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September is National Preparedness Month

It is hard to believe that fall will be here in just a few weeks!  As you get back into your school-year routine, you should make certain that you are taking some time to get prepared for an emergency.  Take a look around your house to see what items you may need to stock up on like new batteries or extra bottled water.  Also, make a new plan or update your current plan for what you will do and where you will go if an emergency occurs.

The following was issued by issued by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management:

Within the past two years, many Virginians have been affected by natural disasters, from the historic Mineral earthquake to hurricanes Irene and Sandy, to Tropical Storm Lee to a severe derecho wind storm and also winter storms.  Being ready for emergencies is essential, and there is no better time to prepare than September, which is National Preparedness Month. 

“Advance planning for disasters pays off,” said Michael Cline, state coordinator of emergency management.  “Those who have taken some time to get their families, homes and businesses ready for emergencies recover more quickly.  Also, it doesn’t have to cost a lot or take a lot of time to prepare.”

Families and individuals should plan as though they will be without electricity, water service, access to a supermarket or other local services for at least three days.  Follow these steps:

  • Make a plan.  This may be the single most important thing you can do, and it’s free.  Make sure everyone in your family understands where to go and what to do in case of an emergency.  Update your contact information and post it in visible places in your home and workplace.  Get a free emergency plan worksheet at or download the Ready Virginia app from the App Store and Google Play.
  • Set aside emergency supplies. Don’t wait for a storm.  Buy preparedness items throughout the year instead of all at once.  Shop at sales and used goods stores. Choose the essentials that fit your needs and budget.  If you don’t have emergency supplies, September is a good time to get started.  Get a list at
  • Store water.  You don’t have to buy expensive bottled water.  Just make sure your water containers are disinfected and airtight.  Have at least a three-day supply of water on hand – that’s one gallon per person per day. 
  • Check your policy.  Take a few minutes to review your insurance policy during National Preparedness Month.  Get with your agent to make any necessary changes.  Consider adding flood insurance because most policies don’t include it.  Renters can get flood insurance, too.  Visit for more.
  • Stay informed.   Stay aware of changing weather conditions by monitoring local media reports.  Get a battery-powered and/or hand-crank radio with a weather band so you can hear emergency information when the power is out.

To learn more about National Preparedness Month and to join the national community of people and organizations who have pledged to prepare in September, go to


Are You Ready for Severe Weather?

In light of the severe weather that hit the Midwest this past week, OEMP wants to encourage everyone to follow FEMA’s advice and, “Make a Plan.”  By going to FEMA’s website, you can find advice for all types of natural disasters from earthquakes to tornadoes.  We also encourage you to locate the Severe Weather Shelter locations closest to your office or classroom in the event that you are instructed to Shelter in Place.

What Better Time Than Now to Start Thinking About Hurricane Season!

It is that time of year to start thinking about getting your home and office prepared for severe weather.  From May 25 – 31, Virginia residents can shop tax-free for certain preparedness items (that cost up to $60 or generators that cost less than $1000).  You can take a look at the Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s website for more information and a link to the specific items that fall under this tax-exempt status.

May 1st Evacuation Power Hour Registration Is Now Open

Do you know what to do if you are told to evacuate your office or classroom while at NOVA?  Join the Office of Emergency Management and Planning (OEMP) for its upcoming May Power Hour.  This one hour bring-your-own-lunch training will teach you what to do and how others on campus might react in an emergency evacuation situation which could involve fire, hazmat chemicals, police incident, and severe weather.   As with all Power Hour sessions, this training is open to all faculty, staff, and students.

  • Topic:  On May 1st, OEMP staff will train faculty, staff, and students about Evacuations.  Come learn what you and others should do when you are told to evacuate your office or classroom due to a police incident, inclement weather, fire, or other emergency.
  • Time:  Noon to 1:00 pm.
  • Locations for the May 1st Power Hour are as follows:

Alexandria – AA 418

Medical Education – 352

  • Registration:  The training is open to all but we ask that you please register in advance as sessions may be cancelled due to low enrollment.  Faculty and staff can register through the NOVA Academy.  Once logged in, click on the Learning Center, click on Course Catalog, type OEMP into the Search Text box, and then click Search.   Select NOVA – OEMP:  Evacuation, click on the campus you would like to attend, and then click register.  Students can register by sending an email to  If you have any questions, you may also contact the office at 703-764-5043.