Category Archives: Uncategorized

NCEAS Meeting 2014

Here is a short video about the Toads, Roads, and Nodes conference at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.  The video was created by VCU student, MJ Foster.  

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Toads, Roads, and Nodes in Santa Barbara!

Professors and select students from eleven Colleges and Universities gathered at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) in Santa Barbara, California to analyze frog and toad calling data.  We are investigating at what scale certain habitat variables … Continue reading

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Biodiversity at the National Zoo

ENV 121 students enjoyed a trip to the Smithsonian National Zoo’s Amazonia exhibit to learn about biodiversity.

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Summer Classes

Enrollment for summer classes is open!  I am teaching BIO 102 in the first 5-week session (5/19 – 6/20).  Lecture (BIO 102 – 004A) Tues./Thurs. 1 – 5pm and lab (BIO 102 – 0A4A) Mon./Wed. 1 – 3:50pm.

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Community Ecology

ENV 121 students identify and measure trees at Dora Kelley Nature Park to investigate forest communities.

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Estimating carbon sequestration

Students in General Environmental Science II (ENV 122) measure trees to estimate the forest’s capacity to remove carbon from the atmosphere.  This forest, located behind Bisdorf building on campus, it one of the last undeveloped remnants of Central Appalachian / Inner … Continue reading

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Environmental Science Course Offerings Spring 2014

This spring, I am offering two sections of ENV 121 (General Environmental Science I) and one section of ENV 122 (General Environmental Science II).  Both ENV 121 and ENV 122 fulfill your science with a lab requirement for your A.S. … Continue reading

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ENV 122 Lab

Testing for fecal coliform and other water quality indicators at Ben Brenman Park                             Touring  AlexRenew Wastewater Treatment

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FREE Limo Ride!

NOVA Alexandria is having a raffle for 3 hours of FREE limo service!  There is a tie in with environmental awareness too.  Students need to “like” Northern Virginia Community College-Alexandria on Facebook, then submit a picture of them with the new NOVA shuttle.  If they get … Continue reading

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Green Apple Day of Service

Faculty and Green Club students cut bamboo to make a fence for our campus garden (coming spring 2014) for the U.S. Green Building Council’s Green Apple Day of Service.                       … Continue reading

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