBERT:  Couldn’t you distract yourself, to keep from thinking about her?


JOSH:  That was just the problem.  She wouldn’t go away.  It was like, the more they took her away from me, the more I wanted to talk to her.


ROBERT:  So what happened next?


JOSH:  There was, like, a whole week where I didn’t sleep much, so my mind began to get kinda screwy, and I started thinking the only way this was going to go away was if I talked to her.


ROBERT:  Even though you knew that because of the restraining order, you couldn’t.


JOSH:  But it was driving me crazy by then, and I knew I had to do something… so, I thought about it for a while, and just decided that I’d call her, and tell her I was sorry about the way I’d been acting, and that I would leave her alone if she wanted me to.


ROBERT:  But isn’t that what she was trying to tell you by getting a restraining order taken out on you?


JOSH:  [Pauses.]  That could be, but I also figured maybe one of her friends told her to do that, like maybe one of her co-workers told her to put the screws to me, and call the cops.


ROBERT:  And with that in mind, you were going to call her and talk to her.


JOSH:  Well, I thought it might make things better, y’know.  I started to get all my thoughts together, everything I wanted to say, I ran it through my head a few times.  Like, I wanted to be gentle, and not come off like I was some aggressive guy, but that… I wanted to show my best side to her.


ROBERT:  You thought she would respond to that.


JOSH:  I didn’t know, but I figured there was only one way I was gonna find out.


ROBERT:  So then you called her.  What was that like?


JOSH:  I got up a little nerve, y’know, I was kind of scared, but uh… I called her mom’s house, and Cathy actually answered.


ROBERT:  Do you think she knew it was you calling?


JOSH:  Probably, I think they had caller ID there, so maybe she saw my number flashing.


ROBERT:  Once she picked up the phone, what did she say?


JOSH:  She just said hello, and she was kind of pleasant, so I told her I was really sorry about the things I’d been doing, y’know, putting the stuff on her car, and that I didn’t want to drive her away, that maybe I was wrong, but I didn’t want it to get in the way of our relationship.


ROBERT:  What was her response to that?


JOSH:  She didn’t say that much, but she seemed cool with it.


ROBERT:  How long did you talk?


JOSH:  I’d say maybe, ten, fifteen minutes.


ROBERT:  Did she seem angry or express any negative feelings toward you?


JOSH:  No, and I thought that was really good.  When I got off the phone with her, I felt like… y’know, like I’d just scored a touchdown.  Like I had finally broke through, and things were gonna be okay.


ROBERT:  So right then, you were happy.


JOSH:  Damn right I was happy.  I’d finally spoken to the woman I loved, and she wasn’t pissed or angry with me… it was all just a misunderstanding, and maybe we could even go out sometime and talk about how we were doing.


ROBERT:  Which meant that you intended to stay in contact with her.


JOSH:  At first, yeah.


ROBERT:  Did something make you change your mind?


JOSH:  When I was talking to her on the phone, man, I felt high as a kite.  Even when I hung up, I was still feeling it, but maybe a half-hour later, I started feeling a little sick.  My head was spinning, and I felt like I was gonna throw up or something.


ROBERT:  What was the cause of that?


JOSH:  I started getting paranoid, and I was thinking like maybe that phone call had been taped, and it was gonna be used as evidence against me.


ROBERT:  You were worried that the police would be involved again.


JOSH:  Definitely.  It was beginning to dawn on me that maybe the whole phone call thing had just been an act on her part, and that I might be in serious trouble now.


ROBERT:  What happened next?


JOSH:  I was agitated, like, for hours.  I had this gut feeling that the police would come.  I was trying to think of ways I could get around it, y’know, like driving to another state, or maybe staying with a friend.


ROBERT:  Did you make plans to flee, or did the police arrive before you could?


JOSH:  Yeah, they came by my apartment and arrested me for violating the provisions of the TRO.


ROBERT:  What was your response?


JOSH:  I remember that it was almost like the moment they cuffed me, like I had x-ray vision or something, everything became crystal clear, and I saw through everything.  It hit me then, y’know, that I was in a lot of trouble, and might do time for this.


ROBERT:  After the police booked you, were you able to post bail?


JOSH:  Yeah, I had an uncle who came and got me.


ROBERT:  What did they charge you with?


JOSH:  Aggravated stalking, if you can believe that.


ROBERT:  I want to move forward to the hearing.


JOSH:  Okay.


ROBERT:  What happened when you appeared in court?


JOSH:  It was the usual thing, raise your right hand, and all that.  When she came into the hearing room, she looked all worn out, like she hadn’t gotten enough sleep or something.  No makeup, y’know, clothes all wrinkled…


ROBERT:  What was your impression of her appearance?  Did you think she was exhausted from of all of the events that had occurred?


JOSH:  Nah, I thought it was all an act, like her lawyer had told her to look as bad as she could for court so the judge would increase my sentence.


ROBERT:  But you don’t think that she was actually distressed because of your attempts to contact her.


JOSH:  Maybe that might have been a little part of it, but y’know, you gotta realize that this girl was a real game-player.  She would’ve done anything to make me look bad.  I think that was her goal in life.


ROBERT:  What kinds of things did she say during her testimony?


JOSH:  Aw man, you should’ve heard it, it was all kinds of crazy stuff, like she had been having trouble sleeping at night because she was afraid that I was gonna, y’know… kill her or something.


ROBERT:  Do you think she may have been afraid after you left the items on her car and then called her?


JOSH:  [Pauses.]  It’s like, I mean she might have been a little freaked out by it, but she knows me, and she knows I wasn’t trying to get revenge or anything.


ROBERT:  Her counsel brought evidence to use against you, correct?


JOSH:  They had all the stuff I’d left on her car.  It was like, each thing was in its own plastic bag, like the kind you’d put a sandwich in.


ROBERT:  They had every item you had left on her car.


JOSH:  Yeah, and it kinda burned me because she had never even opened the necklace I got her.  It was still wrapped up.


ROBERT:  Did the police record the phone call you made?


JOSH:  They did and they were gonna play it, but really, I mean, anybody that listens to it would see that I’m not a violent person, and that I meant no harm trying to get in touch with her.


ROBERT:  They didn’t play the tape?


JOSH:  No, I think they figured they already had enough stuff to get me convicted.


ROBERT:  They had all they needed to prove you were her stalker.


JOSH:  [Long pause.]  Y’know, I don’t like that term too much.  I mean, I’m not a stalker.  A stalker is someone who hunts women down to kill them, and I was just trying to let her know that I still loved her.  I mean, it’s crazy that we live in a world where someone can get arrested and sent to jail just because they love someone and want them to know that they’ve got their back.  That doesn’t make sense to me.  It’s just another thing to give those lawyers and judges something to do, y’know, to help make another payment on their Mercedes or whatever.



– James Stephens, 2nd  Place in Script

Witch Hunt

Witch Hunt


Caution tape is wrapped around a car, with the driver’s door still open. A woman sits on the curb, wrapped in a shock blanket. DETECTIVE #1 asks the first question, DETECTIVE#2 hands her a coffee mug.

DETECTIVE #1: Tell me what you remember.

MELISSA: It all happened so fast. I- I can’t remember how it happened. But I know who did it! It was Rachel Williams! She’s a WITCH!

As she collapses into tears, both detectives look shocked. Detective #2 blocks a bystander taking video on their phone.

CUT TO: Talking Head

DETECTIVE #1: What people don’t realize is that witchcraft is still a major threat to today’s society. We’re civilized people handling this in a civilized manner.

CUT TO: A person on an inversion table while the detectives spray water in their face shouting at them.

CUT TO: Talking Head


DETECTIVE #1: I just want people to be able to feel safe.


Detective #1 pounds on the door while Detective #2 stands by, ready for the worst.

DETECTIVE #1: Open up! It’s the police!

RACHEL opens the door and steps outside

RACHEL: What’s wrong, officer?

DETECTIVE #2:  (offended) That’s Detective to you!

DETECTIVE #1: Calm down, Bill. Miss, we have a warrant to search your apartment.

He holds out the warrant and drops it, thinking he’s handing it to her. She fumbles to catch it.

RACHEL: What? Why?

The detectives push past her and into her apartment splitting up to start the search immediately. DETECTIVE #1 finds a box of Twinkies and holds it up accusingly.

DETECTIVE #1: Well, well, well, what is this?

RACHEL: Twinkies?


RACHEL: I bought them before-


RACHEL: (Stammering) I heard the company was going out of business and I-

DETECTIVE #1: You heard? Or you foresaw?

The detectives exchange a glance and then proceed to arrest her.


The detectives think they are hot on the trail and about to get a confession.

DETECTIVE #1: Do you know Melissa Carter?

RACHEL: Yes, she’s my coworker. Why, has something happened to her?


DETECTIVE #1: Bill, calm down-

DETECTIVE #2: NO, BILL, YOU CALM DOWN! You never let me ask any questions! How is that supposed to make me feel?

DETECTIVE #1: (rubs his temple and sighs) Go on.

DETECTIVE #2: Thank you. (turns to RACHEL) Now, how many licks does it really take to get to the center of a oopsie pop?



DETECTIVE #1: (points to the door) Get out.

CUT TO: Talking Head

DETECTIVE #2: (Standing against a wall, with a cigarette or a lollipop) No, I don’t regret it, there are some things that a man just needs to know.

CUT TO: INT:Interrogation room

DETECTIVE #1: So, can you describe to me what happened before Mrs. Carter got locked in her car?

RACHEL:  She got locked in her car? Is that even possible?

DETECTIVE #1: Don’t play games with me Rachel.  If you come clean now, it will all be easier on you.

RACHEL: Come clean about what?

DETECTIVE #1: You have been accused of witchcraft, and so far the evidence is pretty substantial.

RACHEL: Wait, Melissa Carter accused me of witchcraft?

DETECTIVE #1: I didn’t say that! How did you know?

RACHEL: You just brought her up, and then told me, just now. Why would she think I locked her…wait a minute. I know what happened.

DETECTIVE #1: So you admit it?

RACHEL:  Admit what?

DETECTIVE #1: That you’re a witch!

RACHEL: What? No! But I think I know how Melissa got locked in her car.

DETECTIVE #1: There is no way that this could have happened without supernatural forces.

RACHEL: Yes there is.

CUT TO: Dramatization with RACHEL’S voice-over.

RACHEL: So, Melissa is an avid recreational user of marijuana, not that I care or endorse it. She was sitting in her car in the parking lot when I was leaving work. Now, I’m not saying she was doing it, but I saw a fair amount of smoke inside when I went by. I wanted to give her back the CD I borrowed, so I gestured for her to roll down the window. She freaked out, and peeled out of the parking lot. You can see the skid marks as proof.

CUT BACK TO:  Interrogation room

DETECTIVE #1: (with disdain) You really expect me to believe that?

CUT TO: Talking Head

MELISSA:  Yeah, that’s what happened. Sorry, Rachel, my bad.

CUT TO: Talking Head

OFF-CAMERA VOICE: And how do you feel about all of this?

CREW MEMBER: Well, it’s like watching a train wreck, except you’re following the train wreck around.

CUT TO:  EXT: the Detectives blatantly ignore someone getting brutally beaten as they go to RACHEL’S  house.

INT: BATHROOM. The detectives approach the JUDGE as he stands at a urinal.

DETECTIVE #1: Judge Hoffman, can we have a word?

JUDGE: How many times do I have to tell you?  If you want to talk to me, see me in my office.

DETECTIVE #2: (thinking he’s funny) You mean this isn’t your office?

DETECTIVE #1: Shut up, Bill! Please, Judge Hoffman, this is important. We have a real case here.

JUDGE:  (sighing) What is it this time?

DETECTIVE #1: We found a witch!

The JUDGE bangs his head against the wall.

CUT TO: Talking Head

JUDGE:  I really hate those guys.

OFF-CAMERA VOICE:  So why do you keep signing warrants?

JUDGE: (cracking) I just want them to leave me ALONE! It never works… (sobs)

CUT TO: Talking Head

DETECTIVE #1: I’m feeling really good about this case. Judge Hoffman loves us. Like a father, or a papa bear. This case is going to be a piece of cake.

CUT TO: Talking Head

RACHEL: I honestly have no idea how this has gotten to this point. This is ridiculous. The justice system has failed me. How in today’s modern age is this even an issue? These are the most incompetent people I have ever met.

CUT TO:  The detectives trying to get something from a vending machine but putting the money in sideways or trying to put quarters in the dollar slot. They see the camera man and chase him.

CUT BACK TO: Talking Head

RACHEL: The only thing I really want out of this documentary is for them to get fired. Please, just fire them. Oh, and Melissa: Fuck you.

Fade to black for epilogue

Rachel was found guilty. . .of being innocent.

The detectives were fired and are now trying to run their own private agency. . .nobody will hire them.

The honorable Judge Hoffman was forced into early retirement . . . he’s taking it pretty well.

Melissa was arrested on drug charges a year later. . .what took so long?

The box of Twinkies was never recovered.

The number of licks it takes to get to the center of an oopsie pop? . . .The world may never know.

– Daniel Salzberg & Meghan Oney, 1st Place in Script)


Episode Name Here

Episode Name Here

Television show: Author

Ep. 1: “Episode Name Here”


Midday. Very full of interesting pieces such as ceramics, fancy plates, statues and such. There’s a grandfather clock in the corner with a large NOT FOR SALE sign on it. CAMDEN, 30, strong, nice, Southern, is working at the register. JILL, 35, is shopping along a shelf of porcelain. She’s very nice, but strong willed and occasionally unreliable.

CAMDEN: Buy it tomorrow. Jill, honey; you’ll get fifteen percent off.

JILL: (bantering tone) Oh, but Cam, honey, you know I can’t possibly buy anything at less than full price.

SFX: CLOCK CHIMING. One o’clock.

Jill jumps. Looks at her watch. She makes a face like she wants to swear and starts to hurry, casting a longing look toward the piece she’d been examining.



ANNA, shy but hardworking, is walking along  the street leading to the store, talking on her cell phone. She’s struggling with a red scarf and her hair which are blowing about.

ANNA: Of course I wasn’t. Of course I’m not. Jimmy, please, I’m late for my interview. Okay. Love you. Bye.

And she runs straight into Jill in the doorway. They try to help each other up, but get tangled. SFX: DOOR BELL. Not doorbell, but the bell that dings when you open the door.

JILL: I’m so sorry, so sorry. Are you okay? I didn’t mean to run into you like that, I wasn’t looking where I was going and –

ANNA: (at the same time) Sorry! I’m fine,  just my boyfriend, distracted me, sorry I can’t stay, but –

BOTH: I’m late!

Beat. Both start laughing at the absurdity. Collapse against the doorjamb.  ERNEST, 40, tightly wound, appears from the back, hurries toward them.


ERNEST: Jill? What are you doing? You’re late for work. (not seeing Anna, checks his watch) And my interviewee is, too.

ANNA: Um, I’d be your interviewee. I’m sorry to arrive in so unprofessional a manner; I swear that’s not –

The shot freezes mid-scene as SFX: TELEPHONE.

CUT to a computer screen. The above dialogue is typed onscreen. An off-screen sigh and the sound of a person getting up from a chair as the phone continues to ring. REVEAL SHANNON, an unemotional woman in her 30s in


Also midday. She answers the phone.

SHANNON: Hello? (pause) Speaking. (long pause) Thank you very much. I’ll start work.

She sits back in her chair. Starts to type again.

CUT back to STORE.

ANNA: – swear that’s not a habit.

ERNEST: It’s all right. Come on back and we’ll talk. And Jill Go back to work before they notice you’re gone.

JILL: (on her way out) Don’t be too hard on her. I like this girl.

She leaves.



ZOEY: Did they call? Did you get it?

SHANNON looks up from the computer and nods. She’s not smiling, but not downcast either.

ZOEY: (con’t) Woo! I knew it! (happy dance, throwing purse down) Three cheers for The Corner Store!

She kicks her shoes off and goes to the pantry, pulls out a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. Pulls up a chair and sits in it, pouring the wine and handing a glass to Shannon.

ZOEY: (con’t) To the newest show on TV. And its creator.

They clink glasses and sip.

ZOEY: (con’t) When are you gonna tell Mark?

SHANNON: After dinner tonight.

ZOEY: (sighing romantically) Mark’s wonderful. He’ll be so happy for you.

Shannon doesn’t react. Instead she stares at the computer.

ZOEY: (con’t) Itching to keep going?

SHANNON: Stuck, actually.

ZOEY: You’II think of something. Oh, guess what? I forgot in all the excitement. I got the job! I’m a waitress at Cricket Domino’s Dinner and Entertainment.

SHANNON: That’s great, Zo!

ZOEY: I start work on Monday. And you?

SHANNON: First draft’s due in two weeks. First episode airs in three months.



Immediately after. JILL runs in and slips into an empty seat. The room is already filled with people, including ROBERTS, a tight-laced boss who never smiles.

ROBERTS: Jill? You couldn’t be bothered to be on time?

JILL: I’m sorry. Lt just happened.

ROBERTS: That’s not tolerated here. Jill. You were warned that this was becoming a problem. Can you provide me a reasonable excuse for being late?

JILL: I lost track of the time.

ROBERTS: You’re more than half an hour late for this very important meeting which you were told to be at. This is a very highly coveted position.

JILL: It won’t happen again.

ROBERTS: I should say it won’t. Collect your things.

JILL: What?

ROBERTS: Collect your things. Miss Turner. I gave you your warning more than thirty days ago. You’re through with this company.

The rest of the staff watches, sorry for her, as she leaves and walks to her nearby cubicle. She slowly picks up a framed picture of her and ERNEST, a cute glass pen holder and a pack of gum  from the desk Then she crumples down into the chair and sobs, her things still in her lap. Everyone watches.


EXT: FIRST STREET. Evening. Remarkably similar to Main Street. SHANNON walks slowly. Beside her is MARK. a personable fellow at his wit’s end. Shannon is clasping and unclasping her purse with one hand. Mark kicks a crushed soda can out of the way. Shannon takes a deep breath, makes the decision to talk, except Mark isn’t watching and says-            

MARK: Shannon?

SHANNON: That’s me.

MARK: Something I’ve been meaning to say for a while. I – I don’t think this is working.

He waits for a response, but gets none.

MARK: (con’t) I never know what you’re feeling. I don’t know whether I’m annoying you or whatever. AI says he can read his girlfriend’s mind, and they’ve been together as long as we have.

SHANNON: I talk to you.

MARK: Never about anything important.

SHANNON: Is this goodbye, then?

MARK: There you go again! You don’t even seem upset. Do you even have feelings?

SHANNON: Answer the question, please.

MARK: Yeah, I guess.

SHANNON: Goodbye, then.

She walks away. Mark seems about to say something else, then makes a face and throws his hands in the air.



Night. ZOEY is sitting in the easy chair, reading a romance novel. SHANNON opens the door and Zoey stands, dropping her book.

ZOEY: You’re home already?

SHANNON: Uh-huh.

ZOEY: Why?

SHANNON: Mark dumped me.

ZOEY: (horrified) That complete and utter loser! We should introduce him to a hot poker.

SHANNON: We don’t have a fireplace.

ZOEY: All right, a hot iron! Or you could kill him on the show.

SHANNON goes to the computer.

ZOEY: (con’t) I wasn’t serious. Where are you going?

SHANNON: I got over my writer’s block



Afternoon. ERNEST is shaking ANNA’s hand.

ERNEST: You’ II start Monday. Sound good?

ANNA: Yes, sir.

SFX: DOOR BELL as JILL enters. She and ANNA cross paths again, smiling a little. JILL’S smile is sad. She meets ERNEST at the counter as ANNA exits, off camera except for the SFX: DOOR BELL again.

ERNEST: (a little concerned. but also afraid he knows what’s coming) Jill?

JILL: (fiddling with her purse clasp) Fired. Again. I know.  I was late.

ERNEST: Jill – how often is this going to happen?

JILL: I talked to him –

ERNEST: (kicking a ball of paper on the floor) You don’t even seem to think this is important! What does it take? I can’t do this anymore, Jill.

JILL: (frightened) Are you breaking up with me?

ERNEST: You do this again and again! You promise you’ll be good, then you manage to do exactly what’II drive your boss mad!

JILL: Ernie?

ERNEST: Yes. I guess I am.


JILL: How could you? No salary, and no concern from my boyfriend, no financial support at all, instead I get no boyfriend, too! You complete and utter loser! If I’d moved in with you like you wanted, I suppose you’d turn me out onto the streets!

ERNEST: Prove to me that you can put a stable living above your random whims. Above your ideas, your preferences.

JILL: (royally furious) Fine. I will prove it. But don’t expect me to take you back when you see what you’ve let go. No, sirree.

She stalks out the front door, letting it slam as the DOOR BELL goes.



Day.  SHANNON stares at the computer. Stuck again. She gets up and starts to pace around the apartment. Finds a large plastic bone. Picks it up and fingers it.



JILL is hitting ERNEST over the head with the bone.



SHANNON moves on, finds a carpetbag.



ANNA and JILL smother ERNEST with it.



SHANNON discovers a pair of spiffy gloves and a plastic gun.



JILL, wearing the gloves, aims a real gun at an off-camera Ernest. She cocks it catlike and deadly.



SHANNON has moved into the bedroom by now. She finds a love letter signed “Mark.” She stops, reading it. ZOEY appears in the doorway. She smiles sadly. SHANNON looks up. ZOEY, stepping in, gives her a hug. SHANNON rests her head on ZOEY’S shoulder, eyes closed, but doesn’t cry.

CUT. SHANNON opens her eyes. Idea.



Immediately after. JILL catches up to ANNA.

JILL: Did you get the job?

ANNA: Yes.

JILL: Good for you.


JILL: (con’t) What’s your name?

ANNA: Anna.

JILL: Don’t ever be late, Anna.

ANNA: For…

JILL: For my boyfr – for my ex. For any job. Don’t be late. Don’t volunteer your ideas, even when you’re right. Don’t make judgment calls. Don’t argue. Don’t date the boss’s son. And don’t be late.

ANNA: I’m sorry.

JILL: Have you ever lost everything at once?


JILL starts to walk away.

ANNA: (con’t) But I could. I’m afraid, every day.

JILL stops and turns to face ANNA, who stops.





ANNA: (con’t) If he knew…

JILL: Tell him.

ANNA: How can I?

JILL: ‘cause either you’ll grow closer because he knows the real you, or it’ll end, but at least you’ll know. The wondering and waiting – that’s what gets you.

ANNA: Easy for you to say.

JILL: Ernest, he knew who I am. And he gave up on me. Maybe your boyfriend is smarter than that.



SHANNON: (whispering) He knows who I am. And he gave up on me.

ZOEY, watching her, puts on her coat and shoes, which are still by the door. She leaves, face set.




Night. The apartment is brightly furnished and comfortable, with cushy chairs and the like. JILL lays on the bed, surrounded by dropped projects, a laptop, a couple of books, a cell phone. She’s on the landline.

JILL: This time, I was ten minutes late coming back from lunch. Don’t lecture me, Mom. It’s not my fault.

SFX: CELL PHONE CHIMES. JILL checks her text messages.

CLOSE UP: cell phone.  Text from CAMDEN.

CAMDEN TEXT: Wash up. We’ll be there in five.

JILL: (con’t) I have to go. Unexpected company. Love you, too. Bye.

JILL speed-tidies, splashes some water on her face, and reapplies her makeup. SFX: DOORBELL. JILL opens the door. There are CAMDEN, ANNA and ROSITA. ROSITA is 6, adorable, and has Down’s syndrome.

CAMDEN: Ernie’s my man, but you’re my lady, Jillie, and I’m there for you, too. I brought the girls.

ANNA smiles shyly – she doesn’t really know why she’s here; she doesn’t even know this woman. ROSITA, however, runs up and hugs JILL, who hugs her back, smiling.

ROSITA: I brought Finding Nemo!

She displays the movie proudly. CAMDEN steps in, handing JILL a tub of ice cream and a box of chocolates. JILL smiles at him gratefully.

JILL: Camden, Rosita. (to ANNA)  Erm – Rosita and I are family. Cammie’s  taking the opportunity to induct you as well as comfort me.



Lunchtime. ZOEY and MARK are sitting, drinking coffee.

MARK: You here to plead Shannon’s case?

ZOEY: I’m Shannon’s best friend. It’s my duty to stand by her, so I’d stand by her even if you were justified. But I say you’re not.

MARK: I’m not justified in moving on from a relationship I can’t handle?

ZOEY: You knew Shannon. You knew she wasn’t one to show her emotions, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any. You must have known this was getting in the way. You must have known that within a few dates. You probably thought she’d warm up to you – am I right?

MARK: Sure. What’s wrong with that?

ZOEY: One, she did warm up to you. She loved you, even though you couldn’t tell. You broke her heart. And two, you had to have figured out sooner than this that it wasn’t going to work out. I’m not saying Shannon’s easy to live with – I’m not blind. But you should have left her before. I think you know that.



Same place, same people, except right through the party. It’s late. The ice cream and chocolates have been opened, and ROSITA sits on CAMDEN’S lap. There’s a bottle of wine open, too.

CAMDEN: And then, the guy says “I don’t know about any goats, but that’s my wife!”

All except ROSITA burst out laughing.

ROSITA: Tell the one about the pelican again.

ANNA: (to CAMDEN) You’re just full of animal jokes, aren’t you?

CAMDEN: Rosita thinks they don’t count, otherwise.

ROSITA: Pelican, pelican!

CAMDEN: A man goes into the doctor’s office with a pelican on his head. The doctor says, “Well, you sure need some help, don’t you?” And the pelican says, “I certainly do! Get this man out from under me!”

ROSITA giggles delightedly.

JILL: (to Anna) I think it’s supposed to have a parrot in it. Still, it’s her favorite.

ANNA: How long have you all known each other?

JILL: Rosita had just been born. So, six-odd years. She’s known me all her life. I’ll never forget, once she said to me, “All my friends think Daddy’s going to marry you. But I said no, Daddy’s adopted her.” And it’s true. He adopted me as a sister.

Everyone smiles. CAMDEN checks his watch.

CAMDEN: (to Rosita) We gotta be getting you home, missy.

They get up, stretch, stack bowls. CAMDEN opens his arms for a hug, which JILL returns.

JILL: Thank you.

CAMDEN: Nothing doing.

JILL and ANNA face each other. Tentatively, they hug.

JILL: You’ll be one of us forever now. You’ve seen too much.

ANNA: (smiles) If the parties are always this good, I could almost say I don’t care if Jimmy dumps me.

JILL: Anytime you want to talk about that.

ANNA: Another time.



SHANNON’S struggling to keep her eyes open. She walks to the bed and gets in without undressing. ZOEY comes in, looks at SHANNON sadly, and starts to get ready for bed.



FIRST STREET. SHANNON and MARK stand there. SHANNON’S arms are crossed.

MARK: I’m not here to ask you to take me back. I’m not here to apologize for leaving you.

MAIN STREET. ERNEST and JILL are in the same position on their street.

ERNEST: But I will apologize for the way I did it. I let it go on because I didn’t want to break your heart.

SHANNON: Six months you let it go on.

MARK: I know. That was wrong of me. I’ve known enough girls to know they think of everything. So I’m being straight with you. So you know how it was.

SHANNON: I appreciate that.

ERNEST: You are amazing. You’re passionate. You see things and you act on them.

MARK: I want to be the guy who can read you, read every flick of your eyes and see what you want, what you’re feeling. But I’m not that guy.

ERNEST: But it’s too much for me. It’s too unpredictable, too crazy.

MARK: And I need a girl who I don’t have to work every second I’m with her just to know what the appropriate response is.

ERNEST: You should be with the kind of man who’ll love that independence in you more than anything. Someone who’s perfect for you.

MARK: There’s a guy out there who can do it. A relationship waiting to happen that’s effortless. Ours couldn’t be like that.

ERNEST: I hope you’ll be happy, Jill.

MARK: I love you, Shannon. I hope you find the man who can know you and love you both.



SHANNON presses “send” on an email whose subject line reads “Episode One” and pushes herself away from the desk.


– Sally Little, 1st Place in Script

Princess Etcetera

Princess Etcetera






SCENE: MADELINE, sitting at a dressing room table with a mirror showing her reflection. She has a hair piece from a SUITOR.

SUITOR: (Echoing Voice) You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen – Perfect in every way.

MADELINE: (Aloud) Perfect – (stares deeply into the mirror. Leaning forward and putting hands flat on the dressing table) – is boring!

(MADELINE throws one side of the dressing table off. She slumped over till her arms are vertical on the table. She lays her head on her arms.)

MADELINE: (Village Witch Voice) Flaws, my pretty, that is what is best. [Cackle] The more crooked – (pulls some hair out of the hair piece) – the better. There is nothing more – (shifts to Queen’s Voice) –Perfect that a piece made whole once more.

(MADELINE as Queen sits up straight in the chair, crosses her legs, and begins to straighten out hair. She looks in the reflection.)

MADELINE: (Queen’s Voice) That, my darling, is what you are.  Don’t let that – (shifts to Prince’s Voice) –sniveling waste of flesh deceive you otherwise.

(MADELINE as Prince smooths down shirt and pants, uncrossed legs and sits slouched forward, looking into the mirror.

MADELINE: (Prince’s Voice) You, my beloved princess, are a fallen piece of a star- You are the remnant of a comet. A marvel to this earth. A shattered, yet whole masterpiece, that –

(MADELINE dramatically slumps forward onto the dressing room table. She then jumps up out of the chair and pushes the other side of the dressing table off.)

MADELINE: (Guardian’s Voice) – must be protected! (MADELINE, as Guardian, puts her hands on the dressing table and looks angrily into the mirror.) Those shattered pieces are sacred and must be kept hidden. Forever! Never to be – (shifts to King’s Voice) – soiled! By any hands not deemed fit to touch my angel –

(MADELINE, as King, turns and walks around chair, stands behind it, putting hands on the back of the chair. She looks into the mirror. )

MADELINE: (King’s Voice) And there is no hand belonging.to any man alive fit for that privilege. No knight. No king. No prince or nobleman will ever be worthy- (MADELINE, as King, strokes chin thoughtfully.) – unless they were, of course, to slay a dragon.

(MADELINE stumbles and on the way down and grabs the back of the chair. MADELINE shakily sits back up.)

MADELINE: (Prince’s Voice) A dragon? For the hand of the fallen star? A flame for a flame.  Such a fitting price for the rarest of jewels. A rarity of such overall loveliness –

(Outside the room – footsteps. MADELINE crumples, slumps and straightens herself up in a Kingly pose.)

MADELINE: (King’s Voice) There is never a fitting price for my daughter’s hand, boy! Enough of your water-lily talk! Your pretty words will not win this battle, fool hearted child! Will you accept this challenge?

(MADELINE’S torso lightly convulses. Her neck twitches, her head lolls to the left. She stands up straight as Prince.)

MADELINE (Prince’s Voice): For the princess’s hand, I will do whatever it takes. I will wait under her window through the rain and cold. Sit through the sun’s violent gold. I will –

(There is a knock on the room’s door.)

MADELINE: (as all) Someone approaches.

MADELINE ‘S SISTER walks in and walks behind Madeline, who stands stiffly. Madeline’s Sister walks between mirror and chair, turns to sister, and points.

SISTER: Are you really still playing that game?

MADELINE: I don’t know what you’re talking about –

SISTER: I’m talking about you, Maddy! With your head in the clouds-

(MADELINE shakes her head and SISTER crosses arms.

MADELINE: It’s better up there –

SISTER: We’re here for you, but you’re never here for us-

MADELINE: I’m here enough, sister –

SISTER: What about your life, Maddy? You have to take care of us!! The family is counting on this union to work! You have to look your best- You have to –

(SISTER reaches out and touches Madeline’s face.)



(MADELINE slumps over in the chair and SISTER exits the room.  MADELINE looks up at the mirror again. She straightens up and smiles into the mirror.)

MADELINE: (as Queen) Were you talking to yourself again, my dear? We can go consult the wise woman to get rid of them for you  –

[End Scene]

– Maya Brown, 2nd Place in Script