Artist Regina Miele visits Stacy Slaten’s Painting Class

Washington area landscape artist, Regina Miele was kind enough to come visit us on Tuesday, March 27th.

“Edge Creek” by Regina Miele.

Regina discussed her art and what moves her to paint as well as her artistic career.  On her site, she explains her focus on the importance of light, not being just a value tool.  She’s, “attracted to times of day that express change…”

“Studio 3pm” by Regina Miele.

Her portraits, she adds, “attempt to capture someone expressing their humanity.”

Regina also spent time working with our students with in depth critiques and demos to help them learn more about color and more effective ways of color mixing that would enhance their creative process.

Regina Miele working with our student. Photo by Britt Conley

Regina’s portraits are all about mood and drawing out the character of the person or the moment.

“Basquiat” by Regina Miele.

She was able to show our students tips and techniques with checking the painterly drawings, and being more efficient with placement and proportion.

Regina Miele working with students in our Painting class. Photo by Britt Conley

The student’s loved having the opportunity to have a professional see their work and advise them on their create endeavors.

It’s was a great couple of hours and a win, win, for everyone!

To see more of Regina’s work visit

“Blue Bedroom” by Regina Miele.

Post by: Britt Conley,  Fine Art Department Studio Assistant



Students working toward November Empty Bowls donation!

The students are working hard on creating their bowls for the project. Photo by Britt Conley

Each year, our ceramics instructor, Jessica Gardner, works with her students to make over a 100 bowls for the Empty Bowls, Alexandria  community project fundraiser.

Jessica Gardener working with students. Photo by Britt Conley

The bowls are first thrown… created on the wheel and then they are trimmed to shape.

Students are working hard. Photo by Britt Conley

Empty Bowls is a national program that works with artists at the community level, to raise awareness for hunger in area communities.

What a great form! Always impressed with what the students come up with. Photo by Britt Conley

Last year the students at Alexandria campus donated more than 100 bowls toward the community fundraising efforts.

2017 Empty Bowls donations from NOVA students

Working on the wheel is one thing.. but working for the community while creating is far more rewarding.

A lot of work goes into each bowl. Photo by Britt Conley
It really is a great learning experience for the students. Photo by Britt Conley


Photo by Britt Conley

For more information about this year’s November, Empty Bowls fundraiser, with work from our NOVA students, contact Jessica Gardner at

Student work. Photo by Britt Conley

Post by: Britt Conley,  Fine Art Department Studio Assistant