Category Archives: Preparedness

National Preparedness Month – Save Money by Being Prepared

Why should I spend money for something that may not happen? This is a common question people ask because being prepared does require spending money. When you consider the cost of not being prepared, you can find the small investment to purchase basic emergency supplies may save you in the long run.

Virginia’s Chesterfield County compiled a great infographic (below) that compares some of the costs of being prepared – and not.


With September being National Preparedness Month, use this time to consider items you and your family may need to remain safe—whether it be severe weather or a prolonged emergency event that may require you to shelter in place.

If you need assistance stocking your own emergency supply kit, here are two resources that will help you get started:



National Preparedness Month – Make a Plan

Emergencies and disasters can strike anyone, anytime and anywhere—even on NOVA campuses. They can happen quickly and without warning, and they can force you to evacuate your classroom, office, neighborhood, or require you to stay in your home.

It is vital that you understand what a disaster could mean for you and your family. Each person’s needs and abilities are different, but every individual can take important steps to prepare for all kinds of emergencies and to put plans in place. Get ready now by visiting the Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s (VDEM) Make a Plan page or visit the following VDEM links for specific individual planning considerations.

Family Emergency Plan

For Older Virginians

For People with Disabilities

For Pets

Sample Emergency Plan Components:


National Preparedness Month – Take 10

Picture2Everyone has 10 free minutes, right? Take 10 encourages the NOVA Community to take 10 minutes at least every semester to review College emergency procedures and ensure their contact information is up-to-date in NOVA Alert.

There are 165,600 minutes in the academic semester and many of them are spent on academics. However, it will only take 10 minutes to better prepare yourself for an emergency.   



September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month and this year’s theme is “Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today.” We   Picture1are encouraging everyone to take part, make a plan and know what to do during an emergency. This means having an up-to-date contact list for those you may need to reach during a disaster and establishing alternate methods of communication in case traditional means are not available.

NOVA’s Office of Emergency Management and Woodbridge Campus Conduct Simulated Emergency Functional Exercise to Test Emergency Response

What would you do if an emergency occurred on your campus? How would you and your department respond? These were questions asked on May 27th when NOVA’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and Woodbridge Campus conducted a simulated, interactive functional exercise.Functional Exercise 2 

The functional exercise was designed to test the coordination, integration, and interaction of the NOVA and Woodbridge Campus policies, procedures, roles, and responsibilities during the simulated event. Woodbridge Campus staff responded in real-time with on-the-spot decisions and actions made in a simulated stressful environment. All of the participants’ decisions and actions generated real responses and consequences from other staff members.

Woodbridge Campus Provost Dr. Sam Hill complimented the realistic aspects of the exercise and the readiness of his Woodbridge team. Dr. Hill added, “All of the participants came away with an understanding of how critical it is to function as a team during emergencies” and also emphasized the exercise “will make us more appreciative of advance preparation for emergencies.” Dr. Hill commended NOVA and OEM for increasing awareness and appreciation of emergency drills because it drives home the fact that everyone needs to be knowledgeable about their roles during an emergency.

Functional ExerciseNOVA’s OEM will conduct this functional exercise at all NOVA campuses to ensure each campus has the opportunity to learn from this valuable training opportunity. If you have any questions about this exercise or general emergency response topics, please email OEM at