The Testing Center Has MOVED!!!

The Alexandria Testing C Enter is now conveniently located

on the first floor of the Bisdorf Bldg. Our location puts you just

steps away from the Finance and Business Offices,  Student

Services and the Student Life Center.  We’re excited to be apart

of the team and welcome you to pop in and tour our location.

Room 156 in the Bisdorf Bldg

Thanks for your patience during our move.

Happy 4th July



On July 4th, the Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Jefferson. Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2nd, from then on the 4th became the day that was celebrated as the birth of American independence.

See you next year!



                                                                          December 23, 2014 (noon) – January 5, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving



Let’s use this short break to be thankful for the little things …

— that nice driver on 95 that let you cut ahead of them


— the person in the chick-fil -a line that paid it forward and you got your meal for free


— the delivery guy that actually threw your newspaper in your yard

Yes, its the little things that mean so much.