STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is on everyone’s minds these days, since cybersecurity is at the forefront of technological trends and our area is ripe for IT development.
Great things are happening both in the government and private sector in northern Virginia, and Northern Virginia Community College is pleased to answer the demand for well-trained IT professionals. This September, NOVA Workforce will be holding our second STEM Career Fair, aimed at students, veterans, and both entry-level and experienced IT professionals.
Prior to the career fair, career counselor Edythe Richards will be holding a free workshop for those interested in polishing their resume and interview skills in preparation for the Career Fair.
Save the date:
September 14, 1-4 PM: Resume and Interview Prep workshop
September 30, 10 AM – 2 PM: STEM Career Fair
(Registration is required; call 703-323-3281 or email
Both events will be held at NOVA’s Annandale Campus, at the Ernst Community Cultural Center.