Category Archives: ITD 210

Spring is blooming and resources are abounding

Just a quick grab-bag of useful stuff that has appeared this week:

  • In class recently, we’ve talked about security vulnerabilities, and some of you wondered what you should do to write secure code. I said that that’s easily a topic for an entire semester. But here’s an article that can help you get started: Safeguard your code: 17 security tips for developers
  • There are many reasons HTML and CSS might make drive you nuts. A curated list of commonly frustrating HTML and CSS quandaries, miscues, and dilemmas: WTF, HTML and CSS? (If you’re offended by slightly profane language, you might not want this.)
  • Oranges, Pickles And CSS Selectors! CSS Diner is a web-browser-based game, involving bento boxes, plates, and food on the plates. See how well you know the rules for CSS selectors.