Weekly Tip: Stalking – What is it?

Stalking—Common on College Campuses

Stalking is a pattern of behavior that makes you feel fear. On college campuses, the stalker is often not a stranger to the victim. Four out of five campus victims know their attackers. These perpetrators may have an intimate relationship or close friendship; they may be classmates, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances or relatives of their victims. Stalkers may have traits such as jealousy, narcissism, obsession, compulsion, manipulation, deception and control.

Stalkers now use more complex methods as well. They often use technology such as GPS, phones, cameras, computers, etc. to facilitate both direct and indirect contact with victims. Stalkers also utilize traditional methods such as following victims or their loved ones. Examples of stalking are:
• receiving numerous unwanted calls, texts or emails
• “coincidental” run-ins with the same individual on multiple occasions
• being followed or watched, either physically or electronically
• finding the same person outside your work, class, or home when you leave or arrive

For more information contact NOVA Sexual Assault Services (SAS) at 703.338.0834 or by email at NOVA.SAS@nvcc.edu . For more resources about stalking, please visit http://www.nvcc.edu/novacares/sas/stalking.html