January 19th, 2019 2-4PM Opening for Brian Dailey, Azadeh Saheraien and Reem Akked Dardari

The Schlesinger Forum galleries is pleased to present the two major projects by Brian Dailey in collaboration with the Photography and Media Department of Northern Virginia Community College. The first opening event for this exhibition is this Saturday at the Forum Galleries.

American in Color and WORDS by Brian Dailey

America in Color by Brian Dailey

Over the course of a two-year period, Brian Dailey traveled across the country with the objective of capturing individual portraits of the uncelebrated American electorate. He organized impromptu photo shoots with more than 1,200 citizens, including those with no interest in politics or voting. In the portraits, each individual expresses their personal identity casually in dress and pose, while their political identity is a chosen backdrop: blue for Democrat, red for Republican, grey for Independent, green for the Green Party and orange for those who do not vote. The resulting body of work, “America in Color” challenges our perceptions of the many components and individuals that shape the American political process.

Form and Formation by Azadeh Sahraeian

Azadeh Sahraeian

As an architect and artist I like to create living things; not biologically alive but things that have a perceptible degree of life. Observing natural and man-made patterns and complex systems enable me to define my method in art. Hence, instead of replicating finished forms that are already settled, whether as images in the mind or as objects in the world I’d rather follow the order of these natural and artificial structures in order to generate my artworks based on their properties and characteristics.

Syriana: Paintings by Reem Akkad Dardari

Reem Akkad Dardari

Syriana  is a series of very personal statements of intellectual and emotional reflections on the humanitarian catastrophe we now lightly call, the Syrian conflict. They vary in color, from the blue of the Mediterranean, swallowing thousands of unwanted refugees, to the grey of flattened cement and the rubble of deformed “skylines”. Unidentified figures of children frozen by fear, with a man weeping in silence.