Category Archives: Uncategorized

How birds are affected by an oil spill

ENV 122 students compared wet and oiled feathers under a microscope to see how birds are affected by an oil spill.  The left side of the feather is wet and the right side is oiled.

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Fall 2015 ENV 122 Class Visits Alexandria Renew Enterprises

My Fall 2015 ENV 122 students toured Alexandria Renew Enterprises’ wastewater treatment plant.  In this picture, students are learning about the control room at the plant.

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Register for Fall 2015

Registration is open for Fall 2015.  I am offering two sections of General Environmental Science I (ENV 121), both are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  One is 2:00 – 4:40 pm and the other is 4:50 – 7:30 pm. I am … Continue reading

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Oil Spill

Some of my students got creative during our oil spill lab.

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Garter Snake at Dora Kelley Nature Park

Found this little guy with my Environmental Science I (ENV 121) class.

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Spring is Here

Spring peepers are chorusing at Dora Kelley Nature Park in Alexandria, VA.  Students got to see one up close while doing a lab on water quality indicators.

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Ready for Spring 2015?

Open registration for the spring 2015 semester begins Nov. 17th.  I am teaching two sections of ENV 121 (T/R 4:30-7:10pm and T/R 12:30-3:10pm) and one section of ENV 122 (M/W 4:30-7:10pm). Classes begin Mon., 1/12 so you must register by … Continue reading

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Last week, my ENV 121 students heard a talk from George Mason University’s bee biologist, Dr. German Perilla, and then they toured the campus’ apiary.  The students learned about bee life history and bee conservation.  

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ENV 121 Classes Tour Amazonia

Last week, my ENV 121 classes toured the National Zoo’s Amazonia exhibit with resident biologist Ed Smith.  

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ENV Courses for Fall 2014

The fall semester begins on Wed., 8/20.  One of my ENV 121 sections is full, but ENV 121 (002A, 0A2A) on Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30-7:10pm still has a few spots. My ENV 122 on Mondays and Wednesdays 4:30-7:10pm is also … Continue reading

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