Women Helping Women – 2019
The Alexandria Campus hosted the 10th annual Women Helping Women event, sponsored by the Campus’ Women’s Retention Project and the Braden Center for Women, Gender, and Social Equity. This year’s focus was “Cultivating Courage, Confidence, and Career.” The event was attended by nearly 100 participants.
Welcome address by Dr. Jill Biden
“Cultivating Confidence, Courage and Career” (need a write up on this panel here)
Moderator Dr. Carolyn Lorente,
Panelists; Linda Gray, Arina Stopa, Ginny Holloway and Linda Campos. (need titles and professional affiliation for panelists here)
Women Helping Women – 2018 (no conference that year? need some explanation like due to COVID etc…)
Women Helping Women – 2017
The seventh annual Women Helping Women event was hosted by the Alexandria Campus’ Women’s Retention Program and the Women’s Center on March 18. This year’s focus was “Be the Change: Say It Out Loud. Personally, Professionally, Practically: Voicing Fears and Sharing Experience.” The event was co-chaired by Melanie Medina and Rachel Martin and attended by more than 65 participants.
The conference started with a welcome address by Dr. Jill Biden, Professor at NOVA, Alexandria campus.
Presentations line up:
“Be The Change, Say It Out Loud” – Welcome address by Dr. Jill Biden, followed by a presentation by former NOVA student Michelle Volberg. Michelle walked participants through an interactive workshop on empowerment and addressing Fear & Anxiety. “I thought I was alone in my struggles but looking around this room I see that I am surrounded by others just like me,” said one of the student participants.
Creating Community at NOVA – Student Panel moderated by Dr. Carolyn Lorente.
Featuring Former NOVA students – Farkuhnda Ali, Bonnie Andrade, and Nancy Dorcas. Pannelists talked about how they used the resources that NOVA offers, especially the Women’s Mentoring program and how they looked to faculty, staff and most importantly each other for support.
Discovering Your Passion and Building Your Community moderated by Rachel Martin
Featuring the following panelists: Dr. Annette Haggray, Provost, Alexandria Campus, Dr. Alka Ghandi, Economics faculty, Professor Emily Chiles, English faculty, and Melanie Medina, NOVA Librarian – Reference Specialist. Panelits discussed how creating community helped them achieve their personal and career goals.
Women Helping Women – 2016
The sixth annual Women Helping Women event hosted by the Alexandria campus’ Women’s Retention Program and the Women’s Center was held Saturday, March 20. This year’s focus was “Embracing Your Power.” More than 50 participants attended the event. The event was co-chaired by Linda Campos and Emily Chiles.
Presentations line up:
“Embracing My Power, My Powerful Resource” – Panel with former NOVA students –
Dr. Carolyn Lorente moderated a session with Deb Duncan and Lee Hunter, former NOVA students and Women’s Mentoring Project mentees, who shared their own personal struggles with self-doubt. They encouraged the students in the audience to use the resources that NOVA offers such as the Women’s Mentoring program and look to faculty, staff and most importantly each other for support.
“Tap into Your Power” presented by Eileen Farias, Director of Educational Programs at the Women’s Center in Vienna.
Eileen Farias, recognized in her seminar that tapping into our personal power may be hard. “For change to occur we have to first recognize that we are uncomfortable.” She engaged the participants in an interactive session that involved thinking through even the most basic things that we have control over.
Women Helping Women – 2015
The fifth annual Women Helping Women event hosted by the Alexandria Campus Women’s Mentoring Program was a huge success. This year’s theme was Taking Care of Yourself. Sixty-five participants attended the event which featured scholarship information, a personal essay writing workshop, and presentations on Balancing work and Life demands, dealing with stress and Proper nutrition.
Presentations line up:
“Less Stress“ presented by MaryAnn Raybuck MSW (need a write up on this panel here)
“Food Matters” presented by Susan Abramson, NOVA Faculty (need a write up on this panel here)