All posts by alin

We’ve Arrived in the new Building

We have finally left the old Tyler Building and moved up into our brand new Center for Design, Media and the Arts Building,  just up the hill at the Alexandria Campus.  It’s right across from the Bisdorf Building.  There are also two sets of elevators and handicap parking is right outside the building.  All in all it’s really been wonderfully designed.

Center for Design, Media and the Arts. Photo courtesty of Northern Virgina Community College

The inside is just as nice the exterior.  It houses the Music, Art, Photo, Graphic Design, Theater, Communications, Physical Education and Early Childhood Development Departments.

The entry foyer of The Center for Design, Media and the Arts at Alexandria Campus. Photo by Britt Conley

The Arts Department, Graphic Design and Photography are all on the third floor.  Ceramics, Theater, Music  and PE, reside on first and second floors.

Our new Barnes & Noble bookstore houses a Starbucks! Photo by Britt Conley

We now have a brand new Barns&Noble Bookstore, which houses its own Starbucks!  They offer all the regular drink and food options that used to be a car ride away.   They  also offer numerous healthy food options as well as snacks.

Photo by Britt Conley

Our new Art Department has stunning new classrooms.  Our drawing and painting studios offer phenomenal lighting between the northern window light, tall ceilings and track lighting!

Photo by Britt Conley

The painting studio is just as spacious and also offers a full computer teaching area for presentations.

The new Ceramics studio is next to the bookstore on the first floor.  The students are loving it .

Photo by Britt Conley

The shelves are already filling up!

Photo by Britt Conle

Long gone are the old, drab, Tyler hallways.  Our new building walkways, offer TV screens and bulletin boards to grab information on the go.  They also offer seating and easy access to great views and even a soda machine right there in the department on the second floor.  Want to relax in between classes?  There are plenty of places to grab a seat and plug right into any of the tables or walls nearby.

The 1st floor, Music Department hallway at The Center for Design, Media and the Arts. Photo by Britt Conley

Each floor offers seating and great views.

Second Floor Seating. Photo by Britt Conley

The music department offers new Steinways!

All of our teaching studios and practice rooms have pianos. Photo by Britt Conley

The gym is available to students during set hours.  Stop by to see their schedule!


The Workout Center at The Center for Design, Media and the Arts. Photo by Britt Conley

Stop by the other departments and take a tour!  It’s worth visit!

Post by: Britt Conley,  Fine Art Department Studio Assistant