Are you interested in training for a new career or a promotion?
Would a certification or degree advance your career?
Plan to attend NOVA’s Career Training Open House, where you can learn about dozens of affordable career training programs from NOVA and our community partners. In one place, you can get information about:
- Numerous STEM related degrees and certificates
- Job training programs through NOVA’s CBO Initiative & other NOVA partners
- Sessions on Financial Aid and Individual Training Account tuition funding
- Counseling services customized for adult students
- Flexible weekend, evening, and online courses
- Assistance for job seekers
- Services for unemployed Virginians
Attend either of the Open House events listed below:
NOVA– Manassas Campus
Innovation Park, MIP 133 &134
Saturday, March 9, 10am to Noon
Free Parking
NOVA– Annandale Campus
Ernst Center, Forum Room
Thursday, March 14, 6pm to 8pm
Free Parking in B lots and garage
- or by e-mailing
- or calling 703-425-5245
- E-mailing or leaving a voicemail? Please provide; full name, email address, phone number, and the date of event you wish to attend