More Validation Blues?

If I were a frog, I guess I’d be singing the greens, but either way, it’s sometimes a challenge to get code validated — partly because of our own mistakes, but partly because of tag attributes that are non-standard.  I know that some of you have run into issues trying to validate the chapter 5 case study.  As we’ve discussed in class, sometimes it’s easiest to just look at the standard to see what it says is allowed.

Sitting on a shelf right over my head is “HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference”.
(See the  class Tools page for bibliographic details.)  I use it a lot to answer such questions, but sometimes I do bite the bullet and read the DTDs at  The one for framesets is at If you look there, you’ll find just which attributes are allowed for both frameset and frame tags. Today, I’ll save you the effort. For frameset, the only valid attributes are rows and cols — sorry, no frameborder. For frame, there are several valid attributes, including name, src, noresize, scrolling, marginheight, marginwidth, and YES, frameborder. Note that the valid values for frameborder are 0 and 1 (that’s not pixels, but rather signifying “no” or “yes”).

Happy coding.