Category Archives: Preparedness

Heat Stroke Awareness

Summer is a fun time of the year. It’s prime time to head to the beach, ride roller coasters, and enjoy the outdoors. However, with summer comes heat – which can be dangerous if not protected against.

 What is Heat Stroke?

Heat Stroke occurs when the body can no longer manage excess heat. The body actually begins to trap the excess heat instead of releasing it. When this happens, the body begins to show some tell-tale signs:

  • Hot, dry skin due to a lack of sweat
  • Body temperature greater than 105°
  • Heat StrokeConfusion, dizziness, or nausea

 How Can I Prevent Heat Stroke?

Heat exhaustion itself is usually characterized by heavy sweating and weakness. If preventive actions are not taken, the body can progress quickly into the final stage of heat exhaustion – heat stroke. It isn’t always easy to notice this progression until it already occurs.

The easiest way to prevent heat stroke and other heat-related emergencies is to keep yourself and others cool and hydrated. Wear clothes that are lightweight and breathable. If you know you’re going to be outside on a hot day, drink plenty of water before and during the activity. Take frequent breaks because even casual activities can become overwhelming. Don’t forget to lather on sunscreen and reapply it frequently as your fun day in the sun progresses.

 What Should I Do If I Witness Heat Stroke?

The first thing you should do is call 9-1-1 and then attempt to cool the person down. Remove them from the heat and use shade or air conditioning to your advantage. Remove excess clothing and put a wet towel on them. Be ready to give an account of what happened to first responders when they arrive.

 For more information on Heat Emergencies, visit

Emergency Preparedness at Home – Do 1 Thing – Family Communication Plan (July)

Do 1 Thing

Today we have more ways to speak with one another than ever before. We are used to staying in touch with cell phones, internet, and email—but disasters can change that! These devices may not be available after a disaster strikes. Cell phone towers quickly become overloaded with people trying to reach friends and family. If the power is out at your home, cordless phones, internet, and email will not work either.

Do 1 Thing July Phone  THE GOAL: Have the ability to communicate with family members during a disaster.

Choose one (or all) of these things to do this month:

  • Have a phone with a cord and a car charger for your cell phone standing by in case of a power failure.
  • Develop a plan for how your family will stay in touch during a disaster.
  • Program In Case of Emergency (ICE) numbers into all family cell phones.

Each month on this blog, OEM will post Do 1 Thing’s monthly topic and we encourage you to follow the program at



Emergency Preparedness at Home – Do 1 Thing – Unique Family Needs (June)

Every household is different. Is there an infant or young child in your home? Does someone in your family have a medical condition that requires medication? Do you have a pet? Before disaster strikes, talk to your family about your household’s unique needs. Make a list of special items you may need in a disaster.

THE GOAL: Be aware of and prepare for your family’s unique needs.

Choose one (or more) of these things to do this month:

  • Talk with family members to identify your household’s unique needs.
  • Make a plan to make sure pets are taken care of in a disaster.
  • If you or someone in your household has a disability, create an evacuation plan that works for them.

Each month on this blog, OEM will post Do 1 Thing’s monthly topic and we encourage you to follow the program at

Virginia’s Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday is May 25-31

It is smart to start preparing early for hurricane and flash flooding season which arrives June 1st.  It is even smarter to save money while getting prepared.

You can do both by shopping for such products as batteries, food storage containers, generators, first aid kits, bottled water, radios, and more between May 25th and 31st during Virginia’s annual Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday.  When you do, you will not pay sales tax on many useful products that cost up to $60 or on generators costing $1,000 or less.  See the chart below for more information. 

Hurricane Preparedness

New for 2015! Gas-powered chainsaws that cost $350 or less and chainsaw accessories that cost $60 or less are tax free.  A complete list of exempt items is available at


Purchasing supplies is important, but it is critical to make a family emergency plan. Protect your family now by visiting

Help Prepare Senior Citizens With the Vial of Life Project

May is Older American’s Month and it’s important to remember that emergency preparedness for senior citizens requires additional measures many of us wouldn’t think of.

vial of lifeOne way you can prepare senior citizens (or anyone else with a complex medical history) at home is through the Vial of Life Project.

Imagine your older mother, father, or grandparent is home alone and suffers an emergency. Or perhaps a family member is home with them but can’t keep track of all their medications and doctor visits.

The Vial of Life Project is a smart way to have your medical information on hand just in case of an emergency. People find themselves in emergencies that make it difficult to think straight. Emergency personnel need to know many things about you – especially if you have a complex medical history. The Vial of Life is designed to speak for you when you can’t speak for yourself. The vial contains important medical information that can assist emergency personnel in administering the proper medical treatment.

 There are 4 simple steps to getting your Vial of Life kit ready. The form and decal can be printed using the following link:

  1. Fill out the Vial of Life form
  • Make blank copies of this form to keep information current.
  • Fill out the backside of the Vial of Life form. Answer all or any pertinent questions.
  1. Place the decal on front of a plastic baggie
  • Place the form you filled out in the plastic baggie.
  • You may also consider placing the following items in the baggie: Copy of EKG, Living Will or Equivalent, DNR (Do Not Resuscitate), and/or Recent Picture. 
  1. Place the baggie on refrigerator door
  • Securely tape plastic baggie on the front of the refrigerator door.
  • Place the decal on the refrigerator – this could be on the front or side of the refrigerator, whichever is easiest for emergency personnel to see and access. 
  1. Place the second decal on front door
  • Place the decal on the front door so it can easily be seen by anyone responding to an emergency.

 For more information about the Vial of Life Project, please visit